Meg Jun 1, 2010 I don't even know what the picture is! :lol: How can I say what I want written on it if I don't know what its of? Though I think I know what it is...
I don't even know what the picture is! :lol: How can I say what I want written on it if I don't know what its of? Though I think I know what it is...
ResaMoon Jun 1, 2010 Its my fave movie. . I cant seem to get bored of it. :lol: Wow, I am abit odd. ^^; xD
Meg Jun 1, 2010 I just realized how odd of a group we have. A god, a demon, and lizard man and a desert woman with a scorpion tail and such. Interesting. And random.
I just realized how odd of a group we have. A god, a demon, and lizard man and a desert woman with a scorpion tail and such. Interesting. And random.
Meg Jun 1, 2010 Sure, but first we have to get to the temple! I'm thinking lots of obstacles and monsters
Meg Jun 1, 2010 Right. If auto-hitting monsters wasn't allowed fights would go on for soooo long. :wacko: