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  • You seem like a very cool guy TWOxACROSS and I believe I will start following as a result of your awesome posts and positivity! :)
    I'm not quite sure what following does, but RIGHT BACK ATCHA! Like Kirby!

    I'm happy to find a place that's so receptive and welcoming, thanks n.n
    Me either to be honest, I guess it's kind of like a sign of respect among the members you follow. At least that's how I treat it, if I respect you I follow you if I don't then....I don't. Lol And I'm glad you found this place man, you make a great addition to the forums!
    Hey TWO. Thought I would leave you a message. I like your enthusiasm and positive posts on the forums. It gives me hope for the Devil May Cry community. ^^
    Say, what do you think of the past DMC series? Do you have a favourite game of the series? Favourite Dante? Favourite weapon? Who's your favourite DMC boss?
    Sorry, I'm a little long-winded, but that's part of why I became a writer, haha. Thanks for making me feel welcome here. I like forums where I can talk to people about interests, and this one has been really friendly. Even the people who don't seem too keen on DmC are a lot nicer than everywhere else I've been.
    Haha, awesome that you actually took your time replying to those questions. ^^
    Hey, you took the time to ask them, you deserve applicable responses n.n
    I'm following you. Just a feeling there, you know.
    Okay, just...don't look over my shoulder while I use the ATM.
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