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Bloody Vengeance


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Thanks for the name change Angel ;)

Back story

Basically he was designed for a Devil May Cry Concept a while back, but when that failed I couldn't be bothered to keep him as a Devil May Cry character. As he isn't demonic and his business is different. He is kind of like Blade, and I have altered his name. His name is Ingelo, and he is similar to Blade. He was bitten by someone in the house of Cantarus... Basically, the Vampires have split into different types... Kind of like cultures... Some are weak and aren't pure blooded, so they exist in what are known as the lower down Vampire Houses *House just means Group basically* The pure blooded ones are in higher Houses, and the Cantarus group are the House which basically everything started from. Over the years the pure blood has been lost throughout the vampire Houses, Cantarus and one more group now being the only groups to House near to pure blooded Vampires. The head of the Cantarus House is none other than Count Dracula himself... I never knew what Dracula's first name was, so I decided to call him Count Ivon Dracula...

Because he was bitten by someone with near to pure blood, and his bite was just when the sun was rising, the bite past on the Vampire virus, but a mutated one. The virus wasn't in control, so he can almost control his hunger with the help of serum. And he can withstand the sun, so he is a day walker. His mode of transport is a customised bike... Which has blades that can protrude from the side, and he can also shape shift into certain things

Dracula is the only pure blood, and all the others are slightly less pure blooded than he is. After killing some vampires Ingelo built up a rep, and started leading harder missions. Travelling around and recruiting vampire Hunters. Eventually, they headed up one assault on a Vampire House, attacking at night. The attack failed, and Ingelo was injected by some special vile that the Cantarus House was working on, but had stolen by a smaller group. Ingelo now bleeds whenever he gets hungry, and he seeks the antidote to cure that because his serum is slowly losing the ability to combat the liquid that he was injected with. Over the years he has worked alongside Blade twice, and has proven to be as strong as Blade himself. Both able to face Dracula and manage to deal some damage.


The rain dripped hard down my face, as I stepped inside the groggy looking bar. Sitting down and ordering a drink… I noticed a dark haired man in the corner of the room. He kept on looking at me. I didn’t mind, not until later on that night. I resumed my position, and took a gulp of my drink. I looked upon the glass, only to notice blood dripping off from it. I touched my skin… My face was bleeding. Pushing past a few people, I ran into the toilets and stared into the mirror. A man walked past, giving me a look. How I hate people who love to look. People who love to stick their noses into other people’s business. My name is Ingelo Abitarus, and I use to be a somebody. I use to be like all the other somebody’s. But life took a sudden turn for the worse a few weeks back. And now there is something I am searching for. My wife’s killer.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
This is going to be long, so yes he will some times make an appearance, as will Blade.

Do you like it?


Well-known Member
Blade and Dante this will be epic you should consider Selene from Underworld to if you've seen the movie. This will be a great fic in future with the x-overs ^^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I haven't, but I will definitely look into it.

Thanks ;) +rep...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
2 Weeks Earlier

A beautiful dark haired lady was seated at table; on a balcony, gazing up at the stairs. A man arrived and joined her, and poured her some wine.

“The stars. Aren’t they beautiful tonight?” said the woman.

“Almost as beautiful as your eyes, my Angel” the man replied.

The two ignored the stars, as their eyes became drawn to one another.

“Darling, isn’t this all a bit too expensive?” the lady asked.

“Of course not. You’re worth every penny I have” the man said.

The two leaned over the table and shared a kiss. The kiss felt like nothing else on this planet. The greatest feeling of compassion spread onto their lips. Desires and temptations opened and fulfilled. Hastily undressing the woman, the man knocked the bottle of wine onto the floor.

“Damn!! I best clean this mess up” the man said, and he reached down to look at the mess.


“Are you okay?” the woman asked, kneeling down to take a look.

“It’s fine, I just…” the man replied, showing his wife that his finger was bleeding.

“You best deal with that first. I don’t want blood on the sheets” the woman said, smiling afterwards.

The man laughed, and went into the toilet to clean up and to get ready.

“Honey, do you like what I brought earlier?” the lady asked her husband.

The man heard his wife loud and clear and mumbled under his breathe “She brought tons earlier, how can I know what she’s referring too? Must mean that dress”…

“Yes of course love. That dress suits you fine” the man replied.

He then brushed his teeth.

“Love, I said the dress was fine. Love? I thought you were asking for my opinion. Love?” the man replied… He opened the bathroom door, and moved over to the balcony slowly.

The bedroom floor was covered red… The man hoped that was wine, but his hopes were soon shattered into a zillion pieces. A hand was visible on the balcony, and he edged closer until he found his loved one bleeding heavily on the floor. Thousands of emotions filled every part of his body all in an instant. All the happy moments that the two had shared. The romantic times. The wedding and the honeymoon flooded into his thoughts. She was away from him now, lost. He has lost his love, that which meant more than his own life. To him she meant everything, and he had just lost EVERYTHING.

“Who? Who could have done this to my wife? Why?… Why?” he said, tears dropping onto her lifeless body. He checked for a pulse, but found nothing. He lay beside her for hours, trying to pretend that the two were just sleeping. He was lying to himself. He couldn’t handle losing her. He picked himself up, slowly. It felt like he had taken a lifetime to pick himself up from the spot in which she lay. He shook his head in disbelief, and moved to the phone.



The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Thank you for the reply man +rep... Do you like it?


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Here is more, due to requests ;)

Episode One: How Fatal Love Can Be.

Scene 1
: Her death caused him many sleepless nights. His mind kept flashing back to the events of that night. He blew all his riches on alcohol, so he could drink himself stupid. Many late nights sitting in front of the TV, drinking a cold beer and thinking. He leaned back slightly, and reached for some pizza that was positioned rather awkwardly on the couch. The box fell off, and the pizza fell onto the floor. He mumbled to himself, his words putting himself down “I can’t do anything right”… he mumbled.

After a few hours, he paced around the room in the dark, almost tripping over things. His mind was only set to one thing though. “I may not look my best. But I need the air” he said, or growled rather. Reaching for his dark black coat, and black gloves. He stepped outside, his feet meeting with the thick snow that covered the entire pavement. As he walked, his dark red boots crunched into the snow, leaving behind his footprints. It seemed like he didn’t know how to leave things behind. He just couldn’t accept her death.

He stepped into a nearby bar, and that’s how it all began.

5 Hours later

Ingelo woke to the sound of his phone. “Who is calling at this hour?” he said, barely able to get his words out properly.

“Hello, who’s it?” he answered.

There was no answer, and the person on the other end hung up.

Ingelo sighed and fell asleep on the ground, on a pillow.

Morning came too soon for the hung over man. His eyes were greeted by the sun, and he didn’t enjoy that. Moaning, he pulled the pillow over his face.

His fingers found a mark on his neck when he pulled the pillow over him.

Standing up slowly, he walked over to the mirror. Inspecting what appeared to be quite a large bite mark.

At first he didn’t take it all that serious. He assumed he had gotten into a drunken fight late last night, and a mate had took him home. In fact, that wasn’t how it went at all.

Last Night

Ingelo stepped out into the cold, leaving the bar behind. Slowly he put one foot in front of the other, and attempted to walk home in the midst of darkness. In his state, he hardly noticed the looks some passer-by’s were giving him. He hardly noticed anything. Too busy trying to forget things in life, he had almost forgotten how to do things too. A bus narrowly missed him, and beeped its horn. The noise rang straight into Ingelo’s ears, piercing his thoughts.

He stumbled, and found the ground. Luckily a helpful passer-by helped him back to his feet.

“Nasty fall. What are you doing out so late?” the stranger asked.

Ingelo didn’t answer, and hardly made eye contact with the stranger. Walking away, the stranger shouted out at him.

“WHAT? I don’t even get a thanks? Okay then, if that’s how you want it. I’m not thirsty, but I wouldn’t mind teaching you a lesson”…

Ingelo heard the comment, but still continued to walk back home. He had just about made the doorstep, when a man barged in front of him, knocking him back slightly.
Angered, Ingelo struck out. His fists missed, but he wrestled the man further. The fight lasted a few minutes, Ingelo not backing down. It finally ended in the man looking into Ingelo’s eyes, and then giving out a heart shattering screech. The scrrech was then accompanied by a bite to the neck.

“Ahhh, you get off me!!” Ingelo said, his words slurred.

The bite started to really take its toll. Pain built up, and it felt like something was passing through the bite. Ingelo started to feel colder, and shook a little.

The stranger growled and cackled with laughter. Ingelo felt dizzy. Then, the luckiest thing to happen to Ingelo for a long time, came. The sun slowly started to rise.

“NOOO, I’m not finished” the stranger screamed. He then pelted off at full speed, non human like. Simply vanishing into thin air, the stranger was out of Ingelo’s sight.

Crawling up, he slumped inside and dropped to the ground.


Well-known Member
This is shaping up to be awesome it seems lik it will be a very long fic with tons of action and demon/vampire slaying ^^

But who's the mystery guy o_O


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Thanks +rep. Each Episode will be about 10-15 scenes long...

Mystery guy?


New Member
Awesome!!! You sir are definitely going to be a writer. You keep getting better and better I wonder how you are at writing stories at school you would get 100% every time!



The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Thanks for your opinion Vergistar :)

Here is more of an in-depth look at planning this all out.

I was thinking about when Ingelo would be introduced into Vampire hunting, or if he would pick it up himself. He could realise he has all these new abilities, as to which he links to it being due to the bite. He will not find out that
his wife is alive until episode 8, which will be the final episode in series one.

Near the end of the first series, he should be brought into Vampire hunting. How does he track the killer? Ingelo lives in a new city in America called Starlight City. Starlight City is similar to Vegas, and was built somewhere in America on desert terrain.

Starlight City hosts tons of Vampires, but he will also have to travel quite a bit. I was thinking he would have to come to a part of UK in one episode, after finding out that some Vampire he was after was residing in the UK.

Bloody Vengeance *Episode One: How Fatal Love Can Be*|*Episode Two: What Lies Deep Inside*|*Episode Three: Starlight City Search*|*Episode Four: Making A Mark*|*Episode Five: Falling For The Feminine Touch*|*Episode Six: And They All Fall Down*|*Episode Seven: A Broken Spirit Reborn*|*Episode Eight: *Work in progress*

Each Series will have 8 episodes.

Here are the names of the next series, that will follow after series One. Note that this is all a work in progress.

Bloody Vengeance
Bloody Vengeance 2: Love And Revenge
Bloody Vengeance 3: Blade Of The Warrior
Bloody Vengeance 4: Fire And Torture
Bloody Vengeance 5: Blood And Lies
Bloody Vengeance 6: Castle Of Nightmares
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