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Fear thread

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Here post what you're scared of.
If you don't want to say, don't post. Don't say 'nothing' because 1: nobody will believe you and 2: if it is true, sorry to say, but you're a bit of a twit. I mean, jumping off a cliff onto a 5 metre jagged spike would scare me. Understandably.

My biggest, irrational fear is being in a wide open space because I just don't feel at all secure, I think it's called agrophobia.


The devoted
im scared of the unknown mostly, e.g. whats round the corner? whos behind me? will i get shot in 3 mins? stuff like that when i dont know whats going to happen
Also im scared of dogs because of a few things in my family with dogs, but if the dog is well under control, then im more calm, and its only after i know the dog for 1 week+ that im ok with it really


Scared of flying insects that makes a buzzing sound right next to my ears (esp. flies, bees, mosquitos, beetles) - I'd be petrified, literally.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
My two big fears are arachnophbia (fear of spiders) and trypanophobia(fear of hypodermic needles).

Devilishly Zane

Well-known Member
I'm afraid of being separated from my friends. Almost everything I do involves them in one way or another. If I lose them, I don't know what I would. Its a fear a lot of people share, I would think. No one to call, no one to have an nice conversation with, no one that encourages you, no one that will be by your side, no one too seek comfort in, no one seek comfort in you, etc.
Another thing I'm slightly worried about is what would my friends do without me? I help them with anything and everything. After you think about it, this fear will really make you cherish your friends and your relationships on a whole new level.


Well-known Member
+rep Phantarch, nice...albiet an unnearving thread :p

I have duel fears...well, maybe three...hard to tell.
As yourself said Phantarch Agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces...I wouldn't say I am terrified, but I am unnearved by them.

Well, I was. It used to be the case that I hated being dwarfed by something...a large (ie. 60ft tall) standalonemonument, or being on a tall hill side...I always felt like I was about to fall into the sky and it just made me queaasy and really jittery.

Admittedly, after my recent holiday I kinda conquored<speelings no gud) it. On my final full day we approached Europes largest Sand Dune, and I was VERY jittery at the thought of it, climbing up it (112m) and also falling down. Thankfully, I did...primarally because my own protective instincts kicked in when Hayley, my otherhalf, was very unnearved by climbing it - which caused me to abandon my fear in aid of helping her with hers.

As I got to the top, the very top, with all the other tourists the view took my breath away and I was finally able to put everything, fearwise into perspective. I had dense forest to my left, a mountain of sand at my feet, an endless sky above and the ocean to my right. An incredibly empowering experience and despite the fact that I was standing on the edge of this mountain of shattered glass, touching a vast sky...I felt completly at peace, which was a relief ;)

My second fear is Snakes...~shiver~ can't help it, they freak me out!

My third and final (that I know of anyway :O) is the dark.
I know it sounds dumb, but its not the way it sounds.
I am more than content sitting in the dark all emo-ish listening to my music while I brainstorm. But, at the dead of night, while I lay back in bed (on the occassions that I am alone), my mind and heart race and all I think about is death and whats on the otherside, what it will be like when I am old and waiting for death to take me...and suddenly I am filled with fear, forced to turn the light on, play the PSP or DS and just try and get back to grips with reality.

Thankfully, I have also come to terms with this also, don't get me wrong, death is still a scary thing, but I have come to understand that while I am as young as I am, I WILL fear death. But, I also understand that once I have lived my life, raised my childen and theirs, acheieved what I want to acheive love all I can love...then all that is left for me is to discover what is waiting for me elsewhere...sure its a grim reality...but sadly its what we're lumped with lol

I bet your all worrying now...oh sh** out mod is a weridy! lol!!
Well, I just find it odd that out of all the forums I participate on...here is the only place where I can be honest ;)


Evil Nero

Well-known Member
these things.


I rest my case =]


Well-known Member
^THAT would freak me out, and I'm the one who has to humainly de-spider the bedroom of the evening O_O!!

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
heh , ever heard of the Legendary Brown Recluse?
look up "Brown Recluse Bights" and u'll see why there feared =]


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
Koemi;111075 said:
Scared of flying insects that makes a buzzing sound right next to my ears (esp. flies, bees, mosquitos, beetles) - I'd be petrified, literally.

Same here, the other day a massive bee came in my room and I just ran out the door :lol:.
I also hate spiders, and as mentioned above australian spiders eg. Clock spider.


Dines with dementia
Wow, I have many irrational fears.. Spiders, dark and tight spaces, animals bigger than me, high places, holding a speech in public, being in a room with more than 40 people, fear of losing any of my senses, fear of loneliness, fear of sudden change, fear of bees.

Do I win the 'neurotic person' of the DMC boards yet?

Stylish Nereezy

the lone soul reaper
i forgot to mention earlier that i'm scared of rodents b/c a mouse got in my bed when i was young and every since its been a nightmare (probably should watch Ratatoullie) idk

i'm also scared of becoming handicapped, losing a limb, or having a hideous scar i'd rather be dead

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Wasps, and that's been ever since I was stung in the eye by one, despise the damned things and I can't stand being anywhere near one, I mean, if one is buzzing around the general area, even if it's not near me, I'll freeze up.


Is not rat, is hamster
Not a fan of very loud noises (hate balloons, crashes, thunder etc) or buzzy things like wasps...also heights and deep water.

Most of all I think I am afraid of the sensation of crippling fear because I find that more paralysing sometimes than the actual object, circumstance or person.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
I hadn't expected this thread to be this popular. Not that I'm complaining. Like a few people here, I also fear hornets, bees and wasps. I mean, there is something anatomically incorrect with anything that has a bloody harpoon protruding out of its rear end.

In a way, that's a bit rational as they can put you in pain and the big ones that the Japanese have causes regular fatalities! I think they're just called giant hornets.
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