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How do you deal with critique?


Aya Brea
..and dealing with someone who you have given critique to and basically freaked out about it..

People have no idea how bad I wish for critique in my art. The good and the ugly. I'm tired of the "cute" or "kawaii". I'm wanting to be a childrens illustrator when I graduate from College and I know I have a LONG ways to go to get into something like that and a hell of alot of training and practice.

I love critique as much as I love giving it. Sometimes I ... well make it most of the time. Get the wrong person to give critique to.The comeback makes it sound like I've totally hurt their feelings and I'm a horrible person, woe is me.

All I can say back in return is grow up and face the fact that the art world isn't all sun shine and rainbows. Unfortunately. When I get harsh critique I'm like, "Damn...", but I know that person is wanting me to read it over and over to see that I can do something and improve.

How do you deal with giving/getting critique and dealing with those who take it way too far. :0

Aliya A. Mayuri

Beginner Devilhunter
While criticizing someone, I try to be honest, but at the same time not to hurt anyone's feelings. I know how do people feel if I don't think before I say something - as for me, I'm often criticized by others :( at school, at home, and everywhere else. But I don't listen to those who try to ruin my ideas, preferences and so. Anyway - any person has a choice what to do in his life. But if I know that I really did something wrong, I try to understand for what I've been criticized to avoid that in future.


Well-known Member
As I get to know people better, I understand how fragile they are, and what their individual goals are. With a stranger, I'd be likely to be lighter on them, give them helpful suggestions (if they asked me), but try to be positive and talk about positive things, even if I think they are pretty bad. With someone I know better, who isn't going to be devastated, I would give it to them straight when asked directly. I don't normally go into detail unless someone literally says "So how do you think I could improve?" Then I'm happy to go into it with them, when they've shown they are ready to hear it.

When people are trying to help me, i listen to what they have to say and don't take offense. If it seems they are being nasty to upset me, then I just try to ignore that, there is no point going into it. They might still have a point though, so I'll listen out for things that make sense, but I won't argue about it with someone who is being rude.


Aya Brea
Thing is. I like honesty. I'd rather be told the truth than some sugar coated lie to make me feel better. I've been told worse than someone giving me harsh critique on my art or myself. I don't lose sleep over something like flaming, but when I do get critique I'm sorta like, "...sh*t." at first, but I see they're making a point. No matter how much I long for it, especially on deviantart.com I can never get any of it. I used to, but those good people like... vanished. Now I am forever a sad panda. I appreciate everything people say, but getting, "cute!" or "nice" over a long period time is getting pretty old. :/

I listen to what they have to say. I can't lie and make an excuse of why this looks off or whatever... it turned out that way and I just need to pratice and fix that error in future projects. When I give critique I say I'm just giving you a push to do harder and do better cause I know you can.


Well-known Member
VI-Rainbow;52691 said:
Thing is. I like honesty. I'd rather be told the truth than some sugar coated lie to make me feel better. I've been told worse than someone giving me harsh critique on my art or myself. I don't lose sleep over something like flaming, but when I do get critique I'm sorta like, "...sh*t." at first, but I see they're making a point. No matter how much I long for it, especially on deviantart.com I can never get any of it. I used to, but those good people like... vanished. Now I am forever a sad panda. I appreciate everything people say, but getting, "cute!" or "nice" over a long period time is getting pretty old. :/

I listen to what they have to say. I can't lie and make an excuse of why this looks off or whatever... it turned out that way and I just need to pratice and fix that error in future projects. When I give critique I say I'm just giving you a push to do harder and do better cause I know you can.

Yeah I know what you mean. But who were these people who were giving you the responses? Are they artists themselves? Sometimes, people won't have much advise for you because they're not educated on it, and don't have talent / experience themselves. Also, on your deviant thingie profile, do you specifically ask for people to give you advice? Otherwise people might think they're being rude or condescending by just waltzing up and being like "Hm, I'd change this, this and this". I think the main reason people don't do that is because they think it's not polite - but it's not really to do with politness in my opinion. You never know how people will react, or if they even want advice. If you say that you do really want advice, then maybe people will be more open about it. I'll happily give anyone my input on their art, once I know that they want it.


Aya Brea
I always have my settings on deviant art to Encourage Critique Desired. There's that then one for Critique Not Desired. I know when people give me advice, they're not doing it to hurt my feelings so I do take it pretty well. But I can understand some people may think they'll go too far and make someone upset obelieve the person can't handle it.


Is not rat, is hamster
A good critique is that which balances brutal honesty with tact. A record producer and his team critiqued me once and whilst it was hard to hear some of the things he was saying (mercifully it wasn't my singing he had issue with - rather my glasses, oddly enough!) he ended on a positive note by offering me a record contract.

If someone asks for a critique then they need to develop something of a thick skin because you need honesty and constructive criticism. If what you are doing is diabolical you need to know rather than waste precious time, money and effort plugging away at something you are no good at.

People who give bland and banal comments about someone's work are doing that person a disservice. When someone makes the effort to produce something, they deserve an effort of constructive criticism in return. How else will the appalling speller learn how to improve or the natural cartoonist attempting impressionism realise where his/her potential truly lies?
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