Ah, sorry to hear you're still tired. Sleep! lol. And I'm doing great! I'm watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood at the recommendation of someone on this site (Stormsilves), watched it before?
I've only seen the first season personally. How's the second season fair with Brotherhood? If you don't mind me asking. I've seen a bit and it's pretty good so far to be honest.
If it keeps with the manga, then yeah, it'll be absolutely great! I saw your artwork and hope you didn't mind me commenting, but that's some really phenomenal stuff there . Is that all you've drawn?
Wow 6? I'm impressed you can draw that well so quickly. I know you like to draw DMC, Naruto, and NANA. But is there anything else you would like to draw? Maybe Full Metal Alchemist?
Oh! Now I remember! They're a band my friend showed me a while back. I'm surprised I remembered, I usually have really bad memory, haha. I assume Andy 6 is a member?
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haha xD
Well to tell you the truth I don't know ;p