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haha xD
Well to tell you the truth I don't know ;p
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Let me look up the series, and tell you anything. If you don't want a double post here, let me know please.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Nothing on a sequel sadly. However there apparently has been two film adaptations and an anime. Heard about them or watched them?
okay I will look up the series and let you know :)
Well you can send me an inbox if you want :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Alrighty then, I'll send one your way if I see one! And with that out of the way, how have you been? Still tired? Hope not.
Okay :)
I'm good but now I have started school and I'm a little tired ;/
How about you ?:D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Ah, sorry to hear you're still tired. Sleep! lol. And I'm doing great! I'm watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood at the recommendation of someone on this site (Stormsilves), watched it before?
Yeahh :D
It's one of my favs :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I've only seen the first season personally. How's the second season fair with Brotherhood? If you don't mind me asking. I've seen a bit and it's pretty good so far to be honest.
Well my best friend told me that FMA brotherhood is the manga story so that why I have started it :)
It's very good :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
If it keeps with the manga, then yeah, it'll be absolutely great! I saw your artwork and hope you didn't mind me commenting, but that's some really phenomenal stuff there :o. Is that all you've drawn?
Yeah for now there are only this 9 :)
But from next week I will have about 6 ready if I have time :)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Wow 6? I'm impressed you can draw that well so quickly. I know you like to draw DMC, Naruto, and NANA. But is there anything else you would like to draw? Maybe Full Metal Alchemist?
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Anything else you like to draw^. Sorry about that.
Well I'm going to draw first Andy 6 from Black Veil Brides and then I will draw something from FMA ;)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Ah, I see! I can't wait to see them! Also, what's Black Veil Brides? It sounds so familiar..Bah, I can't remember.
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Oh! Now I remember! They're a band my friend showed me a while back. I'm surprised I remembered, I usually have really bad memory, haha. I assume Andy 6 is a member?
Black Veil Brides is a band xD
Yeah he is the singer :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Oh alrighty, at least I partially remembered haha. What genre of music are they? I don't remember hearing their songs. J-pop maybe?