If it was 100 dollars then I would just buy 5 more RE4s...or to make more sense buy a RE4 and some other Resi games.
Hey guess what!? I lost my PS1 memory card, I was so heartbroken. That thing has sentimental value. It was given to me by my brother when he got his PS2 when it first came out. It possesses all the information to the old and classic Resi games my brother played on PS1 even the unlockable infinate lauchers and bonus stuff. I looked and looked in my suit case and I couldn't find it, I was so upset I thought I might had left it in some unknown place in California.
So today, being displeased with having FIRST a broken RE4 AND a broken controler I decided to go on a mission and look thourally for it again in hopes of being able to play RE2...and for some odd reason, dispite my previous attempts to find my treasure, there the damn thing was as soon as I opened the suit case...WTF was it hiding from me the first time?!
Needless to say I was happy as hell. I literally hugged it as good as anyone could possible hug a memory card I was so happy. That thing is about 12 years old. I shall never let it out of my site again!
As for RE2, hopefully I might be able to play that. You see it's not my whole controller that's broken, it's the anolog for some reason. Code: Veronica totaly ignored me with a broken anolog control since it's a more modern game. RE2 on the other hand came out before those became popular, so I don't think it's required, inless it's the anolog version, which I think it is >_>. I'll see tommorrow.
Hey guess what!? I lost my PS1 memory card, I was so heartbroken. That thing has sentimental value. It was given to me by my brother when he got his PS2 when it first came out. It possesses all the information to the old and classic Resi games my brother played on PS1 even the unlockable infinate lauchers and bonus stuff. I looked and looked in my suit case and I couldn't find it, I was so upset I thought I might had left it in some unknown place in California.
So today, being displeased with having FIRST a broken RE4 AND a broken controler I decided to go on a mission and look thourally for it again in hopes of being able to play RE2...and for some odd reason, dispite my previous attempts to find my treasure, there the damn thing was as soon as I opened the suit case...WTF was it hiding from me the first time?!
Needless to say I was happy as hell. I literally hugged it as good as anyone could possible hug a memory card I was so happy. That thing is about 12 years old. I shall never let it out of my site again!
As for RE2, hopefully I might be able to play that. You see it's not my whole controller that's broken, it's the anolog for some reason. Code: Veronica totaly ignored me with a broken anolog control since it's a more modern game. RE2 on the other hand came out before those became popular, so I don't think it's required, inless it's the anolog version, which I think it is >_>. I'll see tommorrow.