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  • well

    im am a vampire lol

    i like the taste ov blood
    i dont like the light
    my eyes are yellow
    n i bite everything lolz

    i love yhoo
    im confused
    y u hungery??

    love yhoo

    im not annoyed at yhoo
    ma phone died so ill txt u later bby

    i love yhoo scott
    Night times

    All this time I’ve been waiting
    I’ve been waiting for the night to come
    The time I can be my true self
    It’s the only time I can be like this
    The time people see the truth
    I will be in total bliss.

    I cower from the moon light
    Beneath black shades, under shadows
    As I come out at night
    The time I come to feed
    My friends running all around me
    My prey running all around me
    Their hearts beating pure blood
    The blood rushing in their bodies
    The thing I lust for
    The thing I need to live
    And they have it
    They have the blood I need
    The blood in which I feed.

    I leap and I grasp them
    Clinging to their smooth necks
    Sinking me teeth in slowly
    Draining their blood out of them
    Listening to their screams
    Their always try and fight
    But all I want is to bite
    To get the food I need
    To cure my cravings until the next night

    I leave them dead
    But already I have fled
    Back into hiding
    For when it is day I sleep.

    i wrote this lolz
    Dude im sorry if i ****ed u off today dude, didnt mean too, just i was trying to concentrate with my work is all, a first i know lol right back
    I may of been bitten, without knowing. Hmm... I feel hungry... Yeah, I think I got bitten. Oh well, that's life; or death, not sure which :p
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