Redeeming DMC4 Dante with DMC5, an idea that Capcom lazily avoide

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Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Dec 5, 2011
DMC4 Dante is even more hated than DmC Dante on this forum (On every other forum, he's considered a parody of DMC3 Dante), however, Mrrandomlulz sees many redeeming traits about this character if you look at him from a different perspective. As an optimist and a facade.

Imagine it like this, DMC4, Dante had no care in the world, nothing to pull him down, nothing could stop him, except the death of his brother.
For this, he mask his pain behind a facade of a happy go lucky one liner maker, similar to Spiderman.

But then, Dante hears that his brothers sword has been found, that's a sign of hope that Vergil might still be alive right.

Now imagine, finding out your dead father had a connection to this random boy you just met, imagine the joy of finding out that you aren't the last living member of your family, after being convinced so for so many years.

How could you take any living demon seriously if you knew that they couldn't take you or even this boy, who to your knowledge does not even have half your power, down?

Then it happens, the boy is connected to your dead brother, he can wield your dead brothers sword. This is a sure way of telling you, this boy is, in fact, connected to your family.

That was all Dante cared about, he didn't even know Credo, nor did he care that some other power crazed madman was trying to get his fathers power, again.

This was all routine for him.

However, it was at the end, when he had to say goodbye to his newfound family member that triggered DMC2, imagine, years after the end of DMC2, and he still has not reunited with Nero, that would have left him heartbroken.

But also he did some long thinking, the boy had never met his father/cloned DNA/ whatever the heck his connection to Vergil is.

He walked into hell, to find Nero's , in hopes of reuniting father and son, one day/
Maybe if he was in a good game it wouldn't be so bad. Also, he has terrible fashion sense.

Spider-Man doesn't wear a mask because he's hiding some kind of guilt. Sure he feels a little guilty for a few deaths but his costume is to keep his identity a secret just like almost every other superhero. When you're a vigilante taking on the bad guys, you don't want people to know who you are.

Hell, the whole idea of the civil liberties and protection a secret identity provides started a civil war amongst superheroes. I'm getting a little off topic here.

Dante was never that great of a character and 4 definitely had him as dumb and dorky as ever. He definitely thinks he's cooler than he actually is and overall isn't funny or charming. Just annoying. I like he was in 1 because he was more subtle when it came to his cocky side and wasn't in you face looking like some stupid cliche try hard. Even DMC 2 Dante is better than 3 and 4's version because he was a deaf mute and kept his mouth shut. His outfit in 2 was still stupid as all hell though.
In the end though, it's not Dante that drags DMC 4, it's the game itself so who really cares about the character who's about as deep as a kiddie pool in the first place.
Not gonna lie Mrandomlols. This thread seriously got to me, in an emotional way...

It seriously did.

I know that horrible feeling that you just described Dante having, and I can see why his attitude was the way that it was in DMC4.
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This really reminds me of my father... It really does. forget the comparison I just did above.^

This is why I can find so man ways to love these games. The characters make this worth it.

My father lost his brother who is now in prison for doing something horrible, and He still feels the pain of not being able to prevent what happened with his brother. He wishes so dearly that he could have saved his elder brother, though he tries so hard to not show that grief and sadness. Always keeping up this face and imagine, he say's that he doesn't care though in reality he really does. His nephew is also falling down a darker path, not wanting to do anything with his life, though my father wants so desperately to make things right with him. There isn't a day when I don't catch my dad looking out the window or reading a book with this odd expression of some sort. Not to mention my father's determination to graduate from school like he should have done years ago, people excusing his lack of contact with them as him being a "snob", and not wanting to talk with him anymore.

This thread is probably the only thread to ever make me sob quietly. Seriously.

This got to me so hard...

Sorry for my insane, emotional rambling. I never hated Dante 4, I never did,,,,
I do have to say that I never hated DMC4 Dante (I just never thought he was funny and never took him seriously). However this does put a new perspective for me and maybe the next time I play DMC4 I'll see him in a different light. It's such a shame that Capcom creates so many missed opportunities for themselves and half the time I am moved by something it's by what a fan writes. The one story element I loved the most about any DMC game was the relationship of Dante and Vergil (in either classic verse or reboot); hopefully if they do create a DMC5 they will take something similar to this and run with it. They don't have to make it a soap opera, just show a little more depth to Dante and I'll be happy...oh and NO PLAYING AS NERO WHAT SO EVER, he was an alright kid but I want Dante or Vergil..... and no back tracking. That will redeem it in my eyes.
This really reminds me of my father... It really does. forget the comparison I just did above.^

This thread is probably the only thread to ever make me sob quietly. Seriously.

This got to me so hard...

My dad has some personnel issues with his brother as well and I can see the pain it caused so I can get where you're coming from. I also have an older brother who was ruining his life for the longest time and almost went to prison himself; I really don't know how I would have been able to handle it if he didn't get back on track. I can relate with you <3 <3<3

Edit: >.< sorry about the multi-post! I didn't even realize.
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My dad has some personnel issues with his brother as well and I can see the pain it caused so I can get where you're coming from. I also have an older brother who was ruining his life for the longest time and almost went to prison himself; I really don't know how I would have been able to handle it if he didn't get back on track. I can relate with you <3 <3<3

Edit: >_< sorry about the multi-post! I didn't even realize.

This is why I love both DMC and DmC. Great games with great characters who can find ways to tug at your heart strings without even playing the game...
Its a shame people hate DMC4 Dante. I just don't get what's to hate about him, it was a blast just seeing him have fun and be the opposite of Nero. They really contrast each other.

Tast is subjective, but like, there is such thing as a bad opionion. And it's not mine.
Its a shame people hate DMC4 Dante. I just don't get what's to hate about him, it was a blast just seeing him have fun and be the opposite of Nero. They really contrast each other.

Tast is subjective, but like, there is such thing as a bad opionion. And it's not mine.
I like him. In my opinion he is good mix of Dante from third and first game in series.
Its a shame people hate DMC4 Dante. I just don't get what's to hate about him, it was a blast just seeing him have fun and be the opposite of Nero. They really contrast each other.

Tast is subjective, but like, there is such thing as a bad opionion. And it's not mine.
Well, what's so special about the guy? Dante's always been a pretty weak character in general. There's a line in between having a sense of humor and just being well, stupid. The things he says and does is just dumb. Nothing more, nothing less. He just talks stupid sh!t. He doesn't really have anything witty behind what he says. Devil May Cry needs better writers to deliver some good jokes. Looking at Dante's outfit in 4 the jokes technically write themselves here Capcom.
Well, what's so special about the guy? Dante's always been a pretty weak character in general. There's a line in between having a sense of humor and just being well, stupid. The things he says and does is just dumb. Nothing more, nothing less. He just talks stupid sh!t. He doesn't really have anything witty behind what he says. Devil May Cry needs better writers to deliver some good jokes. Looking at Dante's outfit in 4 the jokes technically write themselves here Capcom.

Well even though DMC4 Dante was a catastraphy and a horrid parody of a once badass character, people have a different opinion on that Dante. Just as some prefer new Dante over the other Dantes. (me included)
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I like DMC4 Dante I just wish he gave a **** i mean Dante started this whole thing to help people at this point in the timeline so he seems like a jerk to just let innocent people die, Trish and Lady weren't terrible its just they didn't do anything so why add them? But what you put was really sad ;-; i liked it a lot except for Nero being Vergils maybe son I can't buy that.
Well, what's so special about the guy? Dante's always been a pretty weak character in general. There's a line in between having a sense of humor and just being well, stupid. The things he says and does is just dumb. Nothing more, nothing less. He just talks stupid sh!t. He doesn't really have anything witty behind what he says. Devil May Cry needs better writers to deliver some good jokes. Looking at Dante's outfit in 4 the jokes technically write themselves here Capcom.

And that's the beauty of it, he just doesn't give a ****. Was a nice break from Nero. Alright character, but he's clearly the Raiden of DMC4.

I like him. In my opinion he is good mix of Dante from third and first game in series.

Yeah, true. But I do like DMC1 Dante a lot.
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And that's the beauty of it, he just doesn't give a ****. Was a nice break from Nero. Alright character, but he's clearly the Raiden of DMC4.

Yeah, true. But I do like DMC1 Dante a lot.
The point is that it's just dumb. It's not really funny or entertaining at all. A bit boring because of how stupid it all is. Like I said, they really should start writing actual jokes for these games because I see so many missed opportunities in the series for an actual joke with a funny punch line. The guys that tried to be funny with Dante truly aren't funny themselves because they can't write a good joke to save their life. I think Dante could actually be funny with some good honest jokes if they just ever tried with him. They never did though.

When you got Dante interacting with these wacky bosses and weird looking characters it's a shame no one ever seems to actually fulfill the potential oh how many jokes you can come up with. It's just so stupid that it's not funny. That's what I'm trying to say.

They should have took a shot at Dante's outfit in 4 because you can't just let that slip without making fun of how stupid it was. You talk about Raiden and you know, Raiden is also a really easy target to make fun off and that's why in Metal Gear they actually made fun of how he is so feminine. When you toss in so many stupid things Capcom the jokes basically write themselves. You can't be this stupid to pass on this sh!t.
The point is that it's just dumb. It's not really funny or entertaining at all. A bit boring because of how stupid it all is. Like I said, they really should start writing actual jokes for these games because I see so many missed opportunities in the series for an actual joke with a funny punch line. The guys that tried to be funny with Dante truly aren't funny themselves because they can't write a good joke to save their life. I think Dante could actually be funny with some good honest jokes if they just ever tried with him. They never did though.

When you got Dante interacting with these wacky bosses and weird looking characters it's a shame no one ever seems to actually fulfill the potential oh how many jokes you can come up with. It's just so stupid that it's not funny. That's what I'm trying to say.

They should have took a shot at Dante's outfit in 4 because you can't just let that slip without making fun of how stupid it was. You talk about Raiden and you know, Raiden is also a really easy target to make fun off and that's why in Metal Gear they actually made fun of how he is so feminine. When you toss in so many stupid things Capcom the jokes basically write themselves. You can't be this stupid to pass on this sh!t.

Whoa. Easy there.

Like I said, people can like whatever Dante they want for whatever reason. For example, I liked DMC1 Dante for his subtle cockiness and find him better then DMC3 Dante. But people will argue and say that DMC3 Dante was more fun and over the top/ It's all a matter of opinion.

And just so no one likes this; DmC new Dante is better then all Donte's combined.:troll:
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DMC4 Dante is even more hated than DmC Dante on this forum (On every other forum, he's considered a parody of DMC3 Dante)
i hardly think that anyone really hates DMC4.. no one just bothers to mention him because of his horribly wrong portrayal in DMC4 its just like All star batman
For this, he mask his pain behind a facade of a happy go lucky one liner maker, similar to Spiderman
eh.. spiderman never struggled his whole life as a half demon/human his mother wasn't killed by hell spawns and finally he killed his brother unknowingly so comparison here is very bleak
Now imagine, finding out your dead father had a connection to this random boy you just met, imagine the joy of finding out that you aren't the last living member of your family, after being convinced so for so many years
Eh yeah if that was a regular guy like me yes i would be excited but if it was a demon hunter who a has tragic past who mostly spends his time killing demons i wouldn't expect him give a damn
Infact he did say one thing

"We're all the same you,me.. and them" its just that his V.A was purposely comedic at that time that it didn't strike as a serious quote
How could you take any living demon seriously if you knew that they couldn't take you or even this boy, who to your knowledge does not even have half your power, down?
That doesn't mean that you have to act like a joker.. you'd expect him to be Mature and Casual not fu*king around like he just hit puberty so yeah Anime/DMC1 Dante anytime !
That was all Dante cared about, he didn't even know Credo, nor did he care that some other power crazed madman was trying to get his fathers power, again
The script says all he was doing in DMC 4 was screwin' around even when he helped nero seemed like he was trolling nero
However, it was at the end, when he had to say goodbye to his newfound family member that triggered DMC2, imagine, years after the end of DMC2, and he still has not reunited with Nero, that would have left him heartbroken
See buddy he's NOT a 15 yr old tween who has OCD and bipolar THIS IS A BADASS Demon hunter we're talking about "Heartbroken" LMAO
He walked into hell, to find Nero's , in hopes of reuniting father and son, one day/
LOL really ? I don't think so.. >_> he went to hell because he was bored of human world
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