Well we know from Lady that the Order has been going around getting Devil Arms meaning it wasn’t Trish who gave them all just the Sparda sword, so how?...Dante’s Debts! Lol because according to Devil May Cry Drama CD Vol.1, Enzo owns a pawn shop with Devil Arms that Dante pays interest every year or old Enzo going to sell it for beer money lol
So Dante, hope this helps you stop being in debt or kids on the streets will have guns lol

Devil May Cry Drama CD Vol.1
Devil May Cry Drama CD Vol.1 - Old Friends is a radio drama that features the cast of the original animated series. The CD was released in Japan on Dec. 21, 2007 and featured an original story.[1] A second Drama CD was published in Feb. 27, 2008. Enzo asks Dante to help him find a demon. After...
So Dante, hope this helps you stop being in debt or kids on the streets will have guns lol