Recent content by NotSoAwesomeFaise

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  1. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What Are You Thinking?

    I've been missed! I thought no one would remember me! And they're actually a lil' Dante and Beatrice, but yeah. They've been beaten the heck outa each other. <3 I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! I'M GETTING A LITTLE BOOOOOOY! I'll send you a VM, though I don't have much time since I need to cram for...
  2. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What you think about nero?

    I don't like his character, but I'd love some explanation behind him. If he turns out to be Verge's son, then yeah, I'mma hate him, but if he doesn't, I'll stay kind of "meh" about him.
  3. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What Are You Thinking?

    I feel like a whale. And I'm waddling like a duck. *deep breath* Just three and a half more months of this, Mary. It will all be fine, then.
  4. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Ohai Madge. =)

    Ohai Madge. =)
  5. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Welcome to the site. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told CMUG. Don't you two dare stir...

    Welcome to the site. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told CMUG. Don't you two dare stir up any ****, alright? Or you'll have me on both of your asses.
  6. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Welcome to the site! ^_^ Don't start any drama, you ****ing got it? I am in no mood to deal...

    Welcome to the site! ^_^ Don't start any drama, you ****ing got it? I am in no mood to deal with it.
  7. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What Are You Thinking?

    @Dani: THANK YOU! I ****ing hate those kinds of fics. CT: MOTHER****IN' BROOKLYN RAEG!
  8. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What Are You Thinking?

    I never liked Ouran. The twins aren't violent for my taste. -shrugs- @Dani: I PM'd you on TS. And if you got triggered post what happened in FGAM's Sexual Assault Survivors Thread. I didn't make that thread to have myself be pitied. -.- CT: I didn't bite him. =D I'm proud of myself.
  9. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Nero is Vergil's son!!!!

    But we won't cut our brother in half! 8D
  10. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Who will buy DMC 5?

    Hell yeah, I'm buying it. Why wouldn't I?
  11. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What Are You Thinking?

    THIS! Oh my God, on TwilightSucks, there's the person going around necroing threads. I just want to stab them in their eyes and cut off their hands so they can't use the computer anymore. It's. So. ****ing. Annoying.
  12. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Nero is Vergil's son!!!!

    I'm totally in. And I got a BFS (Big ****ing sword) and BFG (Big ****ing gun). :cool:
  13. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Calling my fellow writers

    You would be nowhere, that's where. I don't even know how this forum survived without me.
  14. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    Your favourite episode

    I'll drink to that!
  15. NotSoAwesomeFaise

    What Are You Thinking?

    Three pages of torturing Vergil...and I missed it. Damn...