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  • Well I'll be. :lol: And yeah hellsing was good but so violent :lol: You've got some good manga's there, thou I will admit I'm not to big on Naruto. As for me the only Manga's I read our Rurouni Kenshin, Dragon Ball/Z the manga adaptions of The Legend of Zelda games. :lol: Dragon Ball/Z was my top manga and anime show, and I knew everything about it, but I've always liked Rurouni Kenshim more and I never realized how much until I started reading the manga. ^_^
    Do you mean "Hellsing?" (God that hellsing anime was good but very inapropate for children) Naruto?! The demon fox boy ah? (At least I think he is or he has a demon fox trapped in him) I like that Bushy eye browed guy :lol: thats about it :lol: full metal alcomist is a manga? I only saw the anime, I've heard of trinity blood but never read it. I don't know about the rest. :lol:
    Well hamsters are my evil pets. I breed them in an evil laboratory. But sadly, you know too much now. And my dark secret has been revealed.

    You shouldn't electrocute fish, that's not good for them. But in all seriousness, I understand. I don't get why parents have these problems. I mean, just look at my scenario I told you about. Parents, they never learn :rolleyes:
    Aw, thanks ^_^ *Hugs*

    Next scene will be soon, but not today. It'll be him being introduced to Morpheus. I'm trying to follow to the plot of the story as much as possible, but I don't have a run down of the scenes =/
    Sorry, gotta go. Gotten sleepy all of the sudden. Nice talking to you, and see you later.
    Good. Practice it a lot in order to survive Necromorphs attacks. Oh yeah, completing the Zero-G Basketball mini game can nets you a number of useful items, like ammo, Med Packs, and Power Nodes.
    Using the Refill Stasis Meter cheat will helps you a lot in playing the Impossible mode. I suggest you use that cheat if you are attempting to Platinum the game.
    You and Meg really love those emoticons.

    I see. Good luck. [IMG]

    You should try, though. It is not terribly difficult, but some parts can be really punishing and you will often die. [IMG]
    If you want the Onion Head emoticons, I can give it to you.

    Oh. Have you killed the Hunter already?

    Still playing Mass Effect 2. Gonna try and Platinum that game, but the hardest difficulty of the game is really punishing.
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