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  • Oh sweet, that sounds awesome. I love conspiracy theories...well, listening about them. I don't think I could ever write about them though. XD
    And you won't be an a$$hole because you will make sure that you are the man and father to your child that your dad was or wasn't to you. Basically, you won't make the same mistakes.
    (Just tell me if i'm insulting you and digging a pit for myself, because at the moment, thats what i feel I am doing)
    law... it proves that it is indeed an ass.
    I wonder if fathers have a gene in them that turns them into a**holes.
    Just a suggestion, You could always move to the UK, I believe you don't have to keep in contact with a parent after your 16th.

    I better go, Its nearly 2.30am
    Sorry I can't be anymore help to you.
    Have you got to have contact with him?
    This will probably insult, but he sounds like a waste of space... Sorry, blunt honest has gotten me into trouble quite a few times..
    I just don't know what to say.
    *excuse me, gotta plug in laptop*
    fathers aren't very good at showing their feelings. not sure why, but, my dad is the same.
    just be happy in the knowledge that your dad does care and is happy for you.
    if he wasn't... well... you don't have to think about that because he is.
    (if that makes sense.)
    He's happy for you, try and forget about it, or if it makes you feel better... apologize
    (i spurt verbal diahorrea :lol:)
    Just, don't blame yourself.
    I actually have posted quite a few conv already. Which are you referring to?

    That's a good idea though. Thanks. :D
    my phones from the stoneage! but i do sell apps if you wanna buy one :p

    but seriously let me know the ap names and ill spread the word :)
    :ninja:im sure you'll :ninja:suceed:ninja: :ninja:
    :ninja: but dont worry i have an army of ninjas! :ninja:
    :ninja: :ninja:
    Well, all i know he was president, he was shot and there is a conspiracy behind his murder... apparently (That's what I've heard)... and something about the Cuban Missile Crisis, but I'm not sure if that was JFK.
    Learnt about him back in school... but that was a long time ago :lol:
    Your a good man GGC i respect your values, im sure your confidence will improve, you just have to realise how much better you are than everyone else :p and good luck on your i-phone ap! just make sure no one steals it first :ninja:
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