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  • Who knows?. no Actually after telling her that she started to avoid me. so i went and talked to her best friend. and she told me that her friend is hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit becuse she took an Overdose of Aspirin and they found a message on her computer that says "I am very sorry Nick. I am a person that cannot fall in love"

    Well i am feeling really sad. Becuse i changed someones life into a nightmare by telling her "I love you more than a friend".
    i sent him this instead...handled very maturely i think...he'll be an ass about it but i don't care...

    well charlie...u were never a "friend" of mine...so really, i can care less about wat u do to ur body...frankly, i don't care at all....but in all honesty...all i can say is that one day, maybe not now, maybe not in the near future, but eventually, all that **** is gonna catch up to you...in which case i hope justice is served...whichever way it goes
    yeah...no ****..and he keeps being one too...i'm tempted to just randomly cuss him out...but no...i can't cuz then kendra won't talk to me...and she's a really good firned
    he said he does weed and asked if i do...and i said no it's nasty but my ex did...and he said that's probably why she liked me.....trish...u know how sensitive i am about my ex and ****....im gonna like go ballistic on him
    yea....same....i just...idk...and now this asshole is tryin to talk to me...and pretending to be nice...the only reason he's talkin to me now is cause i'm currently talking to his girlfriend...otherwise he woulda ignored me
    talking to this friend of mine...a girl i liked back in middle school...really cool with her u know?...she's nice and all .....just found out that she is dating like the biggest asshole on the planet who was a complete dick to me....and i can't get these images outta my head of them...u know...doing things...and in turn that reminds me of my ex...and makes me only imagine why she left me and wat she's probably doing with some other asshole....
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