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NT accomplished this and why the reboot may have saved the series


Well-known Member
-rebooting the series and making the story coherent
-giving dmc a comic book feel whether than a manga/anime feel
-revitalizing the series
-making dmc accessible for ALL players, casual/hardcore there's something for everybody
-making the game immersive outside of just combos, seriously combos can only take a game so far, atmosphere was non existent in dmc4 and story wasn't really good and LEVEL DESIGN COUNTS and backtracking through the game isn't instantly excused by a deep combat system
-giving the characters depth, seriously, there was no character in this game that i felt wasn't a good and relevant character. every character also had a good CLEAR, (not ambiguous for the sake of being ambiguous, LOOKING AT YOU ICHI-nero..) backstory.except for Lilith who instead of having tons of character development, was a somewhat tragic character, (seriously vergil, wtf, oh wait she's a DEMON carrying the main antagonist's child NVM)

btw if you come to this thread to complain about things like fps, character design and personal preference i will do the hypothetical scenario thing like in one of the previous threads when someone tried to explain to me why vergil killing a demon was fudged up, seriously....ok go


Well-known Member
I haven't seen much of the game as trying to remain spoiler free but I really like what I see so far. I agree with you about DMC4 it was boring bland and the story didnt interest me at all imo.

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
Hm, ok, here I go (´∀`)
I guess I can agree with that most of the things you mentioned are a good thing for the DMC franchise, exept for that comic book thing (idk why it's that great of an improvement, I mean, there are also very well written and mature Manga, so it's more about finding a good writer really) and the accessibility. I think that it's been accessible enough ever since DMC3SE, and that making it generally easier is actually a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying DmC is a bad game (God forbid), but from what I've seen in the demo, it should be a little more difficult, at least on Nephlim and above :/


Well-known Member
Hm, ok, here I go (´∀`)
I guess I can agree with that most of the things you mentioned are a good thing for the DMC franchise, exept for that comic book thing (idk why it's that great of an improvement, I mean, there are also very well written and mature Manga, so it's more about finding a good writer really) and the accessibility. I think that it's been accessible enough ever since DMC3SE, and that making it generally easier is actually a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying DmC is a bad game (God forbid), but from what I've seen in the demo, it should be a little more difficult, at least on Nephlim and above :/
its not that manga isn't mature, its that they set out to give it a western feel from the get go

Hm, ok, here I go (´∀`)
I guess I can agree with that most of the things you mentioned are a good thing for the DMC franchise, exept for that comic book thing (idk why it's that great of an improvement, I mean, there are also very well written and mature Manga, so it's more about finding a good writer really) and the accessibility. I think that it's been accessible enough ever since DMC3SE, and that making it generally easier is actually a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying DmC is a bad game (God forbid), but from what I've seen in the demo, it should be a little more difficult, at least on Nephlim and above :/
and nephilim difficulty is classic devil hunter with a different name


Well-known Member
The story was just a mess in the original games, Just look at DMC2 and DMC4.
And look at how Dante's persona in DMC3-4 is different from the one in DMC1. Just everything about the original DMC games storylines was ****ed up.

That's why I like DmC.

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
its not that manga isn't mature, its that they set out to give it a western feel from the get go
'k then, I guess you're right then, Manga sure isn't everbodies thing :p
and nephilim difficulty is classic devil hunter with a different name
Yeah, and that's my problem, because in DmC it's essentially the 'hard' setting, while it's on the same level as previous DMC's 'normal'. idk, I mean I'm not a very good player myself, but I think that DmC's 'normal' setting should just be a little more difficult, especially since it was said that this game's difficulty will be on par with DMC3SE. *shrugs* it's just what I feel, though.


Well-known Member
I don't really see it as it's hard mode. It has the same description as Devil Hunter from DMC4, and it's available from the beginning. It's where we're supposed to start if we're used to DMC.

The way I see it, they added in a Very Easy mode(Human) to take the place of the Automatic modes. I see Devil Hunter as Easy now. The game still may be a bit easier, but not much.

I guess it's all in how you choose to look at it, though.


Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
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Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
I don't really see it as it's hard mode. It has the same description as Devil Hunter from DMC4, and it's available from the beginning. It's where we're supposed to start if we're used to DMC.

The way I see it, they added in a Very Easy mode(Human) to take the place of the Automatic modes. I see Devil Hunter as Easy now. The game still may be a bit easier, but not much.

I guess it's all in how you choose to look at it, though.
I guess I just don't like the idea of a 'very easy' mode, since, imo, it's not necessary. What did those Automatic modes do, btw? I never really understood that :/

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
I don't really see it as it's hard mode. It has the same description as Devil Hunter from DMC4, and it's available from the beginning. It's where we're supposed to start if we're used to DMC.

The way I see it, they added in a Very Easy mode(Human) to take the place of the Automatic modes. I see Devil Hunter as Easy now. The game still may be a bit easier, but not much.

I guess it's all in how you choose to look at it, though.
I guess I just don't like the idea of a 'very easy' mode, since, imo, it's not necessary. What did those Automatic modes do, btw? I never really understood that :/

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
Once upon a time, there was a server that did not like me. Neither did it like poor Ieyasu, so it made our posts muliply and spam this poor little thread :p
So I'll just use this post to say that I agree with what Ieyasu said about the Manga VS. comic thing, the writing part and the diffuculty (exept for the platforming, I don't really mind if it's there or not), and that QTEs should just be banned from video games forever, because seriously, what are they even good for?


Keyser Söze
[quote="AlchemistFromEden, post: 424534, member: 24299]
btw if you come to this thread to complain about things like fps, character design and personal preference i will do the hypothetical scenario thing like in one of the previous threads when someone tried to explain to me why vergil killing a demon was fudged up[/quote]


I would say new story isn't all interesting to me (but that's just my opinion)

I do not think this 'Revitalizes' the series.... it just makes the series's future uncertain

Well the first game "Arguably" did not have the manga/anime feel AT ALL ! i think you're referring to dmc3/4

Its more vibrant and colorful looking rather the "comic book" but yeah the art style is slick

"making dmc accessible for ALL players"

yeah you're right they did the same thing with RE5/RE6.. look how great of a game it was for the old fans

"making the game immersive outside of just combos"

LoL that's what DMC is for me fast paced combos and freaking crazy-ass gameplay.. that's all i look forward to in this game

"seriously combos can only take a game so far"
That's what DMC is all about dude... and really idk what more do you want from a game based on hack'n'slash

"atmosphere was non existent in dmc4"

I agree on this one DMC 4 was way too charming and neat looking.. i prefer the much grittier look of Old DMC

"giving the characters depth"
emm...well i don't get what're you talking about what 'Depth' are you looking for ?

Its simple Dante is the son of a demon he's demon hunter he kick's ass What more 'depth' do you need ?

"giving the characters depth, seriously, there was no character in this game that i felt wasn't a good and relevant character"

Seriously dude this ain't not heavy rain.. play heavy rain don't expect that stuff in a game 100% focused on gameplay


Oldschool DMC fan

NT set out to make a game that would make CAPCOM more money. They have probably achieved this, but we won't know until the figures are all in.

Comic book feel? Yes. I personally prefer the manga feel and the Japanese take, because that is what it has always been before, and what I became a 'fan' of; but if the goal is to make more Western money, then moving away from manga/anime style is a predictable move.

Revitalising? Maybe. I did not think it was broken before, it needed better writing and better handling of its characters is all.

Making it accessible to everyone; they have achieved that, but that's not what I personally wanted them to do. As a fan of a game that is renowned as 'difficult' (for some reason) I didn't want it dumbed down so that it becomes too easy, nor did I want it padded out with platforming and slow-mo etc. Experiencing the gameplay, I was not impressed with how they have achieved this.

Immersive? I agree on the backtracking sucks, but I don't feel this game is "more immersive" than other titles of the series. Notably the first one, or the third. Forced or timed events break up immersion, or slow mo in fights are distracting IMO. Just because other Western games are full of QTEs or forced events doesn't mean they are automatically a good thing to just put in there.

Character depth: Seems to be a matter of personal opinion and/or taste here. People see what they wanna see in these characters, as way back when the first images of Kat or Dante or Vergil were released without additional info, people were still all over them saying how fantastic they were, when we still knew nothing. There's a lack of depth in the previous games, possibly some issues with translation as well, but from what I see of DmC there is only slightly more exposition. Not a torrent.


Well-known Member
Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
sales don't really=quality, case and point, okami, amazing game, sold very poorly and worse then it should have, same with enslaved odyssey to the west, very good game with a great story and character development, and it sold below what the company hoped for


Well-known Member
Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
sales don't really=quality, case and point, okami, amazing game, sold very poorly and worse then it should have, same with enslaved odyssey to the west, very good game with a great story and character development, and it sold below what the company hoped for


Well-known Member
Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
Maybe we could wait with such statements until we will know how good or bad it will sell?
sales don't really=quality, case and point, okami, amazing game, sold very poorly and worse then it should have, same with enslaved odyssey to the west, very good game with a great story and character development, and it sold below what the company hoped for


Well-known Member
I don't know if this has been asked before but I'd like to know if the upgrade points won in the demo counts for the real game or not?


sales don't really=quality, case and point, okami, amazing game, sold very poorly and worse then it should have, same with enslaved odyssey to the west, very good game with a great story and character development, and it sold below what the company hoped for
You know, if people dont buy a product, maybe because its bad? I know all ready what you will say if reboot wont sell good. That is another art piece from NT, but baaaaaaaaaad haters did not bought it because its not same as original series.

Sunaka Marién

Well-known Member
No, you don't pull of stylish combos.

You do random combos with random button inputs that don't look remotely stylish. Stop thinking this.
What a stupid option to put in a game like DMC, I mean, if you're new and play with that option and after completing it proceed to play it on normal, you will have no clue what in the world you have to do and basically start learning everything anew!


Oldschool DMC fan
sales don't really=quality, case and point, okami, amazing game, sold very poorly and worse then it should have, same with enslaved odyssey to the west, very good game with a great story and character development, and it sold below what the company hoped for
And personal opinion doesn't necessarily = quality either. You say Enslaved was a quality game, yet nearly all talk on Enslaved I've seen about the net discuss how it was a promising but flawed game, and it ended up in the bargain bin sections of the stores quickly. You might think it was great but sales figures are what matter to the developers, else we'd be seeing development of another Okami or an Enslaved II by now.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
I stopped reading after "revitalized the series".

There was nothing to revitalize according to sales and reviews, and a loyal fan base.


Well-known Member
What a stupid option to put in a game like DMC, I mean, if you're new and play with that option and after completing it proceed to play it on normal, you will have no clue what in the world you have to do and basically start learning everything anew!

Tons of people button mash when playing games. So I guess Capcom thought it would be a good idea to include an Automatic mode for newcomers. I don't know why they did this.
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