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  • They can look good. I've thought that before. But I'm not that kind of guy who watches and stares thinking they are hawt or beautiful. <.<

    You like the whole dominatrix thing going on too? XD
    ... I'm so disturbed right now I can't even look at your avatar... T_T

    I've never thought like that with women in gaming. I just think she is a total bad*ss that make excellent plans and kills stuff.

    You like her spines coming out of her back, don't you? D:
    Besides if you know you've lost you could at least put up a "GG" or something before leaving. <_<

    I know I suck. Can barely handle Gold Division in Starcraft II. T_T
    Sometimes that one's replaced with two small Blades and a large one, which I classify as a mini-boss even though he doesn't have the theme music.

    GTG to bed... See you.
    I've started the upgrade for longer range with Hydralisks. There they are! *three Hydralisks spawns from lair*
    Hmm... wait for three additional larvas... There! *starts spawning two hydralisks and a drone* Gotta get this done quickly. *takes drone from mineral line and creates a new hatchery.

    Your gonna get so friggin' masssed it's unfair! XD
    As my Hydralisk Den just finished. I've got three Hydralisks coming up already. D8<
    My perfect counter would be Hydralisks. Their acids melts the pineapple immediatly! DX
    You're quite welcome. ^_^ Let's just do it when it's most convenient. Tomorrow, maybe.

    Shotgunning the shotgunners usually works in your favor. >:3 Fight fire with fire, right?

    Um... Ooooooooooh, Grenade Gun! I forgot about this thing...
    The shotgun toting ones are my priority targets. Good thing the Bloody Mari's never seem to carry them. Only knives/cutters.

    And I figured as much. XD We've been putting off that next session for a while, too... :/ But so long as you're happy, I don't care. ^_^
    They scream and if you're too close, they immobilize you with strings and you can't move unless you button mash. It gives them a great opening to either hack at you or shoot you if they have a shotgun. e_o

    Care to tell why you're excited?
    The bug things, right? I think I remember them. They were pretty damn easy with the shotgun, and if you slashed a green one on it's back, you could use Helm Breaker and kill it instantly. I think...
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