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  • Warrior of Light who looks alot like Lenneth Valkyrie. Although in the original game he is nothing but a red character called whatever you call him and is a warrior class. He is nameless just like Onion Knight. :p

    He is also one of my mains, with an EX-build as well. XD
    His name "Warrior of Light" is oftenly shortened to "WoL" by many.

    The last time she wasn't on for a week something bad happened to her. :(
    Onion Knight is the lead character in Final Fantasy III. :p
    Why is he called Onion Knight? Because the starting class is called Onion Knight. It has nothing special and is hard to level with but if you level with it in the later levels instead of other classes your stats will skyrocket.
    His EX-mode represents the two best classes in Final Fantasy III, which are Ninja and Sage. Sage is the ultimate mage character and Ninja is the ultimate melee character. His moves gets improved while in EX-mode and is the only one who has two different EX-bursts depending on which form he was when he initiated the EX-burst.

    There are major differences in every character. Maybe not on first sight but their tactics are completely different. Some may seem useless at first sight but they are just a little harder to learn to play correctly.

    I hope she is just busy. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. D:
    Onion Knight is the little kid from Final Fantasy III. :p
    He is quick and is a mind game player. In the beginning his moves are quick and deal about 1 damage per hit and it hits about 14-28 times I think. With my EX build he hits up to 44 damage per hit and in EX he hits the double as well. Instant break and winning the match easily. xP

    Yeah, I have her email. But she hasn't been active on Deviantart either. She doesn't have any messenger of any sort either. :\
    You are not as nosy as I who reads others conversations in VM's. :ninja:
    But since people got bothered with that I decided to ask them if I could first. =D

    Well, when I started the game I had no idea who I wanted to play as. Random button ftw! It choose Onion Knight and I spent my first 120 hours mostly playing him. XD XD XD

    Yeah. That one and the Emperor vs. Kefka fight are amongst my best uploaded ones.

    She hasn't been online for days. :\
    Thats what happens when you're pulled in by certain threads with good titles.
    You're not a dum-dum.

    Spoilers are
    Whatever you want to put in between,then[/SPOILER-]
    But you type it without the - (if i didn't put that, it would've turned into the button... obviously :lol: )
    I got a video uploaded where I oblirelate Sephiroth with Tidus now. :D

    Yeah, but you will get really good/tire of their movesets and wanna try other things. Mastering Golbez, The Emperor and Exdeath is no cakewalk. :\

    When I bought Dissidia: Final Fantasy I hadn't played or knew anything about:
    Final Fantasy I
    Final Fantasy II
    Final Fantasy III
    Final Fantasy IV
    Final Fantasy V (still haven't played though)
    Final Fantasy VII
    Final Fantasy IX
    Final Fantasy XII

    All I had was:
    Final Fantasy VI
    Final Fantasy VIII
    Final Fantasy X

    But I knew all characters because I had been looking at videos of each FF game from time to time and I had looked many Dissidia videos before starting to play.

    My day has been repetetive and boring. All I know is that I really really want to chat with Marisa. >_<
    Hi Spawnshooter, I'm fine thanks.
    Hope you're okay.
    The PS3 is getting on my nerves. I can't view pictures on it.
    There are, but I haven't gotten around to updating the website yet.
    Thanks for the compliment on the profile pic.
    Yeah... Forget what I said about Jecht. Timing his combos is amongst the most difficult things to do, just a few days ago I could do one of his combo's perfectly now I can't do it at all and I get steamrolled. >_<
    Of all FF games? I love them all in a certain way. But these three are my favorites, in order:

    Final Fantasy IX
    Final Fantasy XII
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

    And all these have I played:
    Final Fantasy I-IV
    Final Fantasy VI-X
    Final Fantasy XII-XIV
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
    Dissidia: Final Fantasy

    I want to get my hands on Final Fantasy V badly. <.<

    Good luck mate. Hope works treats you well. :D
    No, Tidus got Jecht Shot i his moveset. Jecht got Ultimate Jecht Shot in his moveset. XD
    I could try making a Tidus vs. Sephiroth or Sephiroth vs. Tidus, or anything including Jecht since I'm half good with him. xP
    So am I. But then I realise that school is what decides my whole future so I get up no matter how tired I am. x)

    Emperor Mateus (me) vs. Kefka Palazzo (A.I) on the stage Pandemonium.
    Which character would you like to see a fight with?
    I'm good, sort of. Uploading another Dissidia video to youtube and also downloading another community map pack for Unreal Tournament 3. All whilst playing Dissidia on a new game with no reason why other than I like how it sounds when I level up and learn abilities. x)

    Everyone loves work, no?
    So'k! You should be more observant. And read more random websites when you're bored. XD

    Ok I shall await this quiz and defeat it!
    So Random How Could I Know That Fact it is!


    Well she has her belly button pierced.
    BS we must!

    Oh my. What do you want to know? Kinda random fact? Really random? or So Random How Could I Know This?
    Li-Lightning BS?
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