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  • :lol: yeah, I guess you could say that...I get the whole "each to their own" thing but pornography makes me sick - I will never ever understand why anyone would want to look at that stuff. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned :lol:
    too many unexpected events are happening so I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, but otherwise I am surviving. ^_^ How about you? hopefully school isn't as hectic to you as it is to me.
    I iz lucky. I iz and only child, but I have my cousin. He iz like a brother to me, but obviously we don't like eachother that much :D
    aww lickle kitty is angry! here, play with this ball *throws ball, but it kinda looks bigger than you* :lol:
    Right, the resize ray........hold on........I think I have it!!! *grabs it and shoots a mirror, which shoots me and makes me shrink you're size*
    oops, that was the shrinking ray :lol:
    aww you're a kitty! *strokes your head*
    Thanks! maybe I won't look like a jerk getting on the bus tomorrow!!
    *accidently fires at you and you get really small*
    he he oops :P Hold on! I'll find the resize ray! it's here somewhere.......:D
    :lol: well that helps alot!
    Don't worry I'll help you find it!!! *searches everywhere for shrinking ray* you gotta help me too. I'm kinda crap at finding things!
    :lol: my pleasure! :D
    oooooh just remembered I have to take my portfolio into school tomorrow for my art lesson. Its so big, I can't get it on the bus! :lol:
    ^_^ that's ok ;) I have paint shop pro thingy now. I could make you something, but I'm not on the computer =] I'm on my mums laptop :lol:
    eww I just found out there is a very gross thread on this site :sick:
    I think you know which one..........I almost threw up realising that there are people who write things like that....eww...
    :lol: I know!
    I explained in the post below...........uhh I just realised there's no arrow to point downwards like there is everywhere else :lol:
    I'm ok.......I'm not feeling very well so my mum said I couldn't go school :( I like school when we do graphics!! and I could of seen Ben today......:(
    I haz a headache too.
    Enough about me.....are you going to say how cute my avatar is too? :lol:
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