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  • Thanks LoD! Hope you had an awesome Christmas and a very happy new year to you and yours :D
    You're welcome, sorry if I am keeping you longer than you intended. It just feels weird telling you this but it's like you need a another companion in your life. A fish is a silent one, but if you feed it and keep it alive it will always be there for you. And it will give you a positive and relaxing chi. At least, this is what I believe.
    What don't you know? Has some said something to you? If so ignore it. If you love The Matrix and wanna be excited about it with an avatar and fics then go on ahead. ^_^
    I wish you the best LoD, I do hope that someday you will get a fish of your very own. :) Oh, just to let you know that you can't put bettas together for the sake that they will fight and kill each other. (They are a fighting fish)
    O_O But it isn't stupid. Its a cool movie and if you love it you love it. There's nothing wrong with that at all. I don't think my Lightning love is stupid, so why should your Matrix love be stupid? ;_;
    Every Betta is unique. Sure they may have the same colours but I believe they have different personalities, even if they are fish. ^_^

    Taking care of fish is a new hobby for me, I wish to do my very best. :)
    But...but now I'm confused. :wacko: What happened? Can you tell me just so I don't go nuts with confusion?
    Wait what happened? :huh: Did I offend you somehow? O_o If I did I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. :(
    Yeah, they take a bit to care for depending on the fish. I don't think they should get mad if you get a simple Goldfish starter kit and put a Betta in there. They are a very beautiful fish, especially the crown tails.
    Yeah you do-

    Wait a sec. *notices avatar change* Decided to bring Dante back?
    I think they might only complain if you get water all over the place from water changes lol. Are you not allowed to have pets?
    Ok LoD...maybe you should get a fish of your own someday, it will help you relax if you sit down and watch it from your bed or something. :)

    Take care. *hugs*
    Oh ok. I guess I just got so used to you ending every message with ^_^.


    I'm good thank you.
    I thought we had passed that....O_o

    Let's move on! :lol:

    How are you?!?!
    Well...I previously got some tetras a few days ago and I noticed that two died the next day and that one was nipping at the fins of my other tetras and was really aggressive...so I got them replaced today finally and I also got two new white skirt tetras and 3 lemon tetras...my mom also bought me two bettas. One crown tail thats blue and has a hint of red(the fins look like they had scissors taken to them, they are tendrail like) and just one regular red betta. ^_^
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