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Dmc4: Hardest/Easiest/Funniest boss


Vergil´s right arm
Hey guys, tell me what was the horriblest, funniest, hardest, easiest and, of course your favourite?

I think,(ive played it today trough with devil hunter) in this DH mode the hardest one was the last one.

Horriblest one was, mmm..., maybe the Savior. Cool, pretty hard and big boss, and because of the attacks of it, its the horriblest one.

Funny one was the Dagon, because of that cutscene and the words se hays.

Easiest: Dante, of course.

My favourite: there are actually two of them. Savior,
its horrible and hard, but somehow i just feel its the best,
it feels an totally boss fight. Then, i can´t say witch one is better, but Echidna is another favourite. Pretty hard,
good attacks... just so cool game, like the other DMC:s.:cool:

Onkel Cannabia

Well-known Member
Which Bosses are the easiest and which the hardest constantly changed for me, depending on how fast I learned how to anticipate and avoid their attacks. When I started playing on higher difficulties everything changed again. At the beginning I though the second Sanctus was extremely hard for example, after I learned how todeal with him, I killed him first try on DMD.
Anyway, here is my list for how I see them now:

horriblest: Besides the fact, that horriblest isn't a word I'm not really sure where this is different from hardest.

funniest: Dagon

favorite: Credo

easiest: Berial

hardest: 2.Dante, Echnida (I keep attacking her with the same rythm, but sometimes she still hits me with here tentacles. On DMD that's quite a problem)


funniest, favorite: Dante
easiest: Dagon
hardest: the final "your holiness" (if i didn't finish him off before he turns all red and so)

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
I think Berial was really easy along with Echidna. I hated the savior. You know when he bends forward and then the whole screen goes dark? well that scares me :lol:
My fav and the funniest would be Dagon and Dante :p


Scariest - Savior before I figured out how to avoid him sucking my life out, then Sanctus Diabolics
Funniest - Dante
Easiest - Berial
Most hated - Agnus, I HATE him, he is so weasly and cowardly, fight me like a man!

The Da3dra

Master Of War
imma just go out on a limb and say "horriblest" might mean like "most stupid" or "out of place in the DMC franchise" but since i don't know i wont answer that one.

Scarriest: to be honest the only thing that scares me (in videogames anyways) are regenerators from RE4 other than that none of the bosses really scared me.
Funniest: there was really nothing that occured during any boss battle that made me think "this is a funny boss battle" all of the boss battles were more or less serious. however when it comes to the cinemas that lead into the boss battles id have to say the one where dante anfd agnus are in the church and are being all poetic and shakesperian(however you spell that)
favorite: they are all equaly bad ass but if i HAAAAAD to choose one id say......fighting berial as dante.
hardest: the sanctus battles, not the giant savior battles, the ones where you fight just sanctus. on the higher difficulties he is so hard to beat for me anyways.


since your question is not DMC you probably should have ask that in THAT (MGS) forum, or in the general game discussion area. :huh:


Well-known Member

I'd like to say ;

Funniest ; Berial, and after where Dante receives Lucifer.

Easiest ; Uh, Savior.

Hardest ; Dante encounter Nr.2

And ofcourse, my favourite was Credo. Who doesn't want to fight his chicks brother? ;d


Well-known Member
favorite: Dante
easiest: berial
hardest: sanctus....in the finally battel ....

NICE A THREAD MAN:cool: ...thanks


Don't trust people
He had a point in there... Saviors attacks is the easiest for me to dodge :p
Funniest to fight with: Credo
Funniest with Scenes: Dante and agnus church poetic talk.
most horrifying: Dagon (why you ask... i hate that big badass mouth just eating me up and sometimes it is just freaking me out when he jumps out of the dark but now idc about what he does but he has been very scary)
Favorite:Credo and Echidna
Easiest: The Savior (statue guy not sanctus or something else just the big big fat statue)


Well-known Member
I'm more of that enclosed dude that when playing a game, i normally don't connect to internet when i do single player. Like this, in highscores. I don't even think i'm in the scoretable on 360, since i never go online X).
Soo, maybe i am good, though Savior is really predictable with his smashing stuff, for me he's just as slow as a Scarecrow X)


New Member
Here I go!

Easiest: Dante (1,2,Doppelganger)
Hardest: Savior
Funny: Agnus
Favorite: Credo
Worst: Bael & Dagon
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