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when did you first respect Dante (any) as a character?


the devil is not as black as he painted
Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne was the one that got me, stupid huh? instead of the real game one would ---aaaaanyway, i also kept reading here in this forum how atlus gave splendid depiction on Dante, and i guess those people are right..

Dante in Nocturne was calm, focus, knows what he's doing and ~cool, everything i would imagine out of an experienced devil hunter character. I guess that is also the reason why i am so into DMC2 Dante..

yeah, currently replaying Nocturne, so this came to my mind..

EDIT : i even bragged to my friends about Dante appearing in Nocturne, kept every files before them scenes where he shows up, and i would go "there! there! my god, dante's so cool there" friends would just go "who?" or "huh, yeah dante".. those nimwitz dont understand cool characters..


I Saw the Devil
I don't know if respect is the word but more like I was impressed by and that was when Trish impaled him, electrocuted him and threw his own motorcycle at him and he laughed it off. At the time I hadn't seen many characters like him, confident, assertive, focused. Most of the male characters I saw were moppy, sometimes whiny, and not very assertive. The comic book male leads always had some emotional issue that they thought about too much, they didn't really appeal to me that much, the manga characters were plain or detached like they were bored and they always needed to be pushed to action, the women were the interesting ones there, with charisma, drive or attitude and had to cattle prod the men to act. So when this dude come along that's all 'BRING IT,' I'm like, 'YEAH,' and so on.


Elite Hunter
Interesting question, nice thread.

Well, to be honest, every incarnation of Dante in the franchise earned my respect, in one way or another, even those I like less, namely DMC2 and DmC.

- DMC1

I immediately liked Dante, since the first cutscene. However, respect in the very sense of the word for me, came at the moment he recognizes Nelo Angelo as an honorable fighter.


"A man with guts and honor. I like that. Well it's a shame you serve Mundus."

It shows than Dante, with all his cocky attitude, still values honor and bravery. And I value people who value them.


When he offers to go to Hell (ehm... in the literary sense, not the insulting one... LOL) instead of Lucia.


Yes, he's an ultra-super-powered being at this point in the timeline, but he knows there are plenty of powerful demons in Hell, and each of them wants him dead for being the son of Sparda the traitor. Even with his powers, it takes guts to do that.


When his inner change starts after his little confrontation with Lady.


This is the point where Lady finally opens up with Dante and where he learns about her motivation, which causes his to change too. This is the point where the party ends and his sense of duty starts to grow. Sense of duty that by the end of the game, prevaricates even his love for his brother.


Right in the first cutscene where he appears.


Awesome entry (he knows how to start a show, let's be honest), and imposing presence. Just f*cking look at this!


He may be all playful and he may like to screw around, but when he thinks it's enough, it's enough and there are no two ways about it. He shows this in a few occasions later in the game as well.

- DmC

When he realizes how deviated his brother is and decides to stand his ground against him.


Pretty much for the same reason as DMC3. His sense of duty towards humanity has grown since the beginning of the game, and he cares so much to even be willing to fight and possibly kill his beloved brother.


the devil is not as black as he painted
nah, don't be sorry @Foxtrot94 , it's just that there are the original and reboot, so any refers to it.. and it's something that we liked and i'd probably do the same..

it's funny though when @ef9 o shea reminded that to you, it's his avatar n sig, felt like DMC4 dante is doing that, lol..

I don't know if respect is the word but more like I was impressed by and that was when Trish impaled him, electrocuted him and threw his own motorcycle at him and he laughed it off. At the time I hadn't seen many characters like him, confident, assertive, focused. Most of the male characters I saw were moppy, sometimes whiny, and not very assertive. The comic book male leads always had some emotional issue that they thought about too much, they didn't really appeal to me that much, the manga characters were plain or detached like they were bored and they always needed to be pushed to action, the women were the interesting ones there, with charisma, drive or attitude and had to cattle prod the men to act. So when this dude come along that's all 'BRING IT,' I'm like, 'YEAH,' and so on.

interesting take, could you remind us again what games, comics and mangas existed around that time? and the way you said it, trish was such a bitch, XD

SMT here as well.

the sight when we first see that red coat, priceless


Present Day. Present Time.
I got to say my first DMC game was the third one. If I'd met with Dante on 1,2 or 4 or maybe SMT, I'm pretty sure I could never love him as I do today.

So DMC3.

To be honest the whole game was a cheesy mess with some touching subplots going around to me. Up to a point at least.
The scene that started it all:
Till that point, I always thought Dante was like a slightly more quiet Deadpool or something. Always messing up, making cheesy one liners and never getting serious; but this scene, this library is like the monument of character development. Dante shows that he is not a walking funbox; but a human being in core. And not only we get to see Dante understanding and caring about everything's been going on, we get to see a broken, emotionally wasted Lady afraid to go on anymore, and a Vergil that is going further with nothing but determination to take his enemy down, to get the job done. The game introduces every character with not verbal narrative, but with an emotional one. At that point, just like Dante, I also come to understand and began to care about the whole thing, I understood everyone's motivation and they became real persons.

Anything that happened after that single moment not only complimented the game; but made me go through a even more emotional experience in my second, third and other playthroughs. Arkham explaining his motivation that was his misery, Lady killing his father with the last bits of her strength and breaking down, bursting into tears and of course the final dialogues between twins... Every single dialogue, the whole finale...

In short, the whole game wouldn't and couldn't make sense if that particular scene never happened and it could never cause such an emotional impact.

If it wasn't for that scene, DMC could never be a beloved tale in my heart. I could never feel any emotion while playing the other games and I could never love Dante as a character. But since then, whenever I hear/see/remember anything about DMC, I feel like crying. Whether they are tears of sadness or joy.


I Saw the Devil
interesting take, could you remind us again what games, comics and mangas existed around that time?
Same ones that are available right now, Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Superman. Anime and manga back then was littered with Evangelion copies so a lot of mecha with less than interesting male leads, pale copies of young Ikari all around. Not much has changed since then.

and the way you said it, trish was such a bitch, XD
Dude, what? It's not like she got the wrong guy. That would've been embarrassing.


Elite Hunter
The scene that started it all:
Till that point, I always thought Dante was like a slightly more quiet Deadpool or something. Always messing up, making cheesy one liners and never getting serious; but this scene, this library is like the monument of character development. Dante shows that he is not a walking funbox; but a human being in core. And not only we get to see Dante understanding and caring about everything's been going on, we get to see a broken, emotionally wasted Lady afraid to go on anymore, and a Vergil that is going further with nothing but determination to take his enemy down, to get the job done. The game introduces every character with not verbal narrative, but with an emotional one. At that point, just like Dante, I also come to understand and began to care about the whole thing, I understood everyone's motivation and they became real persons.

Anything that happened after that single moment not only complimented the game; but made me go through a even more emotional experience in my second, third and other playthroughs. Arkham explaining his motivation that was his misery, Lady killing his father with the last bits of her strength and breaking down, bursting into tears and of course the final dialogues between twins... Every single dialogue, the whole finale...

In short, the whole game wouldn't and couldn't make sense if that particular scene never happened and it could never cause such an emotional impact.

If it wasn't for that scene, DMC could never be a beloved tale in my heart. I could never feel any emotion while playing the other games and I could never love Dante as a character. But since then, whenever I hear/see/remember anything about DMC, I feel like crying. Whether they are tears of sadness or joy.

And I would like to add that Shibata's theme during the Total Ranking screen after the game's ending beautifully underlines your thoughts.

Sad music, but so beautiful.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Dante's most respectable moment as a character actually appears in a fashion that I swear to God, no one ever talks about...which floors me beyond belief, considering my attachment to Dante pretty much disintegrated by the third game.

"Mundus... His heinous ways make me sick; killing his own like
they were nothing. My mother always used to tell me that my father was a man who
fought for the weak. He had courage and a righteous heart.
In the name of my father I will kill Mundus."

Only moments after the Griffon Boss Fight, Dante displayed arguably his most relatable, character-defining moment in the entire franchise. The way he expressed disgust with Mundus' dishonorable nature was one of DMC1's rare instances of showing a layer of emotional depth that the script had buried under a ceaseless pile of cheesy lines and cocky mannerisms...something that future games would fail to do with each subsequent entry: displaying Dante as a warrior first, and a party-loving man-child second.

It was a defining moment for an underdeveloped character...and we never saw it again.

Well, not in the original series, anyway.

"The world is under my protection now."


the devil is not as black as he painted
I got to say my first DMC game was the third one. If I'd met with Dante on 1,2 or 4 or maybe SMT, I'm pretty sure I could never love him as I do today.

So DMC3.

To be honest the whole game was a cheesy mess with some touching subplots going around to me. Up to a point at least.
The scene that started it all:
Till that point, I always thought Dante was like a slightly more quiet Deadpool or something. Always messing up, making cheesy one liners and never getting serious; but this scene, this library is like the monument of character development. Dante shows that he is not a walking funbox; but a human being in core. And not only we get to see Dante understanding and caring about everything's been going on, we get to see a broken, emotionally wasted Lady afraid to go on anymore, and a Vergil that is going further with nothing but determination to take his enemy down, to get the job done. The game introduces every character with not verbal narrative, but with an emotional one. At that point, just like Dante, I also come to understand and began to care about the whole thing, I understood everyone's motivation and they became real persons.

Anything that happened after that single moment not only complimented the game; but made me go through a even more emotional experience in my second, third and other playthroughs. Arkham explaining his motivation that was his misery, Lady killing his father with the last bits of her strength and breaking down, bursting into tears and of course the final dialogues between twins... Every single dialogue, the whole finale...

In short, the whole game wouldn't and couldn't make sense if that particular scene never happened and it could never cause such an emotional impact.

If it wasn't for that scene, DMC could never be a beloved tale in my heart. I could never feel any emotion while playing the other games and I could never love Dante as a character. But since then, whenever I hear/see/remember anything about DMC, I feel like crying. Whether they are tears of sadness or joy.

and that's why i hold DMC3 as the one with the best story.. the game was a complete experience, and if it were a movie it will be one of those cool artistic action, breathtaking and amazing ones.. Oh, and it don't matter which Dante you played first, you could always end up loving Dante as how you love the DMC3 Dante character now, it's all about taste, nothing could intervene with that..

I played them in order, didn't like the first game for it's RE type game, didn't really went into DMC2 cuz i'm too clueless, loved 3, disappointed with 4, yet i still managed to love DMC2 Dante as a character while never really got into that particular game, and that respect instead came from a game that was not part of the series, all about taste..

Same ones that are available right now, Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Superman. Anime and manga back then was littered with Evangelion copies so a lot of mecha with less than interesting male leads, pale copies of young Ikari all around. Not much has changed since then.

Dude, what? It's not like she got the wrong guy. That would've been embarrassing.

if it were the wrong guy, that guy is history.. impaled, electrocuted, thrown bike at, lol..

and huh, those times of pop-culture huh, no wonder, ikari was giving me the urge to slam my head to a wall, if it were not for that breakthrough of a story i would've had stopped watching..


Dante's most respectable moment as a character actually appears in a fashion that I swear to God, no one ever talks about...which floors me beyond belief, considering my attachment to Dante pretty much disintegrated by the third game.

"Mundus... His heinous ways make me sick; killing his own like
they were nothing. My mother always used to tell me that my father was a man who
fought for the weak. He had courage and a righteous heart.
In the name of my father I will kill Mundus."

Only moments after the Griffon Boss Fight, Dante displayed arguably his most relatable, character-defining moment in the entire franchise. The way he expressed disgust with Mundus' dishonorable nature was one of DMC1's rare instances of showing a layer of emotional depth that the script had buried under a ceaseless pile of cheesy lines and cocky mannerisms...something that future games would fail to do with each subsequent entry: displaying Dante as a warrior first, and a party-loving man-child second.

It was a defining moment for an underdeveloped character...and we never saw it again.

Well, not in the original series, anyway.

"The world is under my protection now."

yep, yep, that last mission on DmC was the climax in the game for me, somewhat touching, that rage on vergil + dissapointment and disgust on Dante, could really feel them, felt sorry for both of them, vergil being outcasted and Dante being alone again..

..and there wont be a sequel

*tears, manly tears
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Fake Geek Girl.
Back when playing DMC 1, Dante was kind of like an anime version of Ash from Evil Dead. He owned his cheese, and was still badass. Smooth talking and all. The laid back professional who also had cool moments of righteousness like Wolf pointed out. I thought it was cool how he didn't take too kindly of Mundus offing Griffon like that. I nodded to that particular scene in my ongoing AU fanfic.

DMC 3 and 4 was just obnoxious shadows of that former Dante I fell in love with. I don't like the annoying BRO-Dante who never shuts his mouth.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Back when playing DMC 1, Dante was kind of like an anime version of Ash from Evil Dead. He owned his cheese, and was still badass. Smooth talking and all. The laid back professional who also had cool moments of righteousness like Wolf pointed out. I thought it was cool how he didn't take too kindly of Mundus offing Griffon like that. I nodded to that particular scene in my ongoing AU fanfic.

DMC 3 and 4 was just obnoxious shadows of that former Dante I fell in love with. I don't like the annoying BRO-Dante who never shuts his mouth.
You see, DMC1 Dante was cocky and immature in his humor, but was tolerable because he knew which serious moment or situation called for him to stop being humorous. There was a healthy balance of immature traits and mature traits.

That, among the long list of shallow character fallacies, is one of my biggest problems with the latter-day incarnations of Dante. Regardless of context, regardless of the seriousness of the moment, DMC3 and DMC4 Dante are ALWAYS submerged in their cheesetacular humor and egotistical mannerisms. They are immature and insufferable from start to finish, and never see a smidgeon of emotional variety. And while there are many shades of disdain and controversy surrounding the New Dante, his emotional diversity was handled in a fashion that hadn't been seen since DMC1. He had multiple faces, not just the one cocky one that the Old Dante's from 3 and 4 wore to the point of absurdity. He was cocky, he was laid-back, but he was also just as sad, disdainful, angry, and defiant. It's amazing how human a character can seem, when you write him as...well, a character.

And it's kind of hilarious how DMC3 Dante was emphasized as being someone who related more to humans, and was attempting to be the more human brother...when in actuality, he doesn't even have the most basic prequisites of a natural human persona.


Fake Geek Girl.
You see, DMC1 Dante was cocky and immature in his humor, but was tolerable because he knew which serious moment or situation called for him to stop being humorous. There was a healthy balance of immature traits and mature traits.

That, among the long list of shallow character fallacies, is one of my biggest problems with the latter-day incarnations of Dante. Regardless of context, regardless of the seriousness of the moment, DMC3 and DMC4 Dante are ALWAYS submerged in their cheesetacular humor and egotistical mannerisms. They are immature and insufferable from start to finish, and never see a smidgeon of emotional variety. And while there are many shades of disdain and controversy surrounding the New Dante, his emotional diversity was handled in a fashion that hadn't been seen since DMC1. He had multiple faces, not just the one cocky one that the Old Dante's from 3 and 4 wore to the point of absurdity. He was cocky, he was laid-back, but he was also just as sad, disdainful, angry, and defiant. It's amazing how human a character can seem, when you write him as...well, a character.

And it's kind of hilarious how DMC3 Dante was emphasized as being someone who related more to humans, and was attempting to be the more human brother...when in actuality, he doesn't even have the most basic prequisites of a natural human persona.
This. After making Dante silent and brooding, Itsuno wanted to fix what fans complained about the most, and to him that was going overboard with it without ever grasping what made Dante Dante in the first game. That's not making Dante in to a BRO and wannabe ninja turtle who just thinks he's cooler than he actually is.


Elite Hunter
..and there wont be a sequel

*tears, manly tears

Why? You know there's gonna be a sequel sooner or later.

If Capcom decides to continue the reboot saga, there will be a sequel.

If Capcom decides to continue the original saga, chances are that they will finish it and then move back to DmC.

So, stay up :D

@WolfOD64 @Chancey289 I don't agree with some of the things you said, but shouldn't this be a thread about the Dante you respect, rather than that you don't respect?


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
@WolfOD64 @Chancey289 I don't agree with some of the things you said, but shouldn't this be a thread about the Dante you respect, rather than that you don't respect?
Well, we are talking about the incarnations of Dante we respect, and why we respect them...by talking about the characteristics they have in comparisons to the ones lacking in later incarnations.

I'd say it goes hand-in-hand with the subject matter, since we're obligated to explain why we respect our Dante of choice in comparison to the other ones.


Elite Hunter
Well, we are talking about the incarnations of Dante we respect, and why we respect them...by talking about the characteristics they have in comparisons to the ones lacking in later incarnations.

I'd say it goes hand-in-hand with the subject matter, since we're obligated to explain why we respect our Dante of choice in comparison to the other ones.

Well, not necessarily... you can still explain why you respect the Dante you respect, without comparisons to the other ones, like absolitude, berto, Wuodan and I did (yeah, I talked about each of them, but I didn't compare them to each other, I took them individually and on their own, but that's because I respect each of em... if I didn't respect some of them, I just wouldn't have included him).
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