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What can Capcom do to make a DMC5 a "true" mainstream hit.


Well-known Member
We all know that there are game sequels out there were just there for excitement and not there for being a good game. Examples of that are Metal Gear Solid 5, Soul Calibur 5, Infamous Second Son(half the time), Resident Evil 6, etc. That's why I made a few threads around here saying that we shouldn't have a DMC5 because it might end up the same path as those games. Sure DmC2 might be like that too, but mostly DMC5. If Capcom plans to make a DMC5, they have a lot of stuff to do, along with some other stuff to make it fresh and fit today's standards, cuz let's be real, as 'you know who' said, "what was cool then isn't cool anymore". And if you look at it deeply, he's right. If you see a character wearing goofy chaps and he's kicking 30's door down, they gonna laugh at the character. Same goes for other stuff like music too. I may sometimes listen to disco, but guess what, NOBODY ELSE does!

What I think they need to do is to focus on adding more content and improve the characters and plot.I remember back when I was with the DmC hater crowd, I played through the DMC4 story again and realized how dumb it was with all the backtracking and Dante being a tired out dumb character. And I'm not a story person, I don't care if it's 'good', I just happened to find DMC4's characters and story dumb and cliche. Heck I don't think DmC's story's that special either, but it's at least more interesting and better than DMC4's IMO. So yeah, how can they make a DMC5 a good hit like Street Fighter 4?
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I Saw the Devil
Mainstream it? Turn it in to a FPS with plenty of different online modes.

Mainstreaming shouldn't be the focus. Rather than trying to make a mainstream game, which is what DMC4 and DmC are, they should just focus on making a good game. They have a decent number of fans and if they focus on making the best game they can the word will spread and the game will have more success do to word of mouth, via fans and critics. Some advertisement and a good deal of effort can make the rest of the way. I think they should try to remember what made DMC great and push it forward. I know it's hard to really make things relevant but it's not as though everything needs to be 'modernized' to stay relevant. Just because what was cool once it's no longer the center of attention doesn't mean that it's not cool anymore, yes, it can mean that, but it's not an absolute. There are plenty of things that have stood the test of time.

The problem with DMC was never the story, the problem is how they told the story. DMC1 had a rather interesting story and Dante was more complicated character that he led on but you sure as hell would never have guessed that from playing the game. The cutscenes total to about 20 minutes at most but the focus was on the action and the world, not the story. DMC3 did it better but there were layers to the story that never made it to the game. DMC4 was the same, we were left with too many questions from the very beginning do to things getting lost in translation like why is Nero's arm on a sling at the beginning? How did his arm mutate? And so on. These are not without answer they just didn't make it to the game for one reason or another. They need to get better at telling the story in game and not leaving it to us to have to go look at other media that will never make it to the west to find the answers.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
The whole "what was cool then isn't cool now" is complete garbage and that guy should not be making games, his idea of modern cool completely ruined one of the most beloved characters in Hack n Slash and gaming, nothing about DmC was cool, whoever thought that was all cool must live a depressing life, the thing is Devil May Cry 3 is the game that made the franchise worth a damn, everyone knows that, DMC1 started it and left room for improvement, DMC2 just f**ked up, but DMC3 came along and skyrocketed the franchise back to prime and made the game the best in the series and arguably the best in the whole genre, DMC4 improved the gameplay and made Dante more fun, but everything else wasn't that good, then DmC just royally f**ked everything up and threw away all originality.
Devil May Cry 3 was not meant to be taken seriously, the story was not the game's prime point and you can fool yourselves all you like to thinking it is, but Dante in DMC3 and DMC3 itself was meant to be goofy and crazy, then and now, Dante shooting pool balls, surfing on a rocket, flying down a tall building shooting things, fighting in the belly of the beast, rocking out on a demonic guitar that used to be a sexy demon babe, riding a f**king rocket powered motorcycle back up the tower, that was all goofy, crazy and insane, it's what made Devil May Cry mighty again and everyone loved it, it still holds up to this day as the best.
What Devil May Cry needs to do is be completely different from what modern games are and all DmC did was play it the safest way possible with the uber realistic story crap and let's let the masses play garbage.
They need to do what they did with Devil May Cry 3 again, DMC2 was proof that an easy game with an uber serious Dante sucked, they fixed that with DMC3, so they can do it again and fix DmCs f**k up with DMC5, they need to go completely crazy and make Dante the insane character he's iconic for, dark, gritty, realistic and dumbed down story focused games are everywhere, but high octane Japanese action games are rare and are only coming from one or two companies, but they sure are loved.
DMC5 needs to made so the story suits the intense gameplay, not the gameplay suiting the story, that's the problem modern games are making with their story focused crap.
Some gameplay fixes they could start with to get Devil May Cry out of the casual market.
- The dumbing down on actual moves to simple button presses needs to go.
- The lock on needs to come back.
- Aerial combos need to be their own reward again, no handing out for noobs.
- Color coded and heavy attack enemies need to be gone.
- Boss battles need to be intense challenges to use your learned skills at your best, not push overs that look pretty.
- Devil Trigger needs to be unf**ked.
- Needs to be fast paced at 60FPS, put it back on the MTFramework, Unreal sucks.
- Make Western Normal be Japanese hard again.
- Get rid of demonic and angel weapons, bring back styles and improve them.

Mainstream is what the real problem is, Capcom is trying so hard to go for the bigger audience when that's what's killing them and the franchises, Square Enix finally realized that going for global appeal is the mistake and are now going for the core audience, they're on to it.
Capcom needs to realize that or they'll keep releasing crap games.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Capcom needs to go back to the very first DMC in the first place so people will know what made Dante who he is in the first place! Put DMC3's similar gameplay there and we'd all be fine.

Why I said this? Because I agree with OP wholeheartedly.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
1. Get rid of single player.
2. Get rid of distinctive characters
3. insert pseudo-satire
4. As much multiplayer as possible
5. Guns. Many guns.
6. FPS or TPS
7. Make it as accessible as possible. (best thing to make it as flashy as possible and 1HKO any enemy)
8. QTE or scripted action.
9. Microtransictions.
10. Guns. did i mentioned guns? MANY guns.
.....I think it's summarize perfect mainstream game.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
DMC3 and DMC4 Dante are already becoming too mainstream as much as I like the former more than the latter...

Be more over-the-top and overpowered = typical anime cliched tropes and not to mention swag
More mainstream = more DMC swag

P.S. I am anti-swag!


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Devil May Cry isn't mainstream. It's actually a small series that made a big impact on the H&S genre but after that, it didn't get any big mentions like infamous or Assassin's Creed. Devil May Cry will continue to be on that path, unless they really do something big with the series. Hell DmC even got more popularity then DMC because it was a reboot and caused a large enough commotion to get the series noticed again. But now that it's become relevant again, Capcom really needs to execute how to win back the fans, which won't be too hard anyway. Just put a measly trailer with old Dante on it, and there you go. All the fans come running back. But of course they'll have to include other factors like gameplay, story, and environment. No bullsh*t like "focus only on gameplay, and story second" because that's not gonna fly as easily these days, and they're trying to get DMC more popular. Capcom needs to work on the story writing skills and character developing for these characters otherwise they'll start falling behind.

I honestly don't care about the series anymore (Due to the fact that it's not as interesting anymore, and the fanbase is full of idiots) but if they are planning to make Devil May Cry the big hit it should be, then they really need to buckle down and get their sh*t together otherwise they'll be met with the lack luster sales once again.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Devil May Cry isn't mainstream. It's actually a small series that made a big impact on the H&S genre but after that, it didn't get any big mentions like infamous or Assassin's Creed. Devil May Cry will continue to be on that path, unless they really do something big with the series. Hell DmC even got more popularity then DMC because it was a reboot and caused a large enough commotion to get the series noticed again. But now that it's become relevant again, Capcom really needs to execute how to win back the fans, which won't be too hard anyway. Just put a measly trailer with old Dante on it, and there you go. All the fans come running back. But of course they'll have to include other factors like gameplay, story, and environment. No bullsh*t like "focus only on gameplay, and story second" because that's not gonna fly as easily these days, and they're trying to get DMC more popular. Capcom needs to work on the story writing skills and character developing for these characters otherwise they'll start falling behind.

I honestly don't care about the series anymore (Due to the fact that it's not as interesting anymore, and the fanbase is full of idiots) but if they are planning to make Devil May Cry the big hit it should be, then they really need to buckle down and get their sh*t together otherwise they'll be met with the lack luster sales once again.
lackluster sales?...So how do you explain DmD with "great" story barely sold over the half of DMC4 sales?


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
The same way the DMC HD collection with it's extraordinary style barely sold over half of the Metal Gear Solid HD collection sales; cause DMC as a series is lack luster.

And props on insulting DmC like I'll give a damn.
So...you dislike franchise and yet you visit it's community...now that's strange way to kill the time. :I


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
So...you dislike franchise and yet you visit it's community...now that's strange way to kill the time. :I

I enjoyed DMC1 and DMC3 of the original series, and enjoyed the reboot. DMC2 was boring, and DMC4 was terrible in my opinion.

I never said I didn't like the franchise. I said I didn't necessarily care for it as much. Mostly because we haven't gotten any news on it since DmC came out so I lost patience for it for now.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I enjoyed DMC1 and DMC3 of the original series, and enjoyed the reboot. DMC2 was boring, and DMC4 was terrible in my opinion.

I never said I didn't like the franchise. I said I didn't necessarily care for it as much. Mostly because we haven't gotten any news on it since DmC came out so I lost patience for it for now.
I dunno. I liked all DMCs except last one. To me it's one of those series i can pick up any time and start replaying it and still not feel bored about it. Kinda like Onimusha.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
BTW, Onimusha also is one of those games, where despite lackluster story, it's hell of a fun game.


I Saw the Devil
Onimusha 3 was the worst though, imo Best one is second one
The 3rd had Jean 'The Nose' Reno and Takashi 'The Returner' Keneshiro, there was NO WAY I was not going to finish that one. That and Dawn of Dreams was the worst for me. It was kinda tha DMC4 of OniMusha, down right with the pretty boy protagonist and the way heavier on the anime bishonen look to the game.


Crimson Sentinel
''We all know that there are game sequels out there were just there for excitement and not there for being a good game. Examples of that are Metal Gear Solid 5''

Metal Gear Solid 5 hasn't been released yet, Ground Zeroes has. -_-

Anyway, I wouldn't want Devil May Cry to be 'mainstreamed'. They did that with DmC - made it appeal to western gamers as well as a larger crowd - and I honestly hated it. Most people thought it was 'alright' at best, which is why it got a 7/10 from many on this forum. You don't make games appeal to as many people as possible, you make them appeal to a certain market. If you do make them appeal to as wide an audience as possible, you end up with games like Resident Evil 6, like you said. There is no need to dumb everything down or make them conform to 'the average gamer's wishes' just to make extra money.

''cuz let's be real, as 'you know who' said, "what was cool then isn't cool anymore". And if you look at it deeply, he's right.''

That's an opinion, not a fact. I feel that Tameem doesn't have the right to say what is cool or not, since he does not hold a monopoly on that. And guess what? Many things that have gone out of style will at some point be in style again. I think it's incredibly arrogant for anyone to act like they know what is cool or uncool, because it's completely subjective. You can't control people's opinions, and Tameem's belief that he can is... frightening. And you know... nobody should care who thinks what is cool. Tameem is not some kind of god, I decide for myself what is cool. If I find old Dante cool (the one who rides a motorcycle, listens to rock music and plays some in his spare time on Nevan), that's my opinion. Tameem's opinion is no more important than others', and he still needs to realize that.

DMC3's characters still stand out to me as being the best. Its story was fine, nothing wrong with it. You're taking DMC4 as the prime example for how the old DMC series was 'bad', but that's a flawed argument, as DMC4 is (according to many) the weakest DMC. Or at least the weakest after DMC2. Furthermore, arguing that old DMC games are outdated seems redundant too. What matters is what DMC would be like today, if Kamiya got to work on it. And that's just it: we don't know. So maybe we should see. Let him develop a DMC, and f*ck whatever one man thinks should be and should happen. Nobody cares. From DmC's sales, it's become clear people are not looking for a reboot of the Devil May Cry series, at least not in the form of DmC. DmC's 1.3 million in sales is terrible considering DMC3 sold the worst out of all DMC games, was not multiplat, and still sold as much as DmC, despite the latter being geared toward as wide an audience as possible. Time to move on.

Of course the game should be better than DMC4. Of course it should have as little backtracking as possible. And we should have a lock-on function. We should have deep characters that aren't thrown away after a mistake was made (Nero). Make sure they go through change and become awesome characters. If they're similar to the DMC4 characters, I'd be fine with that, because they were funny and awesome in some ways. I didn't think Dante was 'tired out' at all. I'm not going to explain his entire character again, as I've done that before and nobody cared. It's not a bad character, just a different type of character. You don't like it, fine. I disagree, and so do many others. What we shouldn't want is for it to turn into unoriginal stuff like DmC. The DMC series started out as being NOT MAINSTREAM AT ALL, and it became popular because of it. To take away originality, add western clichés, and remove features would be folly. Next thing you know we'd have those incessant Resi 6 QTEs in DMC5.

Adding content and improving characters and plot is all good. I'm with you on that. I think costumes should make a return. You know, costumes like in DMC3. Give us the chance to play as other versions of Dante or simply let him have alternate outfits. Why not? We have the technology :laugh: Also, make styles return and do away with the angel and demon 'stances', so to speak. Although I liked the existence of angels and demons. Dante'd be more awesome as a half-angel than a half-human. More variety in weapons, maybe? I'd love Nero to wield a spear, or maybe a spear and shield, or a halberd. Even dual katanas would be pretty nice. Maybe they should do something like Bayonetta did, where you could pick up weapons dropped by enemies.
People would be happier if Dante were a little more 'human', I guess, like in DMC1. I still hope Nero somehow features in it, though. Heck, they could reboot Nero's story and pretend DMC4 never happened, for all I care. That way, they can actually flesh out Nero and give him a better backstory. DMC5 doesn't need to restart everything; it could just restart from the moment DMC1 ended (retcon). I'd like it if DMC5 retained the DMC style: a bit dark, with touches of manga/anime. I liked DMC4 in that respect, even though it was immensely flawed in some ways.
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Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
The 3rd had Jean 'The Nose' Reno and Takashi 'The Returner' Keneshiro, there was NO WAY I was not going to finish that one. That and Dawn of Dreams was the worst for me. It was kinda tha DMC4 of OniMusha, down right with the pretty boy protagonist and the way heavier on the anime bishonen look to the game.
Tbh, i thunk Onimusha 3 is far more guilty of that. Alone little kid that served no purpose but to be there, chick with automatic weapon and french cop taking on Nobunaga are all fell into dumb anime cliche to me. That aside DoD has some pretty awesome bosses, and final one was mindblowing, while final fight in Onimusha 3 was very weak compared to let's say Onimusha 2 with it's Golden Evil Statue
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