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Why Bother Getting A New Console So Soon?


Fake Geek Girl.
I know some people who have just recently bought themselves one of the newest consoles.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndddddd....................it's pointless.

Of course the new Xbox is gross and everyone's pretty much avoiding the thing like the plague but, the PS4 isn't even appealing either (yet at least).

I'm looking at this stuff and seeing how there's hardly any games worth playing on it. Save for a few that are ALSO coming to PC so yea. And all those services and stuff aren't even completely functional and or running.

You're practically beta testing the things.

Why would anyone really get these things so soon........

Also, the gaming community is becoming too ok with companies just dishing out and selling unfinished products. That's a whole other can of worms though.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014

The one and only game I'm considering getting a PS4 for is, you guessed it, Metal Gear Solid 5/Ground Zeros, but I'm still unsure if I should anyway since everything else I'm looking forward to is coming to PC so I'll have no use for the PS4 until some average exclusives show up. Still thinking about sticking to the PS3 version of Ground Zeros and MGS5, hope I'll still get that bonus Kojima mentioned.

The PS1/PS2 Emulation thing is sexy and all, but it's not enough.
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Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Of course the new Xbox is gross and everyone's pretty much avoiding the thing like the plague but, the PS4 isn't even appealing either (yet at least).

I'm looking at this stuff and seeing how there's hardly any games worth playing on it. Save for a few that are ALSO coming to PC so yea. And all those services and stuff aren't even completely functional and or running.

You're practically beta testing the things.

I see what your saying about buying them so early though I do have an Xbox One and I do like it (I know... crazy right?). I dont preach hate towards other companies or pick sides I merely opted for the console that had the most titles I was personally interested in on it (would own a PS4 too if I could afford it). Im not interested in backwards compatibility as I want the industry to move forwards not get stuck in the past and I still have my 360 for that. There is far too much hate in the gaming industry these days between gamers/fanboys etc.

However I tend to never buy consoles on launch for the reason of lack of games but my Xbox One was a present for Christmas (that arrived middle of Jan due to low stock so not avoided by 'everyone'). But yeah there arent many games on any of the next gen consoles yet (plenty coming but is quite a wait for some).

Only games I have on it so far are BF4 and ACIV and they are both better on the Xbox One than they were on the 360, not enough to warrant buying the console so early of course but I have the console and have time to get used to everything before the bigger titles start to come. I am actively giving feedback to people like Major Nelson (and others) over Twitter on my findings on the console (as are others) and that feedback from early users is being used to tailor future updates and improvements. Its an investment more than anything and I am enjoying the console so far, just waiting for some of the big releases but enjoying the upgraded previous gen games on it currently.

Buying the Xbox One hasnt stopped me using my 360 and I just alternate between them now so I havent lost anything by getting it early, just means im ready for the games I do want on next gen already. Any games that are released on multiple platforms (including last gen) I shall now purchase the next gen version as they are normally the better more complete product (over their 360 and PS3 counterparts). I dont have a PC yet to take advantage of some but I shall after my wedding, so currently finally enjoying 64 players on Battlefield again on Xbox One (rather than 32 on PS3 and 360) and an improved ACIV.

Both consoles will improve with time and wise for most people to wait for features to be fully fleshed out, more games to come out and some patches to be released to make certain things easier to use/run better etc.

Also, the gaming community is becoming too ok with companies just dishing out and selling unfinished products. That's a whole other can of worms though.

If your referring to the new trend of early access games (DayZ, Rust etc) they are sometimes the only way these smaller developers can afford to make games, people who buy the products early know what they are getting into (developers have actively discouraged people from purchasing them). Its an investment to a bright future and they will give feedback on their experiences for the companies to tailor the games and add features that players want. Same thing applies with these than those that buy consoles early, we know what we are getting into (though some early access games are only 10% complete). Some people like to be there from the start to witness first hand where it came from to where it ended up when it was 'finished' and feel that they helped contribute towards it (with their cash/feedback or both).

The sales these games have received so far and the media attention has stunned even the developers and with this funding they will be able to craft a game that far surpasses their original vision. Kickstarter has been used in some cases and been successful (Kingdom Come) but in some cases has flopped for companies (Bugbear). However Bugbear released an early access version of their 'next car game' and it had £1 million worth of sales (even though their Kickstarter didnt hit anywhere near its target) and now they can craft the game they wanted which they couldnt afford before.

However for games from AAA developers to be released in such an unfinished state (amount of patches BF4 has needed) etc shouldnt be acceptable at all. These are developers who havent struggled with funding but have had their titles rushed out by publishers and partners who want to hit financial deadlines. I would rather support the smaller developers who are in touch with their communities and trying to craft games that the people want (and I will when I get a PC capable of running them), rather than throwing cash at big AAA developers who simply want your money.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
You're practically beta testing the things.

That's my main problem.
I don't think these machines are tested enough to find faults (like the 'flaw' in the old 360's).
Tbh, after the whole '360 red ring of death' debacle, I'm going to wait sometime before getting an Xbox One.

I think you have to be totally dedicated to gaming (and 'loaded with dosh') to buy one at release.
I was looking at the games available for X1 and thought, "Well, some of those are available for the 360, so what's the point...?"
Apparently it's going to take a year before the chat function is up-and-running 'properly' (not that I'd use it anyway).

Mind you, before an X1, I've gotta get a new computer.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
I got my PS4 at launch and DC Universe, Warframe, Resogun, and Contrast all came free. I bought Need for Speed Rivals, BF4 (traded KZ for it), Ghosts, and AC4. By doing this, I realized that there are games just nothing crazy popular like Uncharted.

Playstation knew of the drought between games and offered up two games.

Warframe: Third person shooter with RPG elements. Over 60 stages, up to 4 players on each mission, co op or versus, customizable characters that have special powers per Warframe choice (A LOT), ocustomizable weapons (Primary, Secondary, & Melee), a slew of mission types, rare powers (Blackholes anyone?), sentinels (little helpers), crafting items, weapons, and Warframes (find the materials on different planets or missions), etc. Did I mention you're practically a futuristic ninja?

That's a game that keeps giving. I have so many videos of me using Radial Javelin. I mean seeing all of those enemies pinned to the wall dangling like that just had me tapping the share button back to back. It brought a boatload of friends to it and they all have different Warframes then me. Douchebags even have weapons I can't get and do things I can't do. It's like "Your Warframe can create wormholes!?"

DC Universe: I'm sure alot of you got to play this on PS3. I didn't think much of it until I gave it a try. I didn't know it'd be like that. I thought it'd be turn based. It's awesome to say the least.

I bought the X1 because of Dead Rising 3 and KI. Even tried the Dance party demo and well. I swear to you, this is exactly how me and my older brother reacted when his gf asked us if it was worth the buy.

I felt.....I felt like I ruined his bday with that console. He looks at me different when I visit.



Fake Geek Girl.
If your referring to the new trend of early access games (DayZ, Rust etc) they are sometimes the only way these smaller developers can afford to make games, people who buy the products early know what they are getting into (developers have actively discouraged people from purchasing them). Its an investment to a bright future and they will give feedback on their experiences for the companies to tailor the games and add features that players want. Same thing applies with these than those that buy consoles early, we know what we are getting into (though some early access games are only 10% complete). Some people like to be there from the start to witness first hand where it came from to where it ended up when it was 'finished' and feel that they helped contribute towards it (with their cash/feedback or both).

The sales these games have received so far and the media attention has stunned even the developers and with this funding they will be able to craft a game that far surpasses their original vision. Kickstarter has been used in some cases and been successful (Kingdom Come) but in some cases has flopped for companies (Bugbear). However Bugbear released an early access version of their 'next car game' and it had £1 million worth of sales (even though their Kickstarter didnt hit anywhere near its target) and now they can craft the game they wanted which they couldnt afford before.

However for games from AAA developers to be released in such an unfinished state (amount of patches BF4 has needed) etc shouldnt be acceptable at all. These are developers who havent struggled with funding but have had their titles rushed out by publishers and partners who want to hit financial deadlines. I would rather support the smaller developers who are in touch with their communities and trying to craft games that the people want (and I will when I get a PC capable of running them), rather than throwing cash at big AAA developers who simply want your money.

Early access games (which isn't a completely bad idea in some cases) and new consoles.


Oldschool DMC fan
There's not enough games out yet that I care about for me to even think about getting one. When I get a console it's usually because a game or two comes out that I really wanna play and in the end I cave and buy. But I put it off as long as I can because everything's so expensive, plus I like to learn the flaws of the console from others who did buy and stuff they learned about what to do and what not to do with it. This way I've never had the Ring of Death and so on.


Hobby game dev
It feels like I have the best games of the PS3 generation, so it will take a while until my PS4 can compete with my PS3.

I got a PS4 now because I want to have one and not risk them being out of stock when the good games come.

But right now my PS4 is just collecting dust while I replay old games on my PS3.


Devil hunter in training
I wouldn't mind jumping in and buying one, but there just aren't many games I want right now. Besides, I'm still wary of the console having bugs or performance issues. The PS4 already bricked and the Xbox is still working out updates and policy changes from what I hear.

I'd rather wait a year for any bugs to be fixed and for a few more games to be in the catalogue before I seriously consider a purchase. I just don't see the incentive right now when I'm still enjoying my PS3.


Is not rat, is hamster
Sadly the XBOX One isn't following suit. I haven't played on a Sony console since the PS2, so a PS4 would be a bizarre purchase for me.

When my 360 dies, I guess I will sell it for parts on ebay and emulate as many of my collection for PC as I can


Hobby game dev
I feel like having a PS4 because I'm curious what Sony Santa Monica and Naughty Dog are up to...

They rarely disappoint.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
omg this.

I'm not really bothered about backwards compatibility as I still have my 360 (2 technically). Only hardship for me is I have to go up & down stairs depending on which console I want to play on. My Xbox One has been put in my bedroom & moved my 360 slim that was in bedroom to the lounge & put my other 360 that was in lounge in stepsons room. I would have my slim & Xbox One side by side in bedroom but they would crowd the top of my drawers.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
There's no way Xbox is going to do backwards compatibility for the X1, when they just told us that if we want an offline console stick with our 360s.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
There's no way Xbox is going to do backwards compatibility for the X1, when they just told us that if we want an offline console stick with our 360s.

Well 1 guy said that (Don Mattrick) then swiftly left the company, after the day 1 patch has been applied you can use the console offline (both PS4 & XB1) need patch before you can play though (can be put on USB or disc from PC).

I would rather companies spent their time pushing the industry & consoles further than spending their time on backwards compatibility & emulation. Nearly always issues with it & glitches along the way, I have a console to play my 360 games on... My 360.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Everything that's exclusive to the new systems are all on the PS4, and they aren't coming out until next year, sooooo...I'm totally fine with waiting. Even the games that are out for it now, like Assassin's Creed 4 and such, are just ports from a lesser system, and if I wanna play that, I can on my PS3.

Games like Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III are the only things vaguely on my radar, and by the time they are close to release, there'll probably have been a pricedrop and some nice updates to the hardware/firmware to make the PS4 run better anyway. So me and my wallet win~
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