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  • hi! i've read some of the immaturity and reboot topic. nice posts :p To tell you, i've seen worst. look out for those hardcore trekkies when the star trek reboot came out... i cant believe some people can claim betrayal over a fictional story.
    ‘I love a cake, for goodness sake, just give me a cake or two. A cake for me, one two or three, a cake for me or you. A cake with icing, a cake with jam, a cake that isn’t even a cake. I love a cake, for goodness sake, just give me a bloody cake’
    Hah, thanks. ^^
    I'm a bit annoyed by all those who keeps ranting about how much they hate this new Dante and how this isn't a 'real' Devil May Cry, but I also understand their disappointment. I too would like some answers about the plotholes in the past storyline, but at the same time I am loving this reboot. :p
    I'm just gonna say that i wish i had a friend+ like you. I could never get annoyed talking about that stuff...

    then again, you are probably setting your standards a bit tooo high. I know i do
    okay, everyone has their downsides but they too make us who we are and the girl that accepts you will have to accept them.
    I never thought of it being the prologue. This game is bound to be amazing and it's sad that a lot of fans are likely to miss out on it because they're so biased. Considering that Bayonetta is seen as DMC's "rival", I'm sure this game is going to be good enough to make Bayonetta, and the previous DMC games, look amateur. There's no way Capcom would put out a game that's going to be outshone by it's predecessors and competition. They did that with DMC2 and they swore to never do anything like it again, and if it's true that they were modelling this new game to what fans want...well, what have we all been moaning and groaning about since DMC4? MORE DANTE. And that's what we're going to get, CLEARLY, so I really don't understand why people are upset about it. But yeah, like you, I do think that the 'real' Dante is going to be in the game, and I doubt he's going to have a minor role like in DMC4. I think it's going to be all about Dante. ^_^
    Meh. A tad bit disappointed by the lack of faith fans have. I feel like I'm talking to the walls when I mention 'marketing ploy' because most fans are thinking with one-track minds. All they see is some guy posing as Dante. I mean of course the new developer in the charge is going to make the new character look like HIM - Reuben Langdon did the same with Dante in DMC4, his features were moulded to look similar to the voice actor's. The same thing with Nero, wasn't the guy who developed his character dressing up like Nero or something? It's like the people who work hardest and closest to the main characters make them self-inserts. Writers do it all the time too. Reboot or not, I highly doubt that the guy in the trailer is the 'new' Dante. If you think about it logically. From THEIR perspective, not from a fan perspective.
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