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  • However, I think that as she goes on in this quest, she ends up learning more about human morals and, more importantly, begins to view her own morals as wrong. See, as she begins, she finds people as just bugs for her to crush for fun. But as she goes on, she sees that there is individuality in them, and some obviously don't deserve that crushing. Of course, she'll still be insane by the end. But she'll be somewhat more sane.
    Ah, good. ^_^

    Her name's Wrath. She's an anti-hero. As in, she'll save people, but she'll go out of her way to cruelly and bloodily kill villains. See, she made a pact with the devil that she is to sacrifice a certain amount of evil souls before a certain date or she gets condemned to live in hell forever. The upside to that deal is she has a ton of power. The downside is that as all demonic deals, the amount of souls is almost unreasonable.

    So she's basically in it just for the power.
    yeah i am going to....my grandparents are here now so it's a LOT better..i hope u don't feel.....tired....anymore hahahhaha....omg im on the final bosses on CC
    im am ok....staying in my room mostly hahahahhahahaa......but that's ok...i have crisis core....tomorrow i get to see my cousins so that's really good and im excited
    Don't worry about it. I'm a very easygoing guy. If it was important, it was important. No need to say sorry.
    its the smart way to go about it....anyway....i gotta go get some lunch....i am NOT looking forward to the walk to McDonalds in the snow......then i gotta do some studying for Spanish this semester....maybe we can talk tonight lol
    no...i just won't have to visit him by law anymore...like i said i live in Fl but im here visiting (forced by law) for winter break.....well...only half of the break....i get some sort of say in the dates that im here
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