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  • Tea sounds about right. ^_^

    Why your a handy wood cutter. Getting enough chops to firewood that quick. O_o
    I unlocked them all! XD

    Damn... I forgot to ask Karen... >_< I'll remember to do it right now...
    I'm playing a game that is about unlocking achievements. It's really fun. ^_^

    I guess I know who you are waiting for. :P
    Dear sweet Jesus that thing is gonna become like the Prince in that video, friggin' unstoppable.
    Best 10 minutes I've spent on a video. xD

    Sweet, that's looking pretty damn awesome, nicely detailed too. ^_^
    You know that now, no matter what you do, that Daemon Prince is going to be coming after you, demanding that you field him like it's possessed or something.
    Wake up, Daemon Prince in your face, go to the bathroom, Daemon Prince appears, post it off to some foreign country, Demon Prince appears.
    You'll never get away from it man! xD

    Seriously though, sure, let's see it. :3
    But that was me getting a happy rush after knowing that I will get to know something I want to know. If I know why I'll learn alot about you, and I like to learn about people.
    No, I had that in mind because you mentioned before that she is the one who makes you the most happy before. The main guess would be her since she is your main source of happiness at the moment.

    I wouldn't take the guess instantly since I would look like a fool if it was wrong. >_<
    Why would you die so much if I actually said it?
    I don't want that to happen... T_T
    *takes candy bar*

    Don't think that will make us change subject. <.< *noms on candy bar*
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