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How big is!?more then the previous 3 combined


Devil bringer
the director said it would be more bigger than privous 3 combined...!!:huh:

ok lets count the levels DMC 1 = 23?levels as i could remember?

DMC 2 = i dunno sumone just send the number of levels cauze i forgot:\

DMC 3 = 20 levels...

so:$ if we say DMC 2 has also 20 levels ,more or less it would like 60 levels right i mean they will cut scence flash backs so that new players will under stand the story better and all that but still...

HOW BIG IS iT???????o_O


Well-known Member
Honestly, I cant give you an estimate on that, cos they havent said it yet, I guess because the game isnt finished.

But when it is, they shall state roughly how long it is, but then you have to keep in mind that everyone plays the game at different tempo's, some people find it harder than others, some get ****ed off and leave it for a few hours. So all in all, I think you can say it'll be a lil bit longer than the figure Capcom give us. Well, as a complete run through I'd say it's gonna be less than 12 hours but more than 4


Devil bringer
that might be true but c'mon u would play continuesly because we r deing to know the stroy line right!!?:D


Well-known Member
Well, I would Love to, but the truth is I have never played any of them continously, I got each one a day prior to launch by pre-ordering and as excited as I was I couldnt play continously, my eyes begin to hurt and so do my thumbs and my damn knees.
Plus, you gotta factor in breaks, toilet, snack, drink, smoke even, stretch your legs and get away from the screen for a bit.

The previous one's seemed long when you first played them, but this one we already know will be the longest and so you wont play it all the way through in one go, trust me, even if you want to you wont, your eyes will kill you

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I dont think adding up level count is the right way to show a bigger game as more levels doesnt mean its a bigger game. Maybe it will have same amount of levels but the scale of each will be on a much larger scale and take longer to pass through each one.

THE dudet

Well-known Member
If it is as big as u say, wiv all of the cutscenes, then the game may be to long to play for to long, if it is as lond then wouldnt you get sick of it after a while
I mean wouldnt it be like a never ening game, with the levels getting harder and harder each time?


Wesker's #1 fan!
A game can NEVER be too long. Espcially dmc. And I doubt people would get tired of it because in the original games people will play it over a million times in different modes. Example: Normal mode, then hard mode, then DMD mode. Oviously people don't seem to get too tired of this kind of game.


Devil bringer
Yea if it was me i woud play it continously till it's over...i push buttos like a im getting and electric shock charge from some thing:$ and i've noticed i could press the buttons 7 times per sec:D
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