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All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
It had holes in it , that means it could not break the atmosphere without becoming engulfed in flames and blowing up. Again the androids are weaker who is to say the z fighters can't.find a way to beat em like piccolo fusing. This being a what if means everything can change, vegeta going ssj on namek is one why does te fight against the androids have to go the same? Without goku and vegeta around i think piccolo would have trained with gohan. This would make gohan much stronger , as he wouldn't be sparring with goku and would train gohan solely. Gohan seeing his friends get beaten up could go ssj out of rage. Then you have your ssj against te androids. Piccolo fuses with kami to help gohan even the odds and the androids go bye bye.

Piccolo is a mentor to gohan so he would train him hard. Then they would die against majin buu :D


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Sealing the room changes nothing, the fire of leaving the atmosphere would fill the room and burn through the ship.

It is speculation anyway, many different things could happen. We will never really know. Vegeta may go to earth goku may survive the heart virus or not get it. Remember this is a what if so a lot of events could change.

If goku did survive then the androids would lose, he always finds a way and he would go assj in the time chamber or use a spirit bomb or find another way.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
if goku survives he doesn't need trunks and the room is on fire due to the fire of re-entry and leaving an atmosphere the heat caused by breaking through at high speeds. And if one thing can change like vegeta going ssj then everything can change.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Maybe. Boo usually takes on the characteristics of whoever he consumes. So I'd guess yeah. The sheer thought of Boo with Freeza absorbed AND immortal is a scary, scary thought. o_O

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Well if Son Kun wasn't at full SS3 strength why would he make Vegeta battle? Goku says SS3 was easier to maintain dead, he was under the impression that full power SS3 was possible. But being alive drained it more. Not knowing this Goku goofed. That's why SS4 was such a better transformation, SS3 is strong but crazy drains his power. The real question is how would the fight had played out if Son were still dead.?


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
How does anyone know he was at full power against kid buu as ssj3, in all forms to go max power they jave to gather ki and charge/power up

When he tried to do that he went back to regular form from the drain


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
He didn't power up he just transformed , if he was at full power why did he tell vegeta , if i could just power.up to max i could beat him.

If he was already at max and wasn't winning why would he say he could win if he went max? that would make him kinda stupid and he is a genious when it comes to fighting.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
That's what I pointed out. See in the comic, Goku was mortified that Kid Buu fell asleep on him. Goku spent his whole life being the best, with SS3 under his belt, he was pretty much "bad @ss number 1." (That's why he thought SS3 was too much for Lord Beerus. Beerus was basically helping Son get over his anger of having everyone help him gain God powers) So mortified Son Goku went SS3 and battled Buu, it was kind of a "you little sh@t, I'll show you!" moment. Than Goku thought "wait let me gather all my possible SS3 power and destroy Kid Buu!" THAT failed, due to the whole being alive thing.
In the anime, Goku went SS2 before going SS3. Son needed to gather his power because he wasn't at Full Power during the fight. He was close to it, but not quite there.

Moral of the story, if Kid Buu had slapped Bulma, Vegeta would've killed him with his BoG "angry SS form." Wrap your head around that! :eek:


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
You quoted goku saying he dragged out the fight for vegeta to get a shot and could have beaten kid buu at full power did you not ha???? so vegeta not being there means goku would not have dragged it out. He would have fought to destroy him knowing he was on his own.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
He wanted a good fight and he went ssj3 as ssj2 wasn't enough.

Goku never lies if he said he dragged it out on purpose it is because he did.

He went first also because he won rock oaper scissors, so that is another reason he gave vegeta a chance.to fight. He knew vegeta wanted a crack at kid buu.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Because he wanted to fight just as much, plus they wanted to fight on there own seperately. Vegeta doesn't fight as a team player anyway.So there would be no joining up as assj. Also goku putting on a false front ah no. Goku fights for sport not to kill, he is not arrogant or cocky like vegeta. He wanted vegeta.to have a turn , if he hadn't then he wouldn't have said it. Like i said he doesn't bs or lie. Why put it in the script if it isn't true. Goku is pure meaning he tells the truth and he wanted vegeta to have a turn. The fact they decided one would go first and one would go second means the plan was to have a turn each , think about it.

Your entitled to Think what you want man that is your right. I know what my view is on it so i will just say on paper i disagree with you and leave it there. I don't wanna discuss/argue about it anymore.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
I hope i haven't offended you., i am just not into debating or disgussing things on that kind of level. I get bored ha.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
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