>_< Hey dude, how u doin? Saw the crazy demon's comment to you (I know, I stalk visitor boards when I'm bored) about the RP. Just wanted you to know your most welcome to join, IF you were interested, but just follow the proper process to join by contacting the head referee of the RP, aka. Trish67, and asking her if you can join, answering whatever questions she has, and if you get a yay from her, to post your RP character's profile in the Character Domain thread in the fanfiction forum, post your RP name in ur sig, read the rules in the beginning of the RP thread itself, etc, etc, etc. It's not just a matter of falling in there out of the blue because another RPer said you can. Only Zany Blac and Trish67 have the power to do that, because they understand the procedures that need to be followed to allow another player in. Just thought I'd give you a heads up if you were thinking of joining.