ResaMoon Jun 1, 2010 Haha, Im leaving here in 10 minutes. Dinner not until 7, but I got a few things to do. :3
ResaMoon Jun 1, 2010 I do. But, its an Awards Dinner.... And I found out that I have four awards with my name on them.
Poroner Jun 1, 2010 You said you suffer from that insomania :| can you explain more i mean it happens or you are all your life with it?I can't sleep at nights
You said you suffer from that insomania :| can you explain more i mean it happens or you are all your life with it?I can't sleep at nights
ResaMoon Jun 1, 2010 Haha, well, you think your cold? Try sitting in an ice cream shop. :lol: *Glomps* :3