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  • cheer up little bro i know how you feel and i know that it's hard but i really don't like to see you like this:(
    Hey, since when the hell was I not ur friend? You said u wanted to be insulted punk :lol: Give me a chance, jeez...
    Why do you thank me? You really need to re-read what I've said and do something about it.
    It's not good to continue on this way.
    I wouldn't describe myself as a friend.
    More like someone to help you see why it is these people have something against you.
    Everyone's alone in the world. No one is going to be around or there for you forever. You mustn't expect others to constantly be at your side to make you happy, at the end of the day the only person you can truly rely on is yourself.
    If you don't learn to do that then what good is it when you come to situations like this? Bad things are always going to happen, that's just life.
    I'm not trying to come across as rude I'm just being honest but; Rather than turning this into a strength you're acting anything but strong.
    You really will end up with no one if you have so much self pity.
    Heartless humans? Humans act heartless, but this is based on their weaknesses. We convert these weaknesses into an insecurity which we take out on others to make ourselves look stronger but eventually this will just bring you down worse than before.
    Suicide is a different kind of weakness; And I have no sympathy for those who try to take their own lives. Would you mind explaining this personal matter?
    People are always going to be hated. Not everyone is going to like you.
    I've had to deal with A LOT, and honestly if you really wanted to kill yourself you wouldn't be telling me that.
    Fair enough if it effected you in such a way, but you know I nearly died twice in my life and it's really not nice.
    Rather than advertising your negativity you should be making yourself stronger and not accepting such a weakness.
    You will be respected much more for being that way rather than feeling sorry for yourself.
    Learn to respect people, kid. If you wanna be a member of this forum at least, or you won't have any friends at all! ^_^
    So, you broke the friendship with me...Well, you might as well forget to be my friend again, punk!
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