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a ppl devided


medicated insanity
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

they say it's better to have loved then to have lost right? i serusly don't know about that love is painful and some time's drive's ppl to do crazy thing's weather there in love or pertty much got there heart stomped on. i admit i love, i love this one girl so much and if i where to lose her i would probly go mad.

some ppl when heartbroken me knowing a few will seek to hurt them self's eaither by cutting of the wrist or some other childish act i now know why even at the age of 16 i am told i am to young to date. could it be that my parent's only told me this to protect me from being heartbroken? knowing that at a young age it can couse us to do crazy thing's do to the fact where young and don't fully think thing's threw?

i have yet another qustion, what is love? can any boddy truely understand what it is? or why we feel it? is it yet another test we must past to enter this "promised land"? whatever the reason for this emotion and the reason we feel it or the reason we do crazy thing's weather where in love or just laying on the cold dark floor of heartbreak there is one thing humankind will alway's have in commen....no matter what..they will alway's love...so think twice when you think this world doesn't love, true war is every where it's all around us and some day it will consume us..that is unless the goverment's start acting right and the ppl stop and realize even tho we have diffrent skin color diffrent view's, ideal's, dream's and wishes diffrent coltur diffrent land scape's where all human's we where all born the same way we breath we sleep we dream's we laugh we play

if ppl would stop and think and realize how much we have in commen rather then how much we don't and stop being so viloent maybe then a age of peace will arise altho man is pron to vilance. chao's is a need now day's war has become away to releave stress so it seem's...some time's i attualy wake up stareing at my roof smileing because im still alive i know war hasn't happend near the U.S. but there are possabltie's chance's that could make it happen some time's when im alone and have noting to do my mind wounder's...what if i woke up and My family where dead because of this childish war? what if i wake up one day then that night a nucler war breake's out? my girlfriend her family my family all of them would be killed like me ppl all over the world have ppl they don't want to see killed i don't worship any god or any thing for that matter but i do studdy diffrent coltur's belife's alot in my spare time if im not mistaken in the bible didn't it say do on to other's as you would have them do on to you?

we have ppl we love and so do those of other country's they don't want us hurting them and we don't want them hurting us or our family it's kinda in plain sight that we nore any one want to be hurt or have our loved one's hurt the truth is what drive's war is greed,misunderstanding,and the ppl in control of the world's goverment's that fale to see other way's around a problem and jump fool headedly into war with out even second qustioning it.

i think the ppl should over throw there goverment and become anarchy but i honestly don't know i wittnessed alot of pain and suffering within the 16 year's i've been alive phyiscal and emotional we can't completely stop it but we can reduce it alot..i was 4 year's old i just started showing the sighns of being bipolor, my emotion's where uncontorlable and my parent's struggled with me my whole life i was finaly put into a hospitel at the age of 7 there they keept me and numores other childern who became family afther awhile there was this girl from another country we use to play card game's all the time in the room they keept us in most of our time there.

at the hospitel it was like a house and a school put together we had a liveing room with a tv a couch a table and game's they had a lounch room and bed room's. we where there because they where trying to find a med that would help us control our problem but most of the time they keept us so dopped up that when our parent's came to vist us we didn't know who they where and every friday we would all gather in a room and watch our "family" be picked to return home , the bord member's looking at us with a cold face telling us one day we would return home only to be disapointed again come friday.. my reason for this hosptiel storie and telling you all this personal imformation is because when i was in there they keept me dopped up i couldn't feel any thing i was completely cold to be honest i didn't know what happyness is in there even tho i was only 7 year's old i seen how chaotic the world really is how bad it has really become was.

it wasn't up intill the time i joined a web site and done some one i fell madly in love with wrong for the soul pupose of a exsprment to use for my school report afther that i begain to feel emotion's when i was figured out for the first time i feelt guilt bipolor ppl feel emotion's alot stronger then most ppl there for if where hurt it almost kill's us some time's. the point is we all love,hurt we all want peace yet we repetedly deny our self's it therefore where all hurt again i apolgize if this donesn't really prove a point to any of you whom read this i just feel i had to speak out the best i could i hope that this has prove atleast a few point's and helped or saved a few ppl maybe one day i'll be able to do something big with this then maybe the world will heal who know's all i can hope is that ppl like me whom dislike war and seeing there fellow man hurt and killed off like animal's will all stand up together and help turn this world from it's path or undoubtly domed life and turn it to a life of peace a life where every one can get along with no war,

don't only do it for your self's tho do it for your children and there kid's and there kid's kid's because if this age or war is keept going not only will the death of ppl from other country's be on your hand's but the seemingly terablbe life of your grandchildren thank you for takeing the time to read this...i know this may seem random if you read it because it wasn't brought up in any disccsstion altho i have posted this on many other forum's i am a member of please allow me to keep this up here maybe it will do some good even if in the smallest way thank you

^^ peace out guy's

(as you can see this is no fanfic so if it's in the wrong place please put it there i couldn't think of where it should have went.... also this was something i did for s tech school report altho its not my redone version it hits the points .-. thought maybe by posting this on a website where ppl from around the world go to it might chnge ppl idk. hey! im not a good guy don't ever! get that idea in your head.)


Is not rat, is hamster
Nah, it's not something you want to be thinking about when you're trying to get something down on paper/post. It can always be done after ;)


medicated insanity
another one? sorry my friend but by another "one" what do you mean? this really wasn't a fan fic more like a "call for peace" if you catch my draft.
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