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  • Hi Angel. Received package today! Thank you so very much :D I've had a huge idea for a project.
    Trouble is, when i go to sleep at night, all i can see it hama beads...lol.
    Thanks again.
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    Reactions: Angel
    So glad it got there - you just never know with Royal Mail these days! If I ever get hold of some more or know where to find them really cheap, I'll let you know :D
    Vergil's Waifu
    Vergil's Waifu
    Thanks Angel^^
    Hello there, Angel. I have been sent here by Time Lord to ask a little favour regarding the general management of My currently stickied thread 'DmC - What We know so far'. I have reached the maximum amount of media allowed per post and was curious if You were able to either extend the privileges for a single post or perhaps merge a handful of My own posts together into one big opener. Thanks!
    Haha - no problem and you don't need to apologise for something you didn't know about! And your post? I can delete it if you want but I think it's good - perfectly valid points and you haven't said anything wrong that I can see. I think you should keep it but if you want me to, I can get rid. Just have another think and let me know :)
    Heh, alright. ^^;
    o_o Really? I...kinda was worried it was getting everyone mad. But, if you think I should, I'll give it some thought. I just don't want to cause trouble. >_<
    You're not causing trouble, so don't worry. People have said far worse in that thread and I'm one of them ;)
    Don't find me, I'm just here to spread some love and cheer on your profile. *spreads love and cheer*

    Someone got back to me on the thread about the babies... apparently this is someone's friend who sculpts very small, they gave me a Facebook page link.


    I asked them if the person would mind being contacted, or maybe you could just message them on FB if you think this would be the sort of thing you're looking for?
    I've just realised from looking at her FB page - she even makes *poseable* jointed micro-babies. That's pretty amazing at such a size...
    Wow - that's insane! Must take a tremendous degree of skill and a flipping good magnifier to do that! Thanks for your help - appreciate it :)
    No problem - I hope she can help. . .
    Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, even though it was yesterday, happy birthday to me :(
    hay angel how are u today?? :)
    lol nope dont think so :P i fail to see how that could happen...cuz u look like an awesome person and really know life and all :D anywayz how is everything with u ??
    Tiring - one of my sons has special needs and has to be attend hospital every morning to be assessed for further stuff. He gets very upset and angry so it's a loooong day for me lol. But I'm going away this weekend to a theme park so it's all good. How about you?
    aww im so sorry :( wish i was there to help :)....and im good no worrys till now :P and the internet has been off in the hole country for 3 days...but now all is fixed and i really missed this place lol....FB is nothing compared to this awesome forum XD
    Oh noes, my Aunty has taken over here too!...
    *hides under blanket*...
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    I only said that cuz my Aunty's name is Shaz too, and as a matter of fact, I'm probably one of those people across a large body of water...
    hahaha! IS your aunty a Sharon then or something else? I hate my name personally - I'd rather be called Boris than Sharon :P
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    Yeah, she's a Sharen, and it's funny because my Mum(her sister) was meant to be called Boris, or was it Eugene?...
    Well I can't remember, but they thought she was gonna be a boy and hello...
    It doesn't have an extra package!...
    Go Shaz, go. Discuss the deep stuff with us peasants. Do it in style!
    Haha - hardly. I like to ask annoying questions more than I like to answer them or have them answered. I don't know much about anything so it makes me sort of feel a little bit smart to join in even for a little bit.
    Hai Angel *embarrassed* umm, You know how you kindly wrote up that interview?...Um, Can I use it on my blog? PWEASE?! I'll give you the credit (eg Typed by Angel who rocks).
    *Still embarrassed*
    Haha! Of course you can - you don't need to bother crediting me, just use it as you see fit :)
    Vergil's Waifu
    Vergil's Waifu
    eek, thankies Angel.
    No problem :)
    Hey Angel. Facebook is being a real pain atm. Just wanted to say thanks for your help with the baby soap thing. I trotted to the local tesco and found some... i just hope it's okay to use on eczema. :P
    Thanks again.
    It should be ok...washing with aqueous cream is meant to be pretty good too. Baby soap is insanely mild but any soap can dry out the skin. Try it and see :)
    hello angel just a quick question, when will you be announcing the winners of the 2nd competition?
    hmmm that is weird, and no seriously i don't know who won :)
    You are winding me up, I know it. You were the first poster in the announcement thread I made...the front page announcement is still in the works though because of some coding errors but it should be up really soon :)
    haha yeah im just kidding :) and awesome!
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