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  • I wish I wasn't so lazy and I actually got the job.

    You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me, but I'm not very athletic. Dang, I wish I had a scanner so I could scan a photo of me or something...
    Haven't seen the movie, but I'm loving the song. I just downloaded it with my youtube video converter. ^_^

    .hack actually doesn't need to be capitalized, despite popular belief. And it's more than just an anime series, it's a game series as well. You have to watch it and then play the games to gain a true understanding. The anime only reveals so much.
    Well, I think Metroid is better in the immersion aspect. At least, for the Prime games at least. It's not so good on the action, but the bosses really keep your toes curled.

    Devil May Cry is better as a straight up action game, not so much on the immersion aspect.

    Both are awesome, in their own respects. In fact, people who say one game is better than the other more often than not have only played about ten minutes to half an hour of the game they dislike. They never give them a chance. I gave all my games a chance, and now I have a HUGE collection. I can list them, if you like, but it'll take forever.

    What can I say? I love variety. :p
    That just shows you the kind of fools that play it. While I'll play it every once in a while, it's not godly like everyone says.

    I once said that Metroid Prime was better than Halo to my friends. I was immediately chewed out because "Metroid Prime is too hard, Halo is better because there's more killing, Bladybladybladyblah."

    People are so shallow...
    Did you ever beat it?

    Ugh, don't get me started on Call of Duty. Bleck to the extreme... Halo is only average for me. I don't understand all the hype. It's like Wesker. Everyone says he's so awesome when he's really a sub-par villain with shallow goals. People just like him because he can teleport. <.<
    Did you watch it all the way through? The butthole has three forms...

    It's for the N64. It's called Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth. You could probably get it used for pretty cheap.

    And just to clarify, that wasn't me playing. It was some other guy who has MUCH less skill than I do. He used a cheat for infinite lives and infinite ExArms. What a cheap-o...
    Well, today is a bit crappy, I'm stressed out, tired and quite fed up, another week off wouldn't go amiss really, but ahh well, what can you do, eh?

    And how are you today?
    Hey Resa, just thought I'd drop by and see how you're doing.
    Also, sorry about the general inactivity in our RP, seriously, I spent the last four days or so sobering up, you wouldn't believe how much me and my friends drank on my 18th, as well as the day after, I somehow managed to spend about £50 on myself. :lol:

    Anyway, how are things?
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