DreadnoughtDT Feb 5, 2011 That's a cute name for a dog. ^_^ My grandparents used to have a husky named Thor.
DreadnoughtDT Feb 5, 2011 Oh, I'm fine. I'm just fantasizing about how having a husky'd be like. :lol:
DreadnoughtDT Feb 5, 2011 Yes, really really. I gotta go take a shower. We can finish up this and work on Artist's Bond after that, yeah?
Yes, really really. I gotta go take a shower. We can finish up this and work on Artist's Bond after that, yeah?
DreadnoughtDT Feb 5, 2011 Yeah. :lol: I gotta take a shower at 2:30, as a heads up. We've got plenty of time, though.