Recent content by Dio Brando

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  1. Dio Brando

    Nature of Nero's Devil Trigger

    im a bit late but it just awoke his soul itself and it manifested as the blue thing that looks like vergils dt.
  2. Dio Brando

    How did the Order get those Devil Arms for the mini Hell gates?

    if i had to guess they defeated demon to get them. there has always been demons strong enough to make devil arms in the human world. theres no way dante killed all of them some had to get away they might have killed some of the ones dante weakened.
  3. Dio Brando

    Dante & Vergil Movesets In DMC 4 SE:

    think you very much i have been looking for this
  4. Dio Brando

    DmC "Deserved Better"

  5. Dio Brando

    General DMC 5 Discussion

    have you guys noticed vergil is only canonically in every odd number game he was nelo (nero angelo) in 1 then OG vergil in 3 and now hes in 5
  6. Dio Brando

    DmC "Deserved Better"

    i hope they keep lock on
  7. Dio Brando

    DmC "Deserved Better"

    Someday DmC might find its proper place in the franchise until then i hope there wont be any civil wars over it.
  8. Dio Brando

    What are you currently playing?

    playing god of war 3
  9. Dio Brando

    DMC General Compression:

    this is a honest to god question, if the world in DmC seems more advanced. and that dante is younger. and the secret ending of dmc 5 had DmC dante in it. couldnt that DmC take place with a diffrent dante shortly after dmc 4 but before dmc5. that way they could integrate him into the dmc timeline.
  10. Dio Brando

    DMC General Compression:

    its normaly that nostalgia gets in the way of people trying the reboot they just assume its bad because its different. and dmc isnt even my faverite franchise i am more of a god of war fan i just play dmc as well
  11. Dio Brando

    Kamiya Dante VS Itsuno Dante

    alot of people started off with DmC i looked up the timline and played it in order so 3 was my first then 1 then 4 then after about 2 years then 5 i skipped 2 because it didnt feel right when i played it i played DmC afterwards and was very dissapointed but im not going to start the contravery
  12. Dio Brando

    "I'm the one... with power!"

    here ill help you guys out dante will get up to a 20% damage inscrease with max dt or a 20% damage decrease at no dt vergils will slash and then that slash will stay there until he sheaths yamato the more enimes the mor damage v will go full kylo ren and get a 350 damage increase for his can...