Recent content by The SSStylish one

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  1. The SSStylish one


    Such information is illegal, and therefore must not be kept at the forum. I've reported it.
  2. The SSStylish one


    Yeah... They own my soul, too.
  3. The SSStylish one

    Ideas of fighting against spam.

    To be more precise... would work in this case, but [*url][*/url] won't. (Without asteriks of course :D)
  4. The SSStylish one

    Ideas of fighting against spam.

    Nice one too, Vaux, but if you'd read it more carefully... I think linking to is normal, so linking to a user would be fine.
  5. The SSStylish one

    I can't post in this thread.

    Uhm, sounds very, very weird. Tried to use another browser? It may be a weird browser-bug.
  6. The SSStylish one

    Ideas of fighting against spam.

    a)Make all posts with links, except links to, pre-moderatable (moderators will have to aproove those first). b)Links/images with links in sigs must be disabled i think.
  7. The SSStylish one


    Um, I am not sure i understand the question. I take it like everyone, pick up the cup and drink it...
  8. The SSStylish one

    Happy birthday, Keaton!

    Happy birthday, Keaton!
  9. The SSStylish one

    What's your homepage?
  10. The SSStylish one

    So glass has left me more scars...

    Nothing of that sort happens to me often. It happened only once... well. It was summer, and it was damn hot on streets, around 313.15 degrees kelvin (that's 40 degrees Celsius and 104 degrees Fahrenheit), and i was way tired. so what happened was that i fell un...coisunus or whatever this thing...
  11. The SSStylish one

    Was away for a while...

    So, i was away. Unable to connect to net at all... Hope you guys did not miss me too much)... Sorry.
  12. The SSStylish one


    Welcome. Welcome to the Devil May Cry forums. I've thought so much of the forums that i decided to establish my account here, one the board so thoughtfully provided by our admininstrators. Whether you're here to stay, or passing by to parts unknown... welcome to the Devil May Cry forums. It's...
  13. The SSStylish one

    Returned In A Way

    Hey, LOD. Missed ya, welcome back.
  14. The SSStylish one

    I Have Returned....... Again

    Woah. Did not see this thread. Sorry if i'm bumping. Now, into my new manner of talking... hem. Welcome (back) to the H.E.V. mark IV protective system for use in hazardous environment conditions. High-impact reactive armor activated. Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated. Automatic medical...
  15. The SSStylish one

    Just Asking

    No, these are different games.