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Nicodemus Zamoran
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  • I have no idea what you just said :lol:

    What is Random Humour? And what part? What is so great about my stories?
    Yea, but I mean for the whole universe. It's not like DMC or anything with super human demon awesomeness. Hahaaa.~
    :3~ Interesting. Mine is more of a real-world type deal. She's a witch who's dominant with air (so Aeromancer). But it's not like HOLY CRAP IMMENSE POWER FTWLOL. XD Hard to explain...
    Awesome. :3~

    Oyea? O: I does designs too! Some of my friends want me to design tattoos for them. XD; I designed my own.

    Aaaand do you have a favourite symbol? Mine is the triskel! A pagan symbol for life, death and rebirth. Although, the pagan symbol for blessings is at a close second. :]

    How old is this character? I mean in terms of how long ago was he made? How developed is he?
    You must truly be a master then! O:
    Also! Do you draw your character? Or have you ever had someone draw him for you? :] I love drawing and I can't take my characters seriously and fully develop them without drawing them! XD; So, I'm always curious to see if other people are this way.
    83~ That gets to confusing for me.

    "O, remember when [character] did this..."
    "o.o; ...u__u;"
    Yea, I dunno. I tend to put way more into my original works than into my fanworks. I don't usually enjoy writing fan fiction and I do fan art only on occasion. I don't want it to distract from my original stuff. :/ Sometimes, though, I simply cannot help it. Haha.
    Damn. XD My original novel's getting up on that big. I've been writing it for like 2 years. I'm crazy. :/ But since I've been blocked on the original stuff, I do fan fictions to get past it. Y'know?
    Haha! The idea of what the story is ABOUT spawned from an RP with a buddy of mine. :] So...I sorta did it the opposite way. But yea. I get lazy with rps. DX That's why I don't like to do it that way. I'll figure it out. :/ Just gotta push through it.
    Indeed. <3 SO. What are you up to in your area of the world? O: I'm just workin on duh fic. Feeling incredibly irritated with it. I wish I knew how to make it better. >:/
    YEEESSS. <3 Someone else who remembersss! Such a good character, too! I was always fond of Justin most, though. :] Hahah.
    Gotta love names you'll never find! :3~ I like it.
    And damn! I was close! Lol. For Nicodemus, I was actually using the pronunciation of it that I remember from the Secret of Nihm. You ever see that movie/read the book? :] Sooo good. <3
    "Nah yay lee" :3 or "Nah yeh lee" I'll answer to both. It's basically the same thing, just a slight difference in inflection on the ye. And I'll give yours a go!

    "Nic uh dee mys"?
    "Za moe rahn"?

    It is quite nice. :] Does it have any specific meanings? Nayeli is Native American; a large part of me is NA, that's why I felt better with a name to feel connected to my roots. It means "love" or "I love you", depending. And Niji is the japanese word for rainbow. Arkoiris is a play off "arco iris" which is spanish for rainbow. So, essentially, "I love rainbows" ;P
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