Sales Figures--DmC--Worth the reboot?

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Jun 8, 2012
I apologize if there's already a thread concerning this, but I was checking sales figures thus far for DmC, and I found some articles that I thought would be worth mentioning.

In Japan, Siliconera reports that:
"Launch sales of the game are significantly lower than those of Devil May Cry 4, which was released in 2008 in Japan. That game sold 205,390 copies on the PS3 at launch, and an additional 40,023 copies on the Xbox 360."

Compare that to

"110,429 copies on the PlayStation 3,"

for DmC and the knowledge that

"The Xbox 360 version of the game wasn’t featured in the top-20 sales ranking, but sales tracker, Media Create, report that it sold approximately 6,000 copies,"

coupled with the fact that

"release week pre-order sales for the PlayStation 3 version of DmC Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 4 were about the same,"

it's clear that Capcom may have bit off more than they can chew.

Speaking from a strictly economic perspective, the series was rebooted by Capcom to attract more fans, and having done so, I'd think it would have paid off a little more for them. Considering the lengthy development time, frequent changes in design for each development trailer, DmC Dante's inclusion in PlayStation All Stars, and the vast marketing campaign, I'm surprised DmC has fallen through the cracks this badly. Then again, we are only looking at Japan, but it'd appear that Japan has spoken. The information came from the following article and you're all free to read and respond:

Another article I found on Eurogamer details sales in the United Kingdom. Giving that Ninja Theory's home turf is in the UK, I'd have thought that would give them the home court advantage. But as

"Launch week sales for DmC Devil May Cry were just a third of the amount that previous entry Devil May Cry 4 sold during its launch week in 2008."

In addition, Eurogamer reveals that

"That's despite DmC having an extra three days on sale."

Meaning, that even with a three day head start, DMC4 still came back from the grave to give DmC a savage wake up call. In Ninja Theory's backyard no less. Here's the link to that article:

The response overall confuses me. With game reviewers giving DmC near perfect reviews all the way across the board, with many reviews (IGN for example) literally begging the viewer to "Shut up, stand up, and buy this ****" I just keep getting the feeling that sales are not in DmC's favor. And Ninja Theory knows it. Reviews are feeling oddly pushy and are starting to come off a little desperately, like a last minute marketing strategy... But I digress.

What does this mean for DmC fans? Nothing yet. I could only find sales for Japan and the UK. Meaning that sales figures for Capcom's intended target, the US, have either not been calculated yet, or are being witheld. Keeping in mind that the game was solely created for the purpose of drawing new players to the series, I would argue thus far, that the reboot has created far more controversy within the series' pre-existing fans than it has created an attraction for new fans. Overall however, the Siliconera article states my final thoughts perfectly:

"Without hard worldwide figures or an official statement from Capcom, it’s hard to put together an accurate picture of whether or not they consider DmC Devil May Cry a success, since factors like differences in the development budget, manpower, marketing expenses and long-term sales all play a role in defining success. That said, what we do know is that the game isn’t doing as well as its predecessor in at least two territories."

What are your thoughts? It's already fact that Devil May Cry was a financially successful flagship title for Capcom, but after DmC, the future of the series we all know and love appears dubious. The reason behind the reboot in of itself is still confusing. If Capcom had intended for a cohesive storyline, they should've allowed Kamiya more creative freedom from the start, rather than trying ot squeeze all the money they could out of the series. We all saw that after DMC2, Capcom had to clean up their act and deliver the outstanding DMC3. But after lazing back into a need for financial profit with DMC4, the game ended up feeling rushed. And it shows in the level design. I honestly feel bad for reboot fans. By hiring outside talent to create a new set of characters for fans to be invested in, they shafted original fans and simultaneously divided the existing fanbase, seemingly, without reaching out to any new fans.

If sales thus far are an indicator, the only thing Capcom has succeeded in is dividing its fanbase. What this means for the series overall is troubling. But who knows? I'm not even sure I trust Capcom to give another Devil May Cry title. It sucks for old fans because we feel betrayed and untrustworthy of Capcom, and it creates animosity with DmC fans because it forces Capcom to choose one side of its divided fanbase. I tried to keep my thoughts bi-partisan, and clearly failed. But I'd like to hear your opinions on the issue, and if anything, keep in mind the facts I provided bfore I chose to voice my opinion.

Where do you think the future of Devil May Cry is headed?
First of all thanks for typing this up it was a great read.
I think that DmC is probably headed for a sequel but that will be the end of it. The overall goal will always be profit and if they are not making as much as they think needed they will stop production.

The dividing the fanbase part is a huge thing because if they continue with DmC without any way of appealing to old DMC fans they are not going to sell as well. I mean personally this is the first DMC game i did not buy but instead rent. If they try to appeal too much to the older fans, new fans will feel betrayed by a series they just came into.

It is hard to predict exactly where we are going but the future of DMC as a franchise is not looking bright right now.
DmC will get a sequel, of course, but I'm sure that will be it for DmC.

Meanwhile DMC is dead. It won't come back, that's it. As much as I don't want that, its pretty obvious the old is dead, and the new will get one last game, before it dies. Plus, if the first sells well, and the sequel is good, who knows, maybe DmC will go on.

I'm pretty sure those sales will change since this is only the first month. And only Japan and UK, and not the rest of the world.
The reason is Japans marketing strategy sucked.
They focused on presenting RE6 too much even on TGS (which they presented the same thing on PSN with waiting hours more than 3 or 4 hours)
And to top it, DmC never made a decent page on Famitsu, and they did a poor job on stream.
I'm surely going to have a word on this.
If they thought it would sell in those conditions, I think they are brain dead more than I think.
The main problem with DmC in Japan, was promoting (marketing).

TGS was dissapointing, the videos were bad, gameplay was bad. It seems they got the worst people available to play the game. I'm playing it now and I can't believe they didn't choose me to show gameplay, lol. XD

For example, I was tired of watching videos of every player being owned by a Tirant. It was always the same thing...
Someone in Silconera brought an interesting point about why it didn't sell so well in Japan. He said something like the game not attracting any girl gamers, and that could be the reason why DMC4 sold a lot in its premiere because of the "prett boys" Dante and Nero, less blood and gore, and Kobayashi was part of it, and I heard he attracts A LOT of gamers in Japan.

But the hell with them, right? At least DmC sold almost 500,000 copies in its premiere week.
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Why do people keep saying DmC sells badly when compared to DMC4 though they could be saying that it has topped the UK and Japan sale lists? Even in my country DmC jumped instantly in the top ten lists after couple of days being on sale.
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Why do people keep saying DmC sells badly when compared to DMC4 though they could be saying that it has topped the UK and Japan sale lists? Even in my country DmC jumped instantly in the top ten lists after couple of days being on sale.
Reboot was supposed to get into broader audience, right now it after one week in UK sales are 1/3 of what dmc4 sold after one week there, in Japan same but 1/2.

Oh yeah, more people have more consoles so next game in franchise should sell less. Hm maybe thats because NT and Capcom just cant manage pr properly and just ****ed of a lot of people who wanted to give reboot a chance?
Reboot was supposed to get into broader audience, right now it after one week in UK sales are 1/3 of what dmc4 sold after one week there, in Japan same but 1/2.

Oh yeah, more people have more consoles so next game in franchise should sell less. Hm maybe thats because NT and Capcom just cant manage pr properly and just ****ed of a lot of people who wanted to give reboot a chance?

Maybe DmC is attracting people in mighty fine; there is a possibility that DMC5 woudl've sold even less. Nowadays people buy games differently than in the past, and so on. Who knows.
They seem to enjoy ignoring the fact that the global economy is in a different place than when DMC4 came out as well...
Learning it is pretty easy, the principles and stuff. Executing it, following it, and pretty much everything else in real-world economics is freaking difficult. It's kind of funny, economics and politics. Looks so easy, but you place yourself in their places and try fixing everything. Well . . . Welcome to something worse than Hell.

So even though we can compare sales figures, comparing them with the differences in society back then is a bit more difficult.
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One thing we're all missing is that digital download sales are not tracked by NPD. Let's say even 100K people downloaded their copy of DmC...that's way more than it appears.
One thing we're all missing is that digital download sales are not tracked by NPD. Let's say even 100K people downloaded their copy of DmC...that's way more than it appears.

Exactly. As a matter of fact, I just had a conversation with a friend of mine about the digital downloads and it that how are they kept track of. It would be nice to see how much the downloadable version of the game has sold.
The simple fact is that the DMC4 and DmC sales numbers are not a fair comparison. 2008 and 2013 are two very different worlds economically, hell, 2008 and 2009 are radically different in terms of the global economy. DmC will never sell as many copies as DMC4 for several reasons. DMC4 rode on the hype of DMC3, being a the first next gen entry into the series, being the first multiplatform DMC game, Plenty of marketing from Capcom, and a sparse hack&slash gaming market. It had almost everything going for it.

DmC rides on a weak global economy and that alone guarantee's it wont sale as much as DMC4, tons of hate and controversy surrounding the game, next to no marketing, and a crowded field of new hack&slash games. Now this all has nothing to do with which is a better game but we do need to put this in perspective. Hack&slash games are already a niche market in the gaming community and we have more options in it then we did in 2008. At this point in the game world, only games like Call of Duty and Halo can rack up truly large numbers anymore. Even games that sale well over a million copies are considered wasted investments or just moderate successes or just outright failures now by many game publishers.

All things considered, DmC is actually doing rather well with the hand it was dealt, better than I expected
Here's another reason the argument isn't as black and white as the numbers say: Piracy.

Games are much more easily pirated on the consoles now than they were 5 years ago, and indeed dmc was leaked at least a week (could have been much longer, I have no idea, I don't even own a console) before release for both PS3 and 360.

That being said I guess numbers can never really lie, and whether or not the game has undersold based on it's own merit or media/economy/other, it doesn't appear to have sold as well as past installments.
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This was actually my first Devil May Cry game so I can't say too much about it but honestly... I am glad it was rebooted as this has to be one the funnest game I have played in a long time.

Yeah totally understandable. What's happened isn't really fair to anyone who's fans of the series, even the new guys. I'm glad you had a good time with it though! The other games are definitely worth checking out!
First of all thanks for typing this up it was a great read.
I think that DmC is probably headed for a sequel but that will be the end of it. The overall goal will always be profit and if they are not making as much as they think needed they will stop production.

The dividing the fanbase part is a huge thing because if they continue with DmC without any way of appealing to old DMC fans they are not going to sell as well. I mean personally this is the first DMC game i did not buy but instead rent. If they try to appeal too much to the older fans, new fans will feel betrayed by a series they just came into.

It is hard to predict exactly where we are going but the future of DMC as a franchise is not looking bright right now.

Thanks for your response. Yeah I'm kinda nervous. I might have to put it to rest because I'm just not gunna be able to trust another DMC game coming from Capcom. I mean you saw what happened to Resident Evil 6 ... Who knows what will happen to the new fans if Capcom decides the reboot isn't profitable anymore? It feels like no one's winning out of this
The reason is Japans marketing strategy sucked.
They focused on presenting RE6 too much even on TGS (which they presented the same thing on PSN with waiting hours more than 3 or 4 hours)
And to top it, DmC never made a decent page on Famitsu, and they did a poor job on stream.
I'm surely going to have a word on this.
If they thought it would sell in those conditions, I think they are brain dead more than I think.
That's interesting.. because I know that following an incredibly strong release, sales for RE6 fell sharply down and Capcom is losing alot of money they thought they'd be making and they've had to lower finanical expectations for the next quarter. And DmC isn't a no name game in Japan. The controversial reboot aside, Devil May Cry has always had a ridiculously strong fanbase centered in Japan. I'm not sure poor marketing would be to blame. Certainly all everyone's been talking about is the reboot. But then again we saw how poorly the game sold in the UK .. We'll have to wait for the US estimates before making further judgement
Well, DmC wasn't made for the Japanese gamers, but to attract the western audience, right? So expecting sales to be high in Japan would be a wrong assumption. However, seeing as the game has still sold in Japan tells me that at least there are Japanese gamers who still find DmC worth the money. And that's a good thing. ^^
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