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Do the Devil May Cry fans have a right to complain about the new DMC?

Do the Devil May Cry fans have a right to complain about the new DMC?

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Well-known Member
first i dont claim any cedit for this work all cridet goes to"Infernai" from
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forum. here it is.
Infernai" post="9.309538.12496300 said:
YES! I am aware the discussion on the new devil may cry has been done to absolute death and I myself have done a thread about the game itself once before which was done when the very original trailer came out. However, i didn't make this topic to so much as bash the game as ask you and everyone else a very simple question: Do we (That is, the devil may cry fanbase) have a right to complain and moan as we have right now? Alot of people have said we don't and have seemed to have called us out on it.

Thing is, the reasons that we Don't like it havn't really gotten expanded upon to well. People seem to think the reasons for whining are linked to just the fact that 'they've changed his hair' and that 'we shouldn't judge it until it comes out'. And while the latter argument would be a good one to raise, in this case it's a little bit different (And i will address it much later in this post). Basically, it's all stemmed down to "shut up fanboys!" from pretty much most of the gaming community towards us in regards to what we think about this game.
My opinion was, originally, one of pseudo neutrality (I HATED the redesign but became somewhat confident Ninja theory wanted to do their best to deliver a good game and was prepared to give it a chance). As of recent developments though...i'm once more back on the side of devil may cry fans, and HATING this new game with every fiber of my being.

Why? Well, that's what I'm going to try and explain here today. I'm not saying people are being wrong in thinking it might be good or bad, not here to discuss that. I'm here to propose why i think the fans have a right, in light of whats been unveiled, to complain.
Anyway, i think i've put this all off for long enough, so let's just jump in shall we:

Reason 1: The New Look


This one has been done to absolute death, resurrected and then done to death on four more occasions after that. But, again, i feel i need to explain just Why the fans are ****ed off about this one.

To start, it isn't just about the white hair. Everything about this character screams 'Not Dante'. His attire is completely different, his hair (Color aside) is done totally differently from the young Dante that this is meant to lead up to. His build is gangly and thin, where as Dante was well built. His eyes are red, where as Dante's eyes are blue (Devil Trigger Aside). The facial structure is also completely off as well...so let me ask you guys, How is this Dante? This is like trying to pass off a Donkey as a Race Horse. No matter how hard you try to market it as a horse, it doesn't change the fact that it's a ****ing Donkey!

Add to this the change in rebellion from a demonic Zweihander to a shapeshifting weapon (Yep, that morphblade in their has been confirmed as Rebellion) and the change of Ebony and Ivory to revolvers...and you suddenly start to see this isn't just the white hair: This just ain't Dante, it's not even close!

For those few of you who don't know, this is the original Dante:


I've tried to keep this one to a minimum as it's been done to death but, let me ask you this: How is the above picture in any capacity equal the picture below: Is there some magical angle that or condition we have to look at it in for it to look like the old Dante, or are we fans just not seeing the same thing as non-fans and it really is looking exactly like the old Dante? But again, I think fans likely would have accepted or tolerated this in time if not for...my next issue.

Reason 2: The Half Angel Dilemma


Dante has a rather interesting, yet somewhat typical, backstory: Dante is the child of a powerful Demon Warrior called Sparda, who was responsible for sealing away the gates of the demon world and saving mankind. He later fell in love with a human woman called Eva who had two children, Dante and Vergil. Sparda Disappeared sometime during the twins childhood, and when they were six, Eva was murdered by Demons sent by the Prince of Darkness and ruler of the demon world Mundas. The twins seperated, each possesing a half to a powerful amulet said to unlock the demon world and the power of Sparda, go seperate paths. Dante follows the path of the demon hunter, hoping to one day kill Mundas and avenge his mother while Vergil hopes to use the demons and his own powers for his own purposes.

As has just been revealed for the new details set forth by Ninja theory (http://www.siliconera.com/2011/08/16/dmc-devil-may-cry-dante-is-half-devil-and-half-angel/): Dante has now been changed to a half Angel, Half Demon .....Wait, what!? This might seem like a very small detail to some people, but if you know anything about Devil May Cry you will realize just how much this actually changes.
First of all, the detail of Dante being half human was an important part of the series: In a series where most of the bad-guys are fully willing to sacrifice their human side in order to achieve power. Dante Meanwhile was a perfect hybrid between worlds: Fully able to accept his demonic powers and come to use it in his battles, but not willing to compromise on his own humanity for greater power. Plus, as has been shown by the series, "Devil's never cry". They may feel some emotions, but they Can Never have a human soul, experiences, or a heart. That, above all, is what places Dante above his enemies and gives him the power to continue on...something that many of his opponents, especially Agnus, weren't able to understand.

To make him an Angel/Devil Hybrid completely undermines the theme that humanity is in a way superior to demons. It just makes Dante appear lesser then what he once was and even a bit 'gary-sue'. I mean, think about it: An incredibly powerful Demon falls in love and has a child with an angel, a being that is seen to be a paragon of justice and an embodiment of pure, uncompromising good as well as being downright powerful to boot? Tell me that doesn't sound like something you'd find in a thirteen year olds fanfiction.
In a way, Angels are on the opposite spectrum to their demonic counterparts but still quite the same as them: More to the point, one needs to now ask if Dante is the child of an Angel...why is he on earth to start with? You'd think a child of a Demon/Angel would have been pretty much taken to one of his parents planes of reality (In the original Devil May Cry it made more sense as to why something like that didn't happen due to Sparda being trapped in the human world with his powers severely limited. And as both Dante and Vergil were born of one human parent, well, it made some sense as to why Dante was raised on earth). To put it simply, this one little detail..changes absolutely everything about the origin and pretty much makes him a totally different character.

Now, I will admit up until the point the Angelic world and angels havn't had much mention or a presence in Devil May Cry before. In devil May Cry 3, you did have to fight fallen angels at some points but otherwise Heaven had no involvement in the everyday affairs of the human world. I always pictured them as being rather indifferent to humanity and demons due to their minimal presence..and it made some sense in context. I admit the possibility of being able to discover what the Angel world is like and even meet a few angels sounds interesting but again one must ask: Why this change to Dante's backstory, what does it add aside from a new gameplay mechanic? And even then, if this game is a prequel...then this create a whole boatload of continuity issues.

Reason 3: Why I now call this Dante ANGRY Kevin instead of Kevin


The one thing that stops Dante's whole story from being Cliche is that Dante doesn't Dwell on his past...at all. He keeps it all inside, never bringing it up unless something happens that forces him to. He isn't angry, he isn't brooding or sad..he's actually a very cocky and cheerful guy who's ready to take on anything the world throws at him with a smile. That doesn't mean he can't be serious, as Devil May Cry 1 and 3 have both shown on occasion, but otherwise he's our lovable overconfident neighbourhood Demon hunter.

sorry for the multiple post but its due to the 10000 characters limitation
Infernai" post="9.309538.12496300 said:
Ninja theory meanwhile, have taken the opposite route. The first trailer has shown him to be, in short, a very aggressive and even somewhat psychotic individual. Granted, the original Dante was far from a perfect picture of mental health but..he was more like an extreme sports junky and was the sort of person you'd have as a drinking buddy. This Dante though, is the kind of person who if, came knocking at the door, you'd immediately call 911 on. He is shown yelling, scowling and being just overall much more destructive, short tempered and angry at the world around him...things that were NOT something Dante had as part of his personality. He is less an extreme sports junky, and more a psychotic young thug and punk. This has been all but confirmed by Ninja theory as well, who has now added 'has no prospects' to what has just been stated (http://captainstarball.com/news/dmc-dante-now-half-angel-no-prospects). There's also the smoking part but, again, that's been done to death.

As far as I'm concerned, this guy is a totally different character: He looks different, acts different and, above all, has a completely different backstory and origin. But enough about the character, lets move on to some other issues.

Reason 4: So many secrets, so little details


I'm gonna be honest, we know practically **** all about this game: Naturally, we know a bit about it. The game is set in Dante's past, he looks different, the setting is limbo city and he is now a half-devil half-angel and the city is called Limbo City. But, apart from that we don't know jack **** about this game.

I realize it's still a work in progress, but it's been a year and even the basics of the plot still remain illusive: Is it a revenge story? is Dante out to rescue a lost loved one? Is this the 'meeting last year' between him and Vergil that we never saw and was only eluded too?
Other main characters, Antagonists, Bosses, Allies, Story details, even whether Vergils coming back remain a complete and total mystery. Hell, even Devil May Cry 4 atleast had the decency to explain a couple of things around the time of the first trailer: You play Nero, he has a demonic claw, he has to fight Dante because he killed the leader of the order he was with...We don't even know anything like THAT in regards to to this damned game and it has been well over a year and we have seen three trailers. Count 'em THREE! I wouldn't mind so much if these guys didn't have this reputation as being 'expert storycrafters'. Ok, i admit i've played enslaved and it was a decent plot and all but...if you guys are so good at this stuff, then why are you not telling us anything about the plot?

Hell, we don't need the whole plot of it spoiled but atleast an idea as to what the **** is going on would be nice Ninja theory!

To put this even more in perspective, let's take a look at the two different trailers. The first is the first gameplay footage trailer released by Ninja theory, that was meant to show us what Combat would look like. Needless to say, looking back on it now, it looks pretty...meh to be honest. Combat looks passable, but everything else just seems to be very much like enslaved's combat (Which was passable, but not great). It doesn't really show much effort to try and deliver something fans and players will enjoy as much as 'ok, here's some gameplay we were able to jumble together uhh yeah...GIVE US YOUR MONEY!'


Now, here is the trailer (The very original one mind you) for Devil May Cry 3...Watch it and i'm sure you will see this was made for the fans. It's old now and at times a little hard to make out, but it tells us volumes: It shows us Dante is up against his brother, some new characters are in the field, that Dante is acting like his old self (Something which, after the DMC 2 debacle, was plaguing the minds of many fans) and it showed us some pretty damned cool looking combat. In short, this was a labor of love, like the developers were saying 'We've brought back what you wanted, and we've improved upon things...this is something we are proud of and i'm sure you will be too! Don't worry, we aren't making the same mistakes as the last game"


Reason 5: Reboot, Reimagining, Revamp, Prequel, New Series...WHICH ONE IS IT!?


When this game was first announced, it was announced as a 'dark reimagining' of Devil May Cry. Ok, so we were still skeptical and bitter about the new dante to listen much but we accepted it. Then that changed and it was called a prequel. Ok again we fans said: We can probably see the evolution of Dante to the DMC 3 self throughout this games development right? Well, after that, it was called a 'revamp' and numerous other things.

The recent interview panel with the Ninja theory crew hasn't exactly helped the situation either, as they seemed to do their best to avoid answering questions that many of us wanted answered about the game.


When the developers can't even make up their minds as to whether or not the games a prequel or even answer questions we want answered...you know it's a sign that things are just going to go downhill from there. So, the press is still out on just what this game is even supposed to be!

Reason 6: The developers are assholes


Yeah, ok, let me back up a bit here and explain what i mean here. Ninja theory hasn't exactly been doing a good job in trying to market this game to the Devil May Cry Fans. We've had the new design, the retcons, the change in Dante's personality and, above all, changing details about just WHAT this game is meant to be as well as no story details at all. But you know what, I'm sure we could forgive most of the above...if it wasn't for Ninja theories PR and announcements being pretty much the equivalent of Neo-Nazi talking about how great the holocaust was in a Jewish Synagogue.

Infernai" post="9.309538.12496300 said:
The guys have demonstrated they really don't give a **** about the fans at all or what they think. This was shown, rather recently in fact, in this little gem which actually featured on the Escapists Front Page for a Time (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/new...vil-May-Cry-Skeptics-Secretly-Want-to-Like-It). They did nothing to try and minimize fears, instead they just bragged about their product and basically went on to say the fans opinions don't matter at all. To add fuel to this little fire, we have the fact that the developer believes that the Devil May Cry fans are, get this, somewhat Responsible for the low sales of Enslaved (http://thesilentchief.com/2011/02/0...s-partially-to-blame-for-poor-enslaved-sales/). Oh yeah, because a fanbase of a totally unrelated game can definitely be responsible for another game not getting good sales at all! I seriously have no idea how that can work, last i checked Devil May Cry Fans didn't go out and raid the Gamestops of all Enslaved copies and set fire to them now did they?

So, if we have a developer who doesn't really care about the fanbase of a project working on a game for them then i must ask...why? If you honestly hold that low a regard for the fans then why not just make a whole different game altogether for capcom to release? Everybody wins and nobody gets upset. But, to make simple PR Mistakes and to pretty much throw any fans to the ground and hurl insults at them every chance you can is not winning you any friends Ninja Theory no matter if the game is good or not.

Food for thought

Ok, so I'm aware this game isn't out yet, which is a common argument that the people of this game are saying to those who are bashing it. But, what i don't really understand is why the devil may cry fans are getting called out on the changing of Dante when other franchises who have had similar things occur have gotten a free ride and support for it. Let me post two well known examples

Example 1: Infamous 2's bad hair day

I'm sure you all remember this debaccle: Infamous 2 was announced and a trailer was shown. It was all excitement and gumdrops until...this happened:


We saw Cole Mcgrath looking like...that. The fans, to put it bluntly, were ****ED. They begun to complain and the forums practically ended up exploding with outrage at the new appearance of Cole Mcgrath. This got to such levels that the developers actually changed the design in order to please the fans. So, let me ask you something: Why do the Infamous 2 fans get a free ride on this and yet the Devil May Cry fanbase get asked to stop complaining due the vast changes of the main character?

Example 2: Spyro's Eyesore

Here's another example I'm sure still haunts the darkest corners of your Nightmares: Spyro. Now, this little guy has had his share of up's and downs. He started on the Playstation and quickly became an icon to most of us (I myself have many fond memories of playing Spyro 2). After the shift to the Playstation 2 though...things quickly deteriorated and Spyro lost it all with the releases of Enter the Dragonfly and Heroes Tail. The reboot was able to somewhat Salvage Spyro, making the shift from 'Terrible' to 'Playable and tolerable' but failed to recapture the magic that was the original Spyro games. However, it still retained a good fan base and even brought back some of the older fans too.

Then came the announcement of Skylanders Spyro and...once again, this is what we got


I think you can predict what happened: Fans moaned, groaned and it became readily obvious that this new game was going to be on par with that of Enter the Dragonfly and heroes tail before it. Yet again though, people didn't seem to think the moaning of the fans was unwarranted at all. So again, why are the Devil May Cry Fans being singled out so badly?

Closing words and Discussion Value

So yeah, there you are: Those are the reasons for the Devil May Cry fanbase being ****ed off. As can be seen, this goes far deeper then just 'no longer has white hair'. It may not be out yet, but from what's been shown to the fans hasn't been good to say the least and the developers havn't helped either. We wanted to like this game, I mean it's devil may cry! But, the developers and the game itself has shown itself to quickly be on the path to becoming something we know we aren't going to like at all. Plus, given Capcoms recent...track record...can you really blame the fans for being ****ed off like a hornets nest that's just been set on fire?

Yes, I'm aware of the obvious Bias of all this considering I'm apart of this fanbase but the question i wish to ask and have discussed is this: Do we fans, in light of all that i have explained above, have a right to complain, be angry and just be downright ****ed about the new DMC? Discuss!
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God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I'm not going to be on very long, but one major vibe stuck out in that whole thing above all else. This person seems to believe that if you support DmC, then you are not a DMC fan. You aren't part of the fanbase. That just seems a little condescending. I do admit that he/she brought up some very good points though, like the Spyro/DMC comparison.


Well-known Member
It doesn't matter if fans got a right or not... They'll complain and be ****ed either way. There will always be naysayers, and that's alright. Capcom and NT changed something they know and love, and many people are not comfortable with change, so they reject the idea all-together, not wanting to accept any of it, not even if the game turns out to be amazing.

And in all honesty, I feel sorry for them. I sympathize with them. I will not go "haters gonna hate" or "deal with it" at them, because that won't have any positive effect at all. It's just going to make them complain even more and hate it more. And that is not the intention.

I'm supporting this game, and I have been a pr*ck at times towards those who dislike it, mainly because they didn't keep an open mind and dished out alot of sh*t about this game when it hasn't even come out yet. However, there are indeed some sceptics who have put their points across in an intelligent and understanding way, and those are the people who I sympathize with. And they have made me understand why they dislike this game and these changes.

So just because I might not agree with them, I respect their opinions and they're the reason I have chosen "yes" to this poll. Not because of the lengthy article the OP posted, because in all honesty, I don't care about that. I do care about the people I chat with on a forum like this, because they are real and are part of the community that I am also a part of.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yes, of course they do, which is why I voted yes.

Everyone has the right to their opinion. That's something we learn to accept, how each other feel. Someone has the right to complain about something they dislike, as much as someone has the right to express their like towards something. What neither side have the right to, those who like and dislike, is mindless arguing. When people disrespect each other's opinions and make fun out of others for having a difference of opinion. That is what neither people have a right to.


..who am i kidding lets just morph and eat em!
I shall explain my reason to vote no now.
For one thing.Dante's look now got changed a little to satisfy us,he is no longer with bruises on his face.Nor should the game be hated cause their favorite funny badass Dante will now become totally different from before.So far we have only seen the gameplay and that the world will feel alive in some sort.I understand they dont accept that what they knew and loved so much is being rebooted.
In the end most should wait for the game's story and such to be revealed.
Don't know who will understand but it's my reason.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I may be coming across as a little disrespectful, in the sense that I'm 'going' against what you said, but hear me out. Telling people they don't have the right to complain about something before it arrives, is like saying someone doesn't have the right to boast about something before it arrives. If people don't have the right to complain about DmC before it's actually out there, then people shouldn't have the right to feel like they can say how good they think it's going to be. Negativity towards something should be treated with the same amount of respect as positivity, if the negativeness is portrayed in a reasonable manner with reasonable points and arguments made.

If you claim you don't like the new DmC, and give valid points as to why without trying to seem offensive towards anyone who disagrees, then fair enough then. You should have the right to complain, but with decency.


Enma Katana no Kami
everyone has the right to express their opinion. some methods of expressing opinions should be avoided but as long as someone can be calm and reasonable there is absolutly no reason to say people shouldn't complain if they don't like something. i personally am looking forward to the game but when the first trailer was shown i was very unhappy and definitly not looking forward to it. so i have been on both sides of this at different times, and i have seen reasonable and unreasonable people on both sides of the debate. i have even disagreed with people on the same side as me. this is not a war. it's just fans of a game series disagreeing about the next game. people with different opinions are not enemies. their is no reason to try to invalidate other peoples opinions just because they don't agree with you. people should be confident enough in their own opinion to be able to accept that other people disagree and to be able to debtate and discuss this calmly.


Humanoid Typhoon
Yes they do have the right to complain, and they also have the right to have their feet put into their mouths aswell. I stay optimistic for most things, especially dmc, most of the time with capcom, and i dont really see why NT is hated so much.Maybe my taste in games has a larger variety(also all ps3 games look good on my tv even bayonetta. And bayonetta is a good example of crappy graphics with addicting gameplay). people hated dm3 before it came out too and who could forget about nero's first impression:confused: (i still think nero was a lazy character design). If the DmC sucks more than dmc2, then we might have a problem. But if it doesnt suck and is fun to play and has an engaging story then.... wtf? have fun with it! And if its life changingly good, then maybe the naysayers you should have more confidence in capcom, write a short apology to everyone at NT, and have cigarettes put out on your heads


LoD Come Back!!!
I'm sorry, fans do have the ability, but that doesn't mean it should always be exercised. I had to vote "no". Now everyone is going to say "you arrogant prick" but hear me out. If the OP has as much of a right to say that I'm not a fan because I like the way the new game looks thus far, then I have the right to say he's just complaining too much.

I'm a person who looks at facts and proof. Fact of the matter is, we don't have proof, the only thing we have is words of whisper. The only thing we actually have evidence of is NT's attitude (which to me seems like a lot of naysayers just took his words out of context and twisted their meanings) and MAYBE gameplay, though the extent to which is minimal at most. I am open to hearing people's praises and complaints about a game, but only to the extent to which we have factual evidence to back it up, otherwise everything is theory and speculation, which I'm fine with, but only for discussion, not a basis for debate.

Likewise, it should be taken into consideration how little we do know and how much of what we say we know comes from VERY biased, secondary sources. An example would be this whole half-angel debate. It's stupid. Every interview with NT about the topic clearly states that it's a gameplay mechanic and a 'form' he has in the story. That can mean any number of things. But the sites that really want to incite people to debate and flame this game to hell present the topic as if NT said that Dante is going to be half- angel and half-demon and there is nothing human about him. And then the "fans" (the ones who dislike what they've seen) get all angry and start screaming about how much more they hate the game without even looking at the interview to see what was actually said and considering for a moment how it is a work of fiction and powers can be obtained from anywhere.

As said in another thread, he can walk into a puddle that is magically a "Holy Puddle" and get his powers. Or more likely, maybe the angels want him to release the city from the control of the demons and so they give him his powers. Don't sit and tell me NT said that he is half-angel when it clearly was said angel form.

Most of you will probably not hear what I'm saying because it sounds like I'm criticizing you, but really we all need to look at facts vs theory. And I'm ok with how everything I just said is theory and I'm open to hearing more theories on the matter. But we all need to be open to considering it.

It sounds like I'm defending the game because I'm a fan of NT. I'm not, I'm defending the game because we know nothing about it TO hate it. I am actually on the fence. I like what I've seen, but I can't give full judgment until gameplay is clarified and I know the basic story. Because let's face it, EVERYTHING we've seen so far, attitude, appearance, angel-form, etc. can and more than likely will be explained into the Dante we know through the story.

As for why a reboot over a new sequel for DMC, it's simple. Capcom needed a new developer for the games to make the story cohesive, so they chose NT because of the storytelling talent. They said something like "We'll play to our strengths. You do story and we'll do marketing and gameplay". However, if someone new is going to add anything to the story, they can't easily add to another person's story without knowing the direction the original author wanted to go. I don't care how many fan fictions there are, the more you add to something that doesn't have a strong foundation, the more convoluted it becomes. It would take Capcom probably another 2 games dedicated to filling plot holes alone, not to mention adding more to the story and gameplay so that it isn't boring or monotonous. It's like you can't expect George Lucas to add to Lord of the Rings. Tolkien planned sequels but we will NEVER know the story. His son tried to write them and they paled in comparison simply because it wasn't the same guy and wasn't as cohesive. The story messed up from 2 and Capcom didn't know what to do. They told NT to add to the story and in order to do that, they needed to work from the ground up. It may not be right, it may not have been "needed", it may not be what all of us want. It is what's happening nonetheless.


I just made it look more visually pleasing. Is it less intimidating now Aka? :D


Don't trust people
*looks at Inferno's huge post quoted* Damn I don't want to read that much wtf. :c
*looks at GamblingGambitCloud's post* Wow... I dunno how so much less text could look so much more fearful to me. o.o

Oh yeah, everyone has the right to complain. Title is kind of conflicting with the human rights and all that... you know?


LoD Come Back!!!
^Human rights is a concept that is abused by everyone, especially governments. It's an ideal we all love, but is something that has yet to be given full practice.


Humanoid Typhoon
Well i have a theory on why he possesses both demonic and angelic forms, maybe its because he is in a place of Limbo? Dante may just have been granted spiritual powers and only having original sin.... maybe.... thats why he can transcend to a higher power. Granted he's not dead yet so he's not waiting for a savior, but he was a child of a demon. Maybe his decisions while he is in Limbo city will affect what powers he'll have.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Voted yes obviously.

Everyone has the right to their opinion.

And even tho some may attack you for having a less favorable opinion for this game you should always use that right to say what you feel.

As long as you are respecting others opinions whether they are for the game or not for the game then I see no reason why we can not voice our opinions.


Well-known Member
If NT and Capcom have the right to laugh at the fans and disregard their concerns (its not just the white hair after all), and if people have the right to defend those arrogant pricks then people have the right to complain about the game simple as that.


Well-known Member
If NT and Capcom have the right to laugh at the fans and disregard their concerns (its not just the white hair after all), and if people have the right to defend those arrogant pricks then people have the right to complain about the game simple as that.

Do you really think they are laughing at their fans? Calling them arrogant pricks is rather harsh as well. Why do you see them like that?


Well-known Member
Do you really think they are laughing at their fans? Calling them arrogant pricks is rather harsh as well. Why do you see them like that?
I couldn't find the original video, but this guy included the interview in his;
Start around 2:00

That's the example that sprung to mind. The fact that the fans not jumping on board are thought of as sheep isn't helping either.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
I couldn't find the original video, but this guy included the interview in his;
Start around 2:00

That's the example that sprung to mind. The fact that the fans not jumping on board are thought of as sheep isn't helping either.

I agree.

I think it is pretty obvious that the guys at NT have always had a smug attitude.

Espeically the guy who looks like this reboot dante.

Calling the old Dante "uncool" and saying how if he walked into a bar he would be laughed at.

If that is not arrogant and smug then I to not know what it.


Humanoid Typhoon
i dont think their laughing at the fans, i think as a game creator you have to be open minded or u just keep rehashing the same ol s**t, i think it would be frustrating hearing people complain about a hair style. And yes the majority of the complaints come from dante's look. You cant say his personality changed because he's only said 4 words. But by the way he fights and adds insult to injury, to me, it reminds me of dante. but thats my opinion. I cant believe in this day in age people can still write off things without experiencing it for themselves.
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