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Non DMC Characters you hate.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Just a ranting thread about characters you dislike and why.

To start off, I ****ing hate this ass ****


  • An overblown, over powered Marty Stu who WON'T ****ING DIE!!!!! In his course the writers made him:

    More powerful Than Hulk (except World Breaker mode),

    Better at molecular manipulation than Molecule Man,

  • Able to beat GALACTUS!

    Claim Rogue had sex with him first, despite the fact that was established in the pages of Xtreme X-Men that Rogue lost her virginity to Gambit when the two lost their powers.

  • then, when they decide to kill him off, despite being utterly useless for most of his comics existence and a Face-Heel Turn that also revealed he was an Eldritch Abomination and saw him try to destroy the world, his send-off issue was nothing but the entire cast of Marvelverse heroes waxing poetic about how wonderful he was and how he'd made their lives better in flashback retcons. The hamfisted attempt at Alas, Poor Scrappy was not well-received.

Nothing gave me more pleasure than to see Hulk beat him stupid and Thor END him. **** you, Sentry. May you rest in ****.
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Well-known Member
Tidus, from Final Fantasy X.


Now, I pretty much hate every character in that god awful game, same applies to Final Fantasy XIII, but something about him in particular just ****es me off...
I don't know about everyone else, but even his character design makes my blood boil. His Meg Ryan hair, his weird clothing that makes no feasible sense... I could nitpick his look for hours.

And then there's his voice.
I don't even... ugh...

Those criticisms may be purely cosmetic, I know, but it is the character himself that angers me incredibly.
He has this terrible hero complex, even though the game (arguably) is based entirely around Yuna and her sacrifice.
Even Auron's plight is more endearing than this pipsqueak's story. He contributes nothing to the plot, at all, yet he insists that this is his story.

Ultimately, he's just an annoying, two-dimensional, jock who thinks he's important because his daddy didn't hug him enough.

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Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Tidus, from Final Fantasy X.


Now, I pretty much hate every character in that god awful game, same applies to Final Fantasy XIII, but something about him in particular just ****es me off...
I don't know about everyone else, but even his character design makes my blood boil. His Meg Ryan hair, his weird clothing that makes no feasible sense... I could nitpick his look for hours.

And then there's his voice.
I don't even... ugh...

Those criticisms may be purely cosmetic, I know, but it is the character himself that angers me incredibly.
He has this terrible hero complex, even though the game (arguably) is based entirely around Yuna and her sacrifice.
Even Auron's plight is more endearing than this pipsqueak's story. He contributes nothing to the plot, at all, yet he insists that this is his story.

Ultimately, he's just an annoying, two-dimensional, jock who thinks he's important because his daddy didn't hug him enough.


While I like Tidus, I agree that his early game personality is ****ING INSUFFERABLE!!!

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Tidus, from Final Fantasy X.


Ya know, they're trying to get a FFx-3 made by support on Facebook >.>

On another note, character I cannot stand......


I just....no, god damn it no!!!
There are so many things I could dish out on her it would be endless, just no!
Her chasing after Sasuke and being in love with him thing, hated that.
Going after him alone and almost getting herself killed, wish that would've happened.
Always beating the sh*t out of Naruto for no damn reason, no wonder he has brain malfunctions at the wrong times.
Also, lying straight to his face just to convince him to leave everything alone, uh no.
This pink haired so called ninja makes me annoyed at any episode she's in. She's either, beating someone up, (typically a male from her village), whining and moaning that she's useless and can't do anything, keeps telling herself she'll be as good as Naruto and Sasuke one day, aha no you won't.
To me, she's like a pointless character who has no meaning. She takes things for granted and doesn't realise how good she has it.
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Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Ya know, they're trying to get a FFx-3 made by support on Facebook >.>

On another note, character I cannot stand......


I just....no, god damn it no!!!
There are so many things I could dish out in her it would be endless, just no!
Her chasing after Sasuke and being in love with him thing, hated that.
Going after him alone and almost getting herself killed, wish that would've happened.
Always beating the sh*t out of Naruto for no damn reason, no wonder he has brain malfunctions at the wrong times.
Also, lying straight to his face just to convince him to leave everything alone, uh no.
This pink haired so called ninja makes me annoyed at any episode she's in. She's either, beating someone up, (typically a male from her village), whining and moaning that she's useless and can't do anything, keeps telling herself she'll be as good as Naruto and Sasuke one day, aha no you won't.
To me, she's like a pointless character who has no meaning. She takes things for granted and doesn't realise how good she has it.

Again, like her post Character Development, but hated her in part 1 and respect anyone who hates her now.

As long as you don't get mad I don't like Hinata, we're cool.


Well-known Member
Kratos. Definitely Kratos. I think he is an insufferable bastard who is the source of all his own problems and it continues to confuse me that he seems to be one of the most iconic video game protagonists atm, not a fan of GoW franchises adaptations of Greek/Roman myth either. He is just a giant rage full dick head and it's always bothered me that this game received more recognition than DMC did since it later ripped off a lot of elements from it.

I also hated a good portion of the companions in Dragon Age II, Basically everyone but Varric and Aveline. Anders became a whiny bitch, Fenris was way too broody, Isabella....just ****in Isabella, and the repetition with the dumb blood mage character even if she was so adorably Scottish was the most tired trope in this game.( Yes. We get it Blood Magic is BAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAD) That game was pretty awful in general but I was really disappointed by the companion system. BUT I am actually really positive about Inquisition, mostly for the Qunari. <3


Well-known Member
Again, like her post Character Development, but hated her in part 1 and respect anyone who hates her now.

As long as you don't get mad I don't like Hinata, we're cool.

With ya'll on both. Hinata is sweet but spineless. Then again, Naruto doesn't have that many good female characters anyway. I'd say only about a handful. *stopped reading a while back tho*

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Again, like her post Character Development, but hated her in part 1 and respect anyone who hates her now.

As long as you don't get mad I don't like Hinata, we're cool.

Eh, Hinata is ok, though some people would throw her in the same wavelength as Sakura just because she's not the heiress to the Hyuuga family anymore.

With ya'll on both. Hinata is sweet but spineless. Then again, Naruto doesn't have that many good female characters anyway. I'd say only about a handful. *stopped reading a while back tho*

I wouldn't say she's spineless, maybe at the beginning, but no offence to Kishimoto. He did make quite a few of the females useless in the series. .-.


Well-known Member
Kratos. Definitely Kratos.
I enjoyed those games, but it was a bit hard to relate to the struggle Kratos was facing whenever he was so self absorbed and cruel. His back story is very tragic, but not enough to justify his genocide.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Forgot a few people:

The three lords of The Vampire clans from Dance in the Vampire bund. manipulative, psychotic, sociopathic, murderous, one's a ****ing pedo. Just......**** these guys.

Dewey Novak. Pretty much THE SOUL REASON WHY EVERYTHING BAD HAPPENS IN EUREAKA 7. The only good thing he ever did was kill himself.


Everyone hates this guy. Captain America. Iron Man. Dr. Doom. The Hulk. Batman (that's canon) THE JOKER HATES THIS ****! (Also canon) A psychotic Nazi nihilist. A PSYCHOTIC NAZI NIHILIST!!!


Stupid ass useless wanna be rebel and punk bitch triple traitor (And I hate calling women bitches, so.....yeah) THEY ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LELOUCH'S DEATH!!!! And they got the happy ending!?

You spend the entire series whining, complaining, being a hawk and being generally useless and don't even have the decency to die in a heroic sacrifice at the end! Gaw, you should have died instead of Rachel.

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Fake vampire, Emo bitch. Next!

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Do I need to expain this one?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014

Dragon slaying, dino hunting, god owning, giant spider squishing, great white shark fishing, motor cycle riding, ocean swimming, gymnastic shooting and exploration all traded in for......
Complete with every possible gameplay cliche in modern gaming, but it doesn't matter because EMOTIONS!!!!

F**k you new Lara.


Fake Geek Girl.
-Kratos from GoW
>Annoying and just a p!ssed of asshole who needs some major chill pills who's vocabulary consist of nothing but ARGHH.

-Nathan Drake from Uncharted
>I want to punch this douchnozzle in the face.

-Raiden from MGS
>Need I explain why?

-Hope from FF13 (Pretty much every character in that game)
>This whiny, bitchy, stupid little momma's boy couldn't get anymore annoying in a game that already has a full on terrible cast. Not to mention this game just being all around awful and shaming FF's lineage in every way. FF has completely gone off the rails at this point and Square needs to unf#ck it. 13 is NOT the answer.

-Slippy from StarFox

-Medusa Heads from Castlevania for the NES
>I know this isn't really a character but just more of an annoyance. An annoyance that made me toss my controller across the room.

-Bayonetta and the Joe Pesci knockoff without the charm and likability of Joe Pesci from Bayonetta
>You already know how dumb these retarded characters are. Self explanatory.

-Natalya Simonova from Goldeneye

-Rouge The Bat from Sonic The Hedgehog
>What is the point of this character? She's a sexualized furry bat creature who acts like Selina Kyle from Batman or something with flesh colored cleavage and everything. I don't think this is sexy. I'm sure someone out there does but not me. And this is supposed to be a Sonic game. Why is this character so sexed up? I don't see any point to this whatsoever. It's just weird Sega.

-Baby Mario from Yoshi's Island
>I use to like playing this game quite a bit back in the day but if you ever got separated from Mario you were treated with one of the most ear piercing cries ever in games. SHUT. THE. F#CK. UP!.

I could maybe think of more but I'll leave it just to this.


Fake Geek Girl.

Dragon slaying, dino hunting, god owning, giant spider squishing, great white shark fishing, motor cycle riding, ocean swimming, gymnastic shooting and exploration all traded in for......
Complete with every possible gameplay cliche in modern gaming, but it doesn't matter because EMOTIONS!!!!

F**k you new Lara.
Wesker, is that you? :cautious:

You know, there's nothing wrong with making Lara more of an actual character than just the video game sex symbol she became. It's just the reboot went about it the wrong way. Not only was the game just not that good but, it's the prime example of that recent term "ludonarrative dissonance" and Square's idea of character development was to just beat the living sh!t out of Lara every 5 minutes to the point where it was really just gratuitous.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
-Kratos from GoW
>Annoying and just a p!ssed of asshole who needs some major chill pills who's vocabulary consist of nothing but ARGHH.

-Nathan Drake from Uncharted
>I want to punch this douchnozzle in the face.

-Raiden from MGS
>Need I explain why?

-Hope from FF13 (Pretty much every character in that game)
>This whiny, bitchy, stupid little momma's boy couldn't get anymore annoying in a game that already has a full on terrible cast. Not to mention this game just being all around awful and shaming FF's lineage in every way. FF has completely gone off the rails at this point and Square needs to unf#ck it. 13 is NOT the answer.

-Slippy from StarFox

-Bayonetta and the Joe Pesci knockoff without the charm and likability of Joe Pesci from Bayonetta
>You already know how dumb these retarded characters are. Self explanatory.

-Rouge The Bat from Sonic The Hedgehog
>What is the point of this character? She's a sexualized furry bat creature who acts like Selina Kyle from Batman or something with flesh colored cleavage and everything. I don't think this is sexy. I'm sure someone out there does but not me. And this is supposed to be a Sonic game. Why is this character so sexed up? I don't see any point to this whatsoever. It's just weird Sega.

I could maybe think of more but I'll leave it just to this.

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Just replace "Hope" with "Every bitch and Cur in this **** fest" and we'll be on the same page.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I really can't bring myself to actually hate a fictional character. There isn't a character I do hate.

My best answer is.....


Now I know he is an ACTUAL person and not a fictional character but he does appear in his movies as a CHARACTER particularly the Lady and the Water in which he is the main character....not some random character NO Night IS the main character of Lady in the Water and his character reflects everything I despise about Night and his writing.

If Micheal Bay put himself in his own movies and portrayed himself as some airheaded, casanova, douchebag hotshot, genius doting MK-47s and RPGs while walking from an explosion with 3 ladies in his arms (what he probably thinks of himself).....I'll probably hate him more....but there is a difference. I don't enjoy hating Night whereas with Bay I enjoy hating him.

Alright here is a better answer.

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This isn't towards Mila the actor but Alice the character..........f*ck her.
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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
How did I forget that it is THAT shoved down our throats

I like Grumpy Cat but don't anyone find it a bit depressing that a MEME is getting its own fully funded and blockbuster movie.....I never thought Hollywood could get any lower but damn they're reaching at the bottom of an empty cookie jar hoping for at least a chocolate chip and they get is crumbs.

What next a Troll Face Movie?
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