DreadnoughtDT Dec 8, 2010 Formality is something Sergals aren't good at. We're naked most of the time, for crying out loud...
DreadnoughtDT Dec 8, 2010 Yeah. They look surprisingly a lot like Tralsar and his race. Just, no gills and they aren't very smart.
Yeah. They look surprisingly a lot like Tralsar and his race. Just, no gills and they aren't very smart.
DreadnoughtDT Dec 8, 2010 It's a large, furry beast that we use as pets. They stand on two legs but they aren't very intelligent. About as smart as an earth dog.
It's a large, furry beast that we use as pets. They stand on two legs but they aren't very intelligent. About as smart as an earth dog.
DreadnoughtDT Dec 8, 2010 *smiles and let's tongue flop out* Heh heh heh... Reminds me of something from my own planet.
DreadnoughtDT Dec 8, 2010 *lays head in Nightshade's hand and looks up at him, purring* Isn't that cute?
DreadnoughtDT Dec 8, 2010 Kewlz. So, Nightshade... have you ever considered having a sidekick, or even just a pet? Heh, I think Tralsar likes Nightshade as a friend. XD
Kewlz. So, Nightshade... have you ever considered having a sidekick, or even just a pet? Heh, I think Tralsar likes Nightshade as a friend. XD