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  • Don't worry. I have low standards. xD

    Fine, thank you. I'm trying to plot out the plot for my NaNoWriMo novel. Already have the characters, since I'm going to be using Daryl and Derek.
    >.< I'm sorry, I tend to ramble a bit too much sometimes. ._.;
    Really? Awesome, thanks. All I have is Paint, so I couldn't even try it. 'Cause there's no cutting on it, so yeah. Or ways to tint it red. xP Thanks a ton, dude.

    So, uh, hi. How are you?
    Hey. I know I've never talked to you, but I wanted to ask if you could help me with my request in the "Signature Request Thread"? It's not a sig request, per se, but I really need it for my NaNoWriMo book cover. And I saw the stuff you did for others before and thought that you'd be the best one to do it. If you can't, I understand. Thanks either way, however. =)

    Totally awesome :|

    wow your also much for Horror/Thriller moveis? :O
    really? Cool :D!
    what kinda movies do you watch? :huh:
    yeah i still cry for disney movies :unsure: *walks away slowly*
    But you may right... Freak are my the only one in my age that do that or somethin'?
    Almost the same but my emotion is pret-... i don't how to say it
    but i get scared of b-movies and i watch a horror movie like nothin'...
    but i'm kinda weird, and open about me, cuz i can say i start to cry when simbas father died :P
    Yeah, when i watch a movie once i heard how hard she was screamin' "NO" and cry at the sametime. that part off movies i don't like, well i like drama but always gets tearful or start to cry :\
    same, thats why i always start to cry in movies when someone dies, even if it just a movie, i can't fix it :(
    yeah i feel really sorry for them when i hear someone have cancer or somethin' thats really hard :(
    Naaw Thats sucks *huggiez* get well soon :(
    The same ^_^
    D'aww thank you, like yours to :)
    By the way, thank you so much for talking to me while Blue wasn't on yet. I really appreciate it. A whole lot. ^_^

    And gosh!! The sig you made for Blue is AWESOME!!!

    It's WAY better than of Blue's signature in his spoiler. Hehe >.>'
    It is REALLY great! x)

    Sorry Blue but I'm just telling the truth. ^.^'
    But hey, I love BlueDevil. So insanely much.

    Thank you once again. :)
    ^^ -man squee- xD
    You definitely need to put this in the Good Deeds thread.

    Anyway, thanks again x3

    I'll talk to you again later. Gotta go to bed for school. If there's anyway I can ever repay you for all this stuff you've been doing, please let me know.

    Cya later ^^
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