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DMC 5: Ancient Runes-Game Concept


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
This is my Devil may cry game concept and script.

So Here...
Returning Characters

New Characters
Megara- Dante and Vergil's sister
Narcisse- Mundus' daughter
Cianissa- a vampire who was a friend of Sparda, and is a friend to Sparda's children.

Vergil Prologue
Right after dmc 3
Vergil is lying unconscious on the ground. He has just lost to Mundus. A girl about his age comes up to him. She sits down on a rock near him. Vergil wakes up but he doesn’t notice the girl.
(talking to himself)
No I can’t have lost! How can I have lost?
Perhaps you were ill-equipped? I mean it’s not easy to defeat my Daddy. So many people have tried and only one person has ever really succeeded.
(noticing the girl)
I’m not going to repeat myself. I know you heard what I said.
Yes I heard what you said. And what do you mean your Daddy?
Mundus is my Daddy.
And your name is?
Narcisse and you’re?
So you’re Sparda’s eldest son?
Technically, yes I am older but Dante is only fifteen minutes younger than me. We’re twins.
You could prove useful.
You could be useful to me and my father, especially to me.
You heard me.
No what do you mean I can be of use to you especially?
Well I was hoping I wouldn’t have to say this.
You’re cute and I’m horny.
Are you asking for a date?
Why do you ask that?
Just wondering, I guess.
so you lost to my Daddy?
well come with me.

Vergil follows Narcisse to where Mundus is hiding

yes, Narcisse? *sees Vergil* Oh Vergil, what is it?
*Narcisse whispers something in Vergil's ear.*
*Vergil gets down on his knees and bows his head*
Let me serve you, Master Mundus
yes, you could be very useful to me Vergil. You shall now be known as Nelo Angelo.
*Like a puppet*
Yes Master, Mundus.

Fade to black

to be continued....
Coming soon prolouge Dante.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
General Prolouge

Young Woman
(Voice Over)
You've heard the legend of Sparda right? If you do there is something you don't know. Sparda actually had three children with his wife. Twin boys, Vergil and Dante and Me, a girl named Megara. I know what you must be thinking....if Sparda had a daughter why isn't there anything written about her in the forbidden text's of the underworld? well the answer is simple really.....my brothers had me edited out of the forbidden text in order to protect me. Well I can tell you, that I do exist because I am strong enough to protect myself now....well most of the time. I am very close to both my big brothers, Dante especially cause he makes me laugh. Even though his jokes are extremely corny.
fade to black

Next is Dante's Prolouge
btw Vergil's prolouge is actually what you will see before you play as him.


For a second, I was worried. I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten that Vergil was actually Nelo Angelo...then I continued to read.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
Dante's Prolouge

Dante and Trish are in their usual postitions. Patty is on the couch, watching soap operas.
Cianissa enters, her hood is up so we cannot see her, face.
Cianissa: Hello Dante....
Dante: Well what have we here? It'd help if you showed me your face, sugar...
Cianissa: *takes off her hood* Better...
Trish: hello
Dante: Ah man... I didn't recognise you... Take a seat *shows her to her.
Trish: and she is...?
Dante: This is an old pal of mine...
Cianissa: oh sorry...I'm Cianissa...ur?
Trish: I'm Trish.
Cianissa: nice to meet you, dear..your Dante's wife right...?
Trish: *gives Cianissa a puzzled look* how did u know?
Cianissa: Vergil told me...
Trish: Oh
Cianissa: Is Trish short for something...?
Trish:No its just Trish.
Cianissa: oh ok *smiles. her fangs are visable*
Patty: *turns off the tv* Are you a vampire?
Cianissa: yes
Patty: so i'm guessing the sunlight thing is a myth,then...
Cianissa:for the first 100 years of vampire's life it isnt, but after that it isn't really a problem.
Patty: do you turn into a bat?
Cianissa: hell no.
Patty: do you really drink people's blood?
Cianissa: yes...blood is an nesscity. but i have a blood supply at home that i use. we aren't aloud to bite and turn more than 3 people anymore.
and we can only feed off each other, a half human,
half demon or a full blood demon if we run out of blood.
However my daughter and son in law, feed off each other, even they have a huge supply of blood.
Patty: Why?
Cianissa: I asked them the same question and they said it was kinda like making love in a way only they can.
Dante: So it's a sex thing?
Cianissa: Basically. How did i know you were going to say that, Dante?
Dante: You know me well C.
Patty: Do you sleep in coffins?
Cianisssa: No, we sleep in beds like everybody else...and enough with the vampire questions, sweetie...I need to talk bussiness with Dante okay....?
Patty: ok, Im Patty by the way.
Cianissa: nice to meet you Patty. (to Dante) is she your daughter?
Dante: Hell no! she lives with her mom, now but she used to live here. I was her guardian for a while.
Cianissa: oh. so on to bussiness. There is a very large family problem that has your name on it, Dante.
Dante: I'm listening...
Cianissa: Your brother is causing a huge ruckus in Fortuna, at his side is Mundus' daughter,Narcisse.
Dante: *looks up, slightly taken back* My... Bro?
Cianissa: yes
Dante: This should be fun *smiles playfully*
Cianissa: I already talked to Meg.she said she'd meet you over there.
Dante: Guess I better head over there right away.
Cianissa: yeah you should. and im coming with you guys.
Lady Enters
Dante:Hey Lady
Lady: hey guys
Dante: Do you know what's going on?
Lady: No and I am confused as hell. I just came in to tell you that the order of the sword is running amuk again.
Dante: Oh, there's worse issues than that. MY bro is causing a big scenario.
Trish: which is why the order is probably running amuk again.
Lady: what's vergil trying to do now?
Dante: I don't know. Just coz we're twins, don't mean I can read his mind.
Lady: well are you going to go down there and figure it out or are you gonna sit on your a$$ all day...?
Dante: No need to be so spiteful, especially since you only just got here.
Lady: well I was just wondering, cause your usually sit on ur *** all day. and btw who's ur friend here?
Dante: She's a vampire, need I say more?
Lady: yeah, maybe like what she's doing in your office or how you know her?
Cianissa:im not deaf you know
Dante: And I'm not stupid... I know you ain't deaf.
Lady:*to cianissa* so how do you know dante?
Cianissa: o were old friends
*Dante sits down, and reads a magazine"
trish takes the magazine away from him
Dante: *rolls his eyes in boredom*
Trish: shouldn't we get going...?
Dante: yeah
Trish: Lady you coming with?
Lady: yeah ok.
Dante: and ur coming too, right C?
Cianissa: yeah...
Patty: can i come too...?
Dante: yeah alright...well just make Nero babysit.
*the phone rings, Dante answers it.*
Dante: yeah ok, but we were just about to head out...but we'll wait outside the office...
*hangs up*
They head out of the office...

*credit to LordofDarkness...he is now my partner in writing this game concept*


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Thanks Trish ;)

New Characters

We have added in some new characters, from other fics of mine. I shall list them here for you:

: Toni Silverstrike
: Keno Silverstrike
: Kasandra Silverstrike
: Mystique Silverstrike


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sorry for the double post ;)

Okay, this is Toni's prologue.

Toni's prologue:

A few miles away from Devil May Cry, inside one of the Templar bases.

Toni: So Michael, I suppose you want me to sort these files out too?

Michael: If that isn't too much trouble, then yeah.

Toni: No it isn't.

Keno: Hey bro, something has just cropped up.

Toni: *looks confused*

Keno: Some demon worshippers just spotted what appears to be Vergil.

Toni: You're kidding me? *looks like he has fear in his eyes*

Keno: No I'm not *looks slightly scared too*

Michael: Nothing you girls and guys can't handle, right?

Mystique: No, nothing we can't handle.

Kasandra: Was he with anyone else?

Keno: *still out of breathe from flight* Not that they could spot, no.

Toni: Strange, I wonder what the hell is going on?

Michael: Certainly an odd occurrence indeed... We haven't had any recent Intel to suggest that one such as Vergil would be returning.

Toni: Strange **** always does go down. I guess we're kind of use to it now, right guys? *looks at Keno and the girls*

*Girls nod*

Keno: What should be our move bro?

Toni: Okay, listen up guys... Obviously something big is about to go down, so I suggest we get to Dante, fast.

Keno: You better ride that bike of yours fast bro.

Toni: Why? Is nobody going to offer to lift me up and fly me there? *looks around, but sees nobody willing to do that*

Kasandra: So did you want me to do the Superman thing?

Toni: No, it's okay Kassy, I'll just ride my damn bike.

Keno: Good, then that's settled.

Michael: Stay safe people.

Kasandra: So we’ll meet you in Fortuna then?

Toni: Yeah, I'll meet up with you guys.

Kasandra: See you then....*leaves with her sis*

Toni: You're not even going to say bye Mystique?

Mystique: Oh my bad...Bye.

Toni: Take care bro, I'll see you later man.

Keno: Yeah, okay.

Michael: Take care my friends.

Keno and Toni: We shall.

Credit to my awesome pal Trish67, for roleplaying with me ;)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
We are working on this atm... So stay tuned for more guys ;)


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
Here is Nero's prolouge...what will be a boss battle and another cutscence

Nero is walking through the library....holding yamato in his right hand....
he thinks he is alone but he spots a little girl sitting in a armchair reading a book....

Nero: Hey kid, what are you doing reading? Why don't you go watch TV or something? It's much more entertaining.
Kid: No i like reaidng better....Tv is dumb...
Nero: Well I watch a lot of it, and look how I am *stands boastfully*
Kid: Well that explains your lack of intellgence. By the way you have something I want.
Nero: Why would I have something you want? kiddo..
Kid: My name is Persephone. And I want what ur holding in that demonic arm of yours.
Nero: I know it doesn't contain small parts, but you still shouldn't be able to have this. This belongs to me...
Persephone: No It doesn't belong to you. It belongs to my Daddy.
Nero: Well, it's not in his hands is it? If you want it back, then you can think twice.
Persephone: I see we are going to have to do this the hard way. But first things first. I told you my name.
What's yours?
Nero: I'd tell you my name, if you ran along and played nicely with the other kids,
and stopped bothering me. How's about that?
Persephone: sounds good to me accept there are no other kids.
Nero: I bet there are... They just must have ran off when they saw you coming. Now get lost...
Persephone: That was mean! I'll tell my daddy on you!
I'll tell him your being mean to me and you won't give me his sword!!
Nero: I am literally shaking in my boots..
*Man laughing behind a bookcase* *It's Dante*
Persephone: Alright I'll fight you for my Daddy's sword...if you won't give it to me.....
Nero: Sure, whatever...
Persephone puts up her fists...
Boss battle insues...
NeroVS Persephone
Nero: Come on kid, move out of my way. I have bigger things to fry.
Persephone: *puts up her fists* uh ah. your not going anywhere. if think you can beat so easily then why not try?
Nero: Because I don't want to be the cause of a little girl's death. Now run along.
Persephone: You won't kill me. but if you won't fight me...give me the sword....
she throws herself down on the ground....kicking and screaming......books from the libaries sleves start flying around and hitting Nero......
one book flies off, and Nero ducks and then spins, and when he stops spinning he shoots the last book to fall off the shelf, and then spins Blue Rose, before putting it away.
Nero: Nice attempt kid, but out of my way. *starts to move forward*

Persephone: oh you haven't seen nothing yet! *she pounces on him like a kitten, but she has much more power than Nero was expecting. so he is knocked over.*
Nero: huh, knocked down by a pipsqueak like you. *thinks* How humiliating. -Rolls her off from him and gets up-
Persephone: *screams* at the top of her lungs* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
she runs toward nero and full speed at knocks him down again. and she bites his left hand.
Nero: *lifts up hand, and Persephone is lifted up too* The hand is the DB, so he outstretches the DB, and she goes with the Devil Bringer also. He then shakes her off onto a bench in the distance.

Nero: Now sit there and play nice.
Persphone: I DON'T THINK SO DUMBY!!!!! *Runs at him again, she knocks him down once more, and but this time she begins beating him with her little fists.* I'm the grand-daughter of the legandary dark knight Sparda....you actually thought i would play nice...?
Nero: Huh, now I know why you're so annoying.
Persephone: why? what? *still beating him*

Cutscence after fight.
nero is on the ground...and Persephone is on top of him beating him with her little fists...

Dante reveals himself, he is cracking up
Nero: I didn't know girls punched... I'm not sure about your gender
Persephone: I am a girl...
Nero: Girls aren't usually into swords... Then again, it is for your *mocks her* Daddy....
Persephone: I never said I was going to play with it.
Nero: Even if you did, it's not for little ones such as you *mocks her size*
Dante: well they say size doesn't matter,kid. and they were right cause my niece is kicking your ass.
Persephone stops punching Nero, and looks at him...with puppy eyes...
Persephone: Can I have the sword now, Perleaseeeeeeeee?
Nero: you are so annoying.
Persephone runs over to Dante...
Persephone: why is so mean to me, uncle Dante?
Dante: He's just not that use to female attention....
Persephone: well that's no reason to be so mean to me.
Dante: Well why don't you ask him, and not me.
Persephone turns to Nero....
Persephone: why are you being so mean to me?
Nero: Because you keep bothering me.
Persephone: well if you give me my Daddy's sword then I won't bother you anymore.
Nero: Now I know you are Dante's niece...
Persephone: What's that got to do with anything?
Nero: Pretty much everything. I know you are his niece, coz you are so annoying.
Persephone: Give me the sword and i'll leave you alone.
Nero: No sword is worth this much hassle... Here, have it kiddo...
Nero gives her the sword.
Persephone: Thank You. *skips away*
Nero: Damn. Is she annoying or what?
Dante: Watch your mouth kid...
Nero: and she's your niece?
Dante:Yes she is...and she just kicked your ass.
Nero: so what's more bruised my ego or my reptation?
Dante: A little girl just kicked your ass... I think you lose all respect.
Nero: Yeah I think you're right. *Beat* So are you gonna tell the whole city?
Dante: Nah, I'm not all that bad.
Nero: oh right...so how old is that kid anyway?
Dante: She's five years old man.
Nero: Oh Damn. I just got my ass kicked by a five year old?!
Dante: *sniggers slightly* You got owned!
Nero: Yeah i did and my butt still hurts.
Dante: Dude, I don't wanna know that.
Nero: sorry for sharing...anyway?
*Trish enters*

Trish: What are you guys doing here?
Nero: Having a converstation..That's still legal right?
Dante: Simmer down kiddo, she just asked a question.
Nero: yeah and I asked her a question.
Trish: What I don't have a name anymore? I'm just her?
Dante: The kid didn't mean anything did you kiddo? Don't sweat it babes...
Nero: No I forgot your name?
Trish: It's Trish.
Nero: but stantus called you something else?
Dante: The past is the past... Let's not dwell on it. If you have both forgotten,
we have something to take care of.
Trish: No I haven't forgotten. Actually that's why i came in here. when I saw you in here Dante,
I came in wondering why you didn't follow Persephone out. Following her might lead you to Vergil.
Dante: I guess I was more focused on laughing at him *points at Nero*
Trish: I guess you were. May I ask why you were laughing at him?
Dante: Because Persephone just kicked his ass...
Trish: *Starts cracking up* Damn Nero...*between giggles* you got owned....
Nero: yeah i know stop rubbing it in...
Trish: sometimes i wonder what Vergil feeds that kid.
Dante: I dread to think...
Trish: well she's some part demon right?
Nero:well she's no angel.
Dante: No, she's not as nice as you Trish.
Trish: oh and im an angel am I. No actually I'm a goddess.
oh and I'm your wife. so yeah i'd have to be a goddess.
Dante: Well, I dunno... That demonic side in you can really show some times...
Trish: oh yeah that's true especially when i give you hell about your internet history and your magazine collection.
Nero: As much as i really am enjoying this marriagal squabble...really....*In whiney voice* Are you done yet?
Dante: He's like the kid we never had.
Trish: well if he was our kid...I'd have had to be like 13 when i had him...and i didn't know you then
so he can't be our kid. Thank god. and don't say never Dante....we just got married. and you may have kids sooner than
you think and hopefully they will be less annoying than Nero.
Nero: I'm right here guys.
Dante: We know...
Nero: *Under his breath but loud enough for Dante and Trish to hear* At least their not kissing in front of me.
Trish: *so only Dante can hear*
Should we?
Dante: *same volume as Trish* hell yeah hon
Trish and Dante start making out in front of Nero
Nero: alright that's it i am leaving....
Trish: finally. *Beat* So you didn't go after Persephone because you were laughing at
Dante: Yes, I'm sorry I lost her, but I couldn't miss the chance to laugh at him.
Trish: alright it's okay. I forgive you. But you so didn't pick up on what
I was hinting at eairler....you know when I said we may have kids sooner than you think...
Dante: Trish? Are you trying to tell me something?
Trish: yes, I just found out something. and i am asuming that you would like to know
what it is?
Dante: *raises eyebrows* Go on...
Trish: C told me something I wasn't expecting to hear for a few more months or another year.
Dante: How long have you known?
Trish: Known what?
Dante: That you were pregnant?
Trish: C told me 10 minutes ago.
Dante: It's wonderful news... We should celebrate or something.
Trish: what did you have in mind?
Dante: Business can wait. We can take a nice walk under the stars *takes her hand*
Trish: sounds good to me. but if we run into your brother you'll
take care of what you need to take care of right?
Dante: Absolutely...


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
A very long cutscene!!!!

Vergil was sitting on a foutain ledge, talking to Narcisse when his little girl came running up to them. Vergil was impressed because in her little hand she was holding
Yamato. He had honestly expected Persephone to come back empty handed.
Narcisse: Wow, girl! How did you do it?
Persephone: I kicked his butt and annoyed him. *Persephone gave her father a hug and crawled
into his lap after handing him, his sword*
Vergil: *places Yamato down next to him* You kicked his butt?
Persephone: Yeah. When I left Uncle Dante was laughing at him.
Vergil: Really? well I wouldn't be surprised if Dante is still laughing at him.
Narcisse: Holy lord, Nero got owned....by a five year old.
Persephone: That's his name,Nero? He wouldn't tell me.
Narcisse: yeah that's his name. Nero, lab rat to the order of the sword.
Vergil and Persephone: Lab rat?
Narcisse: yeah. His mother was the only human servant to my father. He hated her and was
looking for an excuse to kill her. So when she tried to betray my daddy and marry this human guy who had knocked her up, she was hunted down. My daddy killed her boyfriend and then her after she gave birth. While she was giving birth, she told me that she wanted me to name him,
Nero, because it means Powerful, and she wasn't that or something like that. she also said something about knowing that my daddy was going to kill her after she gave birth, and she wanted me to raise her son. I told her, that my daddy told me, I was to raise him, until he was old enough to become Nelo Angelo. I can't remember if that was before we met you or after you left us.
Well anyway, as soon as Nero was smart enough to know that I wasn't his mother, he ran away.
I haven't spoken to him since then, but every now and then, I would burn down my door and come into the city and watch over him. I guess I love him, cause I raised him or something like that.
Vergil: Yeah you love them, cause they are your flesh and blood, and you can't deny them anything, especailly not your love.
Narcisse: well he isn't my flesh and blood, but I still love him. and If he wanted my love, I couldn't deny him it. But made he made it clear when he was seven, that I wasn't his
mother, and that he didn't love me, not even a little bit, and that he wanted nothing to do with me.
Vergil: so when did he become the order of the sword's lab rat?
Narcisse: Not till he was thirteen. Santus wanted to see if he could concentrate the blood of Sparda into a single extremity, without concentrating the entire body with it. So that is where the devil bringer came from.
*Nero has been listening, sitting on the opposite side of the foutain from them.
He decides to reveal himself.*
Nero: Nero: So that's where the damn thing came from?!!....I thought it would have been something that,
the Order was experimenting with. They were all crazy... Crazy with power.
But now that I know, that's took a whole lot of worry off me.
Narcisse: Did you hear all of what I said?
Nero: Yes. and I am sorry for what I said when was seven. I didn't really mean it then.
Narcisse: But if you said it now you'd mean it?
Nero: No. Not a word of it. I know that you're not my biological mother, but you did raise me, so as far as I am concerned you are my mother, since my real mother is dead.
Narcisse: so why now after all these years?
Nero: Why didn't I try to find you?
Narcisse: Yes.
Nero: Because Santus modified my memory, as well as making me this lovely demonic arm.
Narcisse: Oh. Well, so why all of a suddened have you decided you want a mother?
Nero: Because, I feel as though I've never had one. When I ran away to this city when I was seven, Kryie and Credo's parents took me in, but....
Narcisse: but?
Nero: they never felt like they were my parents. I guess that was because I had a crush on Kryie.
Narcisse: well that worked out for you. You are dating her.
Nero: yeah. I'm sorry for what I said when I was seven.
Narcisse: I'm sorry I believed you, because it made me stay out of your life. But it was probably better that I wasn't in your life, due to who my father is.
Nero: What? Why? Whose your father?
Narcisse: Mundus, the king of the underworld
Nero: well he is dead now, right.
Narcisse: at the moment, yes. But due to come back any day now.
Nero: well i feel all depressed now.
Vergil: you should be happy, Nero, she saved you from a fate that's far from pleasant.
Nero: what?
Vergil: Trust me, being Nelo Angelo is no fun.
Nero: How do you know?
Vergil: I was Nelo Angelo. I got out of it, only five and half years ago.
Nero: So right after you got out, you had that little girl?
Vergil: Persephone? yes.
Narcisse: well I am curious to know what happened after you left us, and I think Nero is as well.
Vergil: Well after my brother defeated me, again. I could feel that your father had given up control of me, perhaps he thought I was dead, I don't know. My body was alive but it felt like the rest of me was dead. I felt like I wanted to die, until I met Persephone's mother. She got me out of that depression, and made me feel like I could live again.
Narcisse: so when did you knock her up?
Vergil: I don't look at it that way.
Narcisse: oh how do you look at it? as if Persephone is your love child?
Vergil: yes. that's excatly how i look at it.
Nero: she left you didn't she?
Vergil: yes.
Narcisse: why did she leave you? It sounds like you two were so very much in love.
Vergil: we were very much in love but she was still so young...only eighteen when she had Persephone. and she felt as though she couldn't take care of her....so...
Narcisse: So she dumped Persephone on you....?
Vergil: yes. but I love her and i would never wish she wasn't born. *Persephone was now asleep in her father's lap.*
Nero: well she looks all cute and innocent now but....
Vergil: yeah I heard she kicked your butt.
Nero: yeah. and she's only five years old? I heistate to ask what you feed that kid?
Vergil: You know, I can see why she beat you.
Nero: why did she beat me then...
Narcisse: well you're basicly a human,Nero. Although you have a demonic arm, the expirement did not effect your actual genetic make up. you are a human with a demonic arm,
whereas Persephone has actual demonic blood, in her genetic make up. *looks at Vergil* How much demonic blood does she have?
Vergil: I don't really know...to be honest. I know she has a quater from me and then she also gets the quater human from me. I don't know the rest of her as i don't know what her mother is.
Nero: *looks at Vergil* It's Vergil right? *Vergil Nods* You didn't answer my question. What do you feed that kid?
Vergil: That question is of no relvancy so i am not going to even answer it.
*a woman runs by being attacked by demons. she is struggling. it is Cianissa*
Cianissa: *sees Vergil, Narcisse and Nero* Could you guys give me a hand? As a Vampire I don't really have much defense againest demons.
Vergil: alright. *Persephone wakes up*
Persephone: Daddy...what's going on?
*Nero and Narcisse get ready to fight*
Vergil: demon attack. You stay close to C, okay honey.
Persephone: ok, Daddy.
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