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A What If short story: Kekkaishi: Power


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Kekkaishi: Power
A what if story
Based on
Kekkaishi Episode 4: Her Treasure

NOTICE: Watch before you read to better understand.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

What is this about?: Well, it's simple. This is a what if. The what if in question is: "What if the Shadow Squadron hadn't come at all?" Take note this is only my interpretation of possible events, so yours may be different. Enjoy.

Sumimura jumped back, appalled at the demon's strength. He hid it by a clever smirk, however. The demon put down the giant stone it was carrying and sighed.

"This is boring. Only a weakling would use a trick like this to win. Isn't that right, Yomi?"

Yomi's breath caught. You're right, Yoki. And now that you're strong enough... You don't need me anymore.

Yoki stared Sumimura down, his fifteen foot frame towering over him. "I don't need any tricks to beat this human trash." He said overconfidently. Sumimura stood his ground, confident in himself.

"You talk real tough there, buddy. But even with your fancy new powers, you still can't bust through my kekkai!" He smiled broadly. "Well, what're you waiting for? Go ahead and try it again."

Yoki grinned evilly. "With pleasure." He ran forward as Sumimura readied his barrier, and started pounding on it, the blows actually managing to bend the frame of the barrier. Sumimura's expression turned to one of deep thought.

Great, now he's even faster. If I'm gonna trap him, I better do it now.

"Hoi! Joso! Ketsu! Kai!" He yelled, each word helping to capture Yoki in a strong barrier, only his head sticking out. Sumimura ran a good distance away, then turned around. "Careful, don't move around in there." He tightened the barrier around Yoki's neck. "You might lose your head." Yoki merely regarded him coldly. "Well, are you gonna keep messing around or are you gonna leave peacefully?" Sumimura asked. Yoki scoffed. "Hmph! I don't need your charity!" He started pounding on the barrier, harder, warping it with each blow. "You really think I can't tear right through this puny kekkai, boy?!" Sumimura took a step back, frightened. "Easy guy! Hey, watch it!"

Yoki's eyes glowed brighter as he lifted his head to the sky. "Land of Karusumori! Give me more strength!" As he uttered the last word, his eyes shone a brilliant ruby color. His muscles began to expand and bulge, the veins showing clearly. Sumimura was, actually, impressed. "That's amazing... He's going through another transformation!"

Yomi stepped forward. "Yes Yoki! That's right! Get stronger! Get stronger!" Yoki growled. "I'll become more powerful! Much more powerful!" He started pounding harder on the barrier, warping it even more than he already was. Sumimura laughed a bit. "You are more powerful!" He said, trying to strengthen the barrier. Yoki laughed. "I told you I could break through it, boy! I wasn't lying." He pulled his arm back and with a thundering punch, smashed the barrier like glass. Sumimura was blasted backwards by the force and hit a tree, hard. Yoki walked slowly forward, confident. "I was always labeled as weak." His voice had almost a hint of sadness to it, a longing, almost. "Nothing but a bumbling, know-nothing moron! But now... Heh heh! Now that will change! I will prove my strength! My power! I will crush you to dust!" He clenched his fist tight at the utterance of that last word. He looked at Yomi, his heart sinking. I did not mean what I said... He thought. I did it only to prove myself to you, my tamer. My only friend. "Yomi!" He said softly. "Come here."

Yomi took a step back. "You said you didn't need me anymore." She said quietly. "You don't need me!" She shouted to Yoki. "You even said so!" Yoki's breath caught. She actually believed me when I said that...? He stopped walking towards Sumimura and swallowed to fight the lump in his throat. "But I do need you, Yomi. I need you as much as you needed me. Together, we can prove not only my strength, but yours as well." Yomi shook her head. "You're on your own now. Stop lying to me. You don't need me."

Yoki took a deep breath and continued his death march towards Sumimura. "So, shall we finish this, boy? I must go prove myself to Yomi's ungrateful parents." Sumimura got up slowly. "Fine by me." He said matter-of-factly. Yoki grinned, his teeth gleaming in the moonlight. "Perfect." His sharpened tail flew forward, intent on piercing Sumimura's chest. Sumimura smiled. "Joso! Metsu!" A barrier appeared around the tail's tip, then closed and crushed it. Yoki brought the tail to his face to examine it more closely. "Impressive, boy. But you'll have to do more than take my limbs off to stop me." The tail regenerated, first the bone, then the muscles, and finally the skin wrapping around it in a sickening manner. "Don't you remember anything from five minutes ago?"

Sumimura's breath caught. "You act tough, but are you really so strong? Joso!" He put a separate barrier around each of Yoki's four limbs, and then placed a fifth one inside him, around his organs. "Metsu!" Sumimura yelled, and the barriers vanished along with their contents. Yoki grunted and fell, limbless and disemboweled. Sumimura turned to walk away, but turned around quickly when he heard a voice behind him. "Puny boy..."Yoki forced the words through gritted teeth. "I am not... Finished yet!" Sumimura's eyes widened. "How are you still alive, let alone talking?!" Yoki strained out a laugh. "I can regenerate from ANYTHING, boy!" He said loudly, his limbs growing back. Sumimura could only assume his innards were regenerating as well. "Boy... All you've succeeded in doing is making me angry." Yoki got up quickly, an ice cold expression on his face. Sumimura smirked. "You don't look very angry. Then again, you don't have much of a face to begin with."

Yoki growled deeply, the reverberation resounding in the area. "Are you mocking me, Kekkaishi? A being with power even greater than yours? Limitless, even?" The ruby glow in his eyes flashed for a second, indicating his anger. Sumimura nodded, smiling, his teeth showing in his broad smile. "Yeah, that's about right." Yoki clenched his fists, the veins bulging grossly, his teeth gritted. "Your overconfident nature is grating on my nerves, boy!" Sumimura shrugged mockingly, showing he really didn't care how angry Yoki got. It would only serve to get him captured more easily anyway. "You could say I feel the same way about you." He got back into his kekkai stance. "Hoi! Joso!" The bright outline appeared around Yoki again, but he moved out of the way so quickly, he couldn't even be seen. He appeared in front of Sumimura, a wide, evil smile splitting his face.

"Guess who?" He said mockingly as his huge fist slammed into Sumimura, sending him flying backwards. "Puny human. Pathetic and weak. Just like I used to be. The only problem with you is that YOU cannot grow stronger! I feed off the land's power itself! A limitless supply for my limitless power!!!" Sumimura got up quickly, braced for another blow. "Then show me your power!" He said, obviously asking for it, big time. Yoki clenched his jaw, baring his fangs. "You are truly a fool, Kekkaishi. Truly a fool." Sumimura laughed. "Tokino says that all the time, big guy. Nothing new to me. And I have a name, you know. It's Sumimura." Yoki laughed. "I don't care about your name, boy. You'll be dead soon anyway!" He grabbed Sumimura, leaving only his head sticking out, and pushed him against a tree, preventing his hand movements for creating another kekkai. "Are you truly this weak without your barriers, boy? Is this all the power you have? I am appalled at how weak you are. You remind me of how I used to be. The Yoki that was. This... This is the Yoki that is, and shall be forever!" He pulled his fist back, ready to slam it into Sumimura's head and end it, but something was holding him back. He looked at his hand and saw another barrier around it. He grunted and looked around for the source. Sumimura coughed. "T... Tokino! Stop! This is my fight!"

Tokino stepped out of the woods, her hand glowing. "Not anymore, Sumimura. I can't let you die." Yoki laughed bitterly. "Great! Just perfect! Now I can finish off TWO Kekkaishi in one fell swoop! Less competition that way." Tokino's expression was serious, her determination clearly showing. "You won't kill either of us, demon. I'll make sure of that. Matsu!" The barrier collapses on Yoki's hand, crushing it. Yoki grunted in pain but didn't move. "Foolish girl." He split his tail into three and wrapped them around Tokino. "Simple and predictable. I'll kill you both." He regenerated his hand and brought it back up, simultaneously trying to crush the life out of Tokino. "Time to end it. Finally, it is finished."

"Yoki!" The voice came from behind Yoki, and he relaxed his grip on both Kekkaishi to look back. "Y...Yomi! What are you doing? Trying to stop me? I thought this..." He looked at Sumimura, his ruby red eyes flashing. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" He tightened his grip on the Kekkaishi again, trying to squeeze them to death. Yomi took a step forward. "Yoki, stop!" Yoki involuntarily released both Kekkaishi when Yomi said that. Yoki shook his head, confused. "Wh... What...?" He looked at Yomi, his eyes pleading, longing. "Why did you make me stop?" He asked, genuinely confused. Yomi took a deep breath. "Because... Because the Yoki I know wouldn't do that!"

Yoki took another look at the Kekkaishi. "But they think I'm weak..." He said, his voice faltering. Yomi shook her head. "You aren't weak! Not anymore! You've proven yourself. So stop. If you kill them..." She pulled out a kunai knife and put it to her neck. "I'll kill myself, too." Yoki looked at Yomi, back to the Kekkaishi, and then back to Yomi again. "You're just saying that so that I'll stop hurting them." He said bitterly. Yomi stepped forward, determined. "No, I'm not. Since when have I lied to you, my only friend, Yoki?" Yoki gritted his teeth and looked at the ground, trying to remember any time at all that she had done so. He couldn't. "I... I cannot remember, Yomi."

Sumimura lifted his hand, "Hoi! Joso! Ketsu!" He captured Yoki in a barrier, tightening it to the point where Yoki was completely immobile. "Alright big guy, are you calmed down enough now?" Yoki took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I'm fine, Sumimura. Let me go. I want to be with Yomi." Sumimura gasped. "You called me by my name. Guess you do learn." Yoki smiled slightly. "I knew your name, boy. I just didn't respect you enough to use it. Now let me go, please." Sumimura bit his lip. "Can I trust you?"

Yomi walked to Sumimura and put a hand on his shoulder. "You can trust him. Now let him go." Sumimura sighed. "Alright, but if he wrecks anything more, he's going in another kekkai, got it?" She nodded. "I understand." Sumimura breathed in deeply. "Kai!" He dispelled the barrier. Yoki opened his eyes. "Land of Karusumori, I thank you for your strength. Now take it back." His muscles went back to their normal size, and he sighed. "I thank you, Kekkaishi, for proving my strength." He walked up to Sumimura, not to fight, but to shake hands. Sumimura warily grabbed one section of his enormous finger and shook it. "Kinda hard to shake hands when the recieving party has hands bigger than your body." He said, jokingly. Yoki grinned slightly. "Don't think I like you, boy. You still grate on my nerves. Especially with your dull humor." His voice was serious, but his face showed otherwise. His eyes, while still red, had gone back to their normal white color, and were no longer bloodshot. Yomi walked next to him and looked into his eyes. He looked back the same way. Yomi sighed. "I hope you're still big enough so I can ride on your shoulders."

Yoki laughed slightly. "Only one way to find out." He gently picked up Yomi and placed her on his shoulder. "Comfortable?" Yomi nodded. "Just like old times." Yoki grinned, his teeth showing from his split lips. "You mean like about fifteen minutes ago?" Yomi smiled softly. "Yeah, fifteen minutes ago sounds about right." Yoki turned to leave, then turned back to Sumimura and Tokino. "I am sorry for the trouble." He said, going on one knee. "Forgive me for the damages I've caused." Sumimura smirked and took a step forward. "I'll just say some vandals came in, okay?" Tokino looked at Sumimura dryly. "How are you going to explain the giant cracks in the school's ceiling, and the sliced off tower?" Sumimura put a hand on the back of his head. "Well, you see..." Yoki got back to his feet. "No, I should just turn myself in." Yomi gasped. "Yoki, don't you know what they'll do to you?" Yoki sighed. "Yes, I do. I just hope that they can forgive me for my actions."

Sumimura stepped forward. "I'll put in a good word for you. You aren't a bad guy. Just a little lost, is all." Yoki grunted, the lump in his throat forming again. I mustn't do that. He thought. Not in front of them, and Yomi... Despite his attempts, the tears came anyway, rolling down his face like warm rivers. "I thank you, Sumimura. It may not be much, but you have my blessing." Tokino stepped to Sumimura's side. "Your blessing is worth much to us, demo-... Yoki." Yomi reached over to Yoki's face and wiped away his tears. "You shouldn't be crying. There's nothing to be sad about." Yoki grinned, his silent sobs shaking his body. "I'm not sad, Yomi. I'm happy. For both me and you. I'm what you always wanted now, smart, fast, strong... I'm perfect for you, and your stubborn father." Yomi nodded. "Yes, but... Do you still need me?" Yoki grunted and looked to the sky, deep in thought. After a short while, he answered. "For my strength I do not need you." He said seriously. "But I need your friendship, just as you need mine."

Sumimura looked away and made a false gag gesture, prompting a quick slap from Tokino. "Don't ruin the moment." She said in a hushed voice. Sumimura furrowed his brow. "What moment? The girl falling in love with the demon for the second time? Gag-fest..." Tokino sighed. "You obviously don't understand." Sumimura looked at Yoki, smiling and ignoring Tokino. "Yoki, Yomi. Are you going to stick around?"

Yomi and Yoki looked at each other. Yomi spoke first. "It had crossed my mind." She said icily. Yoki smiled slightly and laughed. "What she means is a rather cold and distant yes." Sumimura laughed and mock punched Yoki's ankle. "You sure? She seemed pretty out of that idea." Yomi regarded Sumimura icily. "Yoki is right, though. We have to stay for a while. Perhaps longer." Sumimura smiled and looked at Tokino. "Will it be okay with you?" Tokino looked at Sumimura, then Yomi, then to Yoki. "I think it's fine. Personally, Sumimura, I would've terminated that demon right away. But it looks like it's cooled down now." Sumimura looked at Yomi and Yoki. "I think you should stay with me for just a while." Yoki looked at Yomi. "If it's alright with you." Yomi nodded. "I'm tired anyway. It's almost midnight." With that, she yawned. "I think I'm going to fall asleep right here..." She leaned her body against Yoki's head and closed her eyes. Yoki looked at Sumimura. "Lead the way."

Sumimura sighed. It's gonna be an interesting night... He thought.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Thanks guys. ^_^ I appreciate it.

I'm considering giving this a sequel as well, if you guys would want.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Chloe_Ryder;249378 said:
I second this notion! Nice imagination DT, I like it :)


I hadn't liked the way it had played out in the original episode, so I put my spin on it. Guess it turned out great!

Expect a sequel in the near future. ;)


Don't trust people
I'd say the same as the others. It's an awesome what if story dude.

This just proves your writing skills and creativity flood.

Don't drown in it!


Dante enthusiast!
Wow! I don't think I've read any of your stuff before and just wow! - your a really good writer!

Brilliant! ^_^
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