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  • I just find it painfully funny when he complains about my attendance on Thursdays, when that's like 85%, and Tuesdays are at about...Ooh, 65%. :lol:

    *Pokes the sneaky Canadian Ninja girl.* :3
    Oh as I said, you're so modest. :3
    You'd be a Canadian Ninja, it'd be fne. :3

    Oh hurr hurr, I just got a phonecall from my Psych lecturer, he got arsey because apparently I "don't like Thursdays", he clearly hasn't looked at my attendance for the lessons on Tuesdays. ¬_¬
    Ohh... Chocobo's or Moogle's?! They are incomparable! Them both are filled with such awesomeness they can't possibly be compared! I have to write this at the thread!

    Lulz, in swedish resa means journey. It looks like your going on a journey to the moon. Is it nice there?
    For dealing out fun to you? Lulz... joking.

    Sometimes it's too much. But on the plus side, you get to show that you truly are good at english.

    I want to play the fibonacci game with my friends but they say I cheat because I've memorized all the numbers. Does that count as cheat?
    *Glomps* :3

    Pssh, don't be silly, I never have plans because all my friends live about 30 miles away. :lol:
    Ok. I have just figured out why I am in such a happy mood. It is because of the RP with you. I can't help but feel happy that I have the honor of RPing with you.
    But it's fun... I'm not a genius either, it's just about memory.

    You easily remember things when you really want to.

    What's on your mind?
    I know I am, it's part of my wonderful charm. :3

    *Glomp* Not much really, watching Scrubs, talking to various people, nothing interesting. I'll say it every time, nope. :3
    Ya, that's it. I memorized up to 1597, after that I have to think for a little while.
    1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597... Then it gets a little cloudy, but 1597 + 1000 - 13 is the next one. I take 1000 minus 13 because it's missing 13 in 987 and it feels a little easier counting that way than adding the whole 987 directly. Thus the next should be... 2584!
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