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A couple hidden things

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First of the Dead


SSSmokin' Sick Style!
Pretty interesting.

In the second video, the part that was questioning the "Major Air?" refers to how Ninja Theory focused on a heavily air based combo system. In the existing DMC, the bulk majority of the fighting stayed on the ground. During an interview with some of the developers, they stated that "the reboot focused on getting the action in the air as much as it was on the ground." Large open levels allow for that. DMC 4 encouraged a lot of air time combat, but nothing close to what we'll expect in the reboot. Air time combat has it's advantages and drawbacks. But it looks like the reboot will have a combo/combat system that encourages the player to be in the air as much as he or she is on the ground.


First of the Dead
Pretty interesting.

In the second video, the part that was questioning the "Major Air?" refers to how Ninja Theory focused on a heavily air based combo system. In the existing DMC, the bulk majority of the fighting stayed on the ground. During an interview with some of the developers, they stated that "the reboot focused on getting the action in the air as much as it was on the ground." Large open levels allow for that. DMC 4 encouraged a lot of air time combat, but nothing close to what we'll expect in the reboot. Air time combat has it's advantages and drawbacks. But it looks like the reboot will have a combo/combat system that encourages the player to be in the air as much as he or she is on the ground.
thanks :)
and yeah i noticed there is definitely more aerial combat in this game. oh and when i commented on the major air, i had noticed dante was extremely high in the air! like ridiculously high, did you notice that?


SSSmokin' Sick Style!
He's fighting inside a cathedral. Most gothic cathedrals tend to top out at 100 or so feet when you hit the ribbed vaults in the ceiling. So he's probably around that height in that scene.


SSSmokin' Sick Style!
now that's crazy air time. im excited to see just how high people can get with their insane combos

With some clever camera angle work, you can be 30 feet off the ground, but appear to be 100 feet off the ground. It was hard to tell exactly how high Dante was, but it was up there. Gothic cathedrals have the issue of weight which limits their height. Masonry bricks can only support so much weight, so most of the gothic style cathedrals topped out at 100 feet, and that included the stabilizing of flying buttresses on the outside (which you don't see from the inside as in the video). Yeah, I'm interested in seeing how high you can go with Dante in the reboot, because if the combo system works as I think it will, you can massacre entire legions without every setting foot on the ground.


First of the Dead
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing how high you can go with Dante in the reboot, because if the combo system works as I think it will, you can massacre entire legions without every setting foot on the ground.
this is a good thing, that would be insanely stylish if you could kill a small army of enemies without even touching the ground


SSSmokin' Sick Style!
NT must be employing a different style/combo system then. I know if they employ the traditional SSS combo system, you'll amass an insanely huge SSS combo if you kill 20 enemies in the air without touching the ground. The existing SSS combo system would be woefully inadequate for quantifying the epicness of SSS-ing the sh!t out of stuff 100 feet in the air. LoL


First of the Dead
NT must be employing a different style/combo system then. I know if they employ the traditional SSS combo system, you'll amass an insanely huge SSS combo if you kill 20 enemies in the air without touching the ground. The existing SSS combo system would be woefully inadequate for quantifying the epicness of SSS-ing the sh!t out of stuff 100 feet in the air. LoL
i guess that's it probably just gonna be more difficult to reach SSS status in the style system


Humanoid Typhoon
Not only is NT focusing on air combos, but the amount of enemies that get hit in launchers and the huge attacking area of the sythe leads me to believe that you'll be able to combo not just one but maybe 3 or 4 enemies at once


First of the Dead
i agree with you i noticed you can pick up multiple enemies with the scythe, so yeah the aerial combat is definitely improved, however i hope the ground combat is just as solid. from what i've seen so far i have faith in it


Humanoid Typhoon
oh yeah, another thing is his "rebellion" is supposed to be just like him, right? equal power. Well i'm guessing that it also represents how much control he has over it, which is why its sorta unpredictable just like he is now. And will not become full Rebellion until he has full control over his power


First of the Dead
oh yeah, another thing is his "rebellion" is supposed to be just like him, right? equal power. Well i'm guessing that it also represents how much control he has over it, which is why its sorta unpredictable just like he is now. And will not become full Rebellion until he has full control over his power
oh wow, that's a really good point. i never thought about that, good observation, perhaps throughout the game rebellion will become more solid (no pun intended) as a weapon


Humanoid Typhoon
I hope the enemies wont need a specific weapon to defeat them. Thats like heavenly sword. I would much rather have a weapon that i like and be able to maximize it to handle any type of enemy. Unless its breaking a guard or somthing, i dont want to have to remember which weapon is necessary to kill each enemy.


First of the Dead
I hope the enemies wont need a specific weapon to defeat them. Thats like heavenly sword. I would much rather have a weapon that i like and be able to maximize it to handle any type of enemy. Unless its breaking a guard or somthing, i dont want to have to remember which weapon is necessary to kill each enemy.
yeah i hope not either because that gameplay element is used in way too many games, maybe if they used it in a very new and interesting way.


SSSmokin' Sick Style!
I hope the enemies wont need a specific weapon to defeat them. Thats like heavenly sword. I would much rather have a weapon that i like and be able to maximize it to handle any type of enemy. Unless its breaking a guard or somthing, i dont want to have to remember which weapon is necessary to kill each enemy.

Considering that NT is using a form/style bases system, I would assume you can kill any enemy with any weapon. Whether or not it's easier or harder to kill a particular with a certain weapon or style remains to be seen. As an example, I ran through DMC 3 with just Gunslinger. None of the other classes or weapons. Yeah, it was hard as heck sometimes. But at other times it was like shooting fish in a barrel. (Though Dante probably wouldn't be above doing that - LoL). In DMC 3, the guns can kill any enemy in the game. It's just more efficient and easier to use other weapons and styles when the need calls for. There are some sweet weapon combos in those videos. And it appears that while each weapon can used at any time, I'm hoping NT doesn't plan to restrict weapons uses by requiring a specific weapon to kill specific enemies. That takes the fun out of it real quick.


First of the Dead
yeah, having to use specific weapons makes it feel more of a hassle than anything. (and on a side note) speaking of weapons, i hope NT also doesn't restrict a variety of weapons to just dante's sword that morphs into other weapons. in other words i hope you come across other weapons that aren't the morphing weapon


SSSmokin' Sick Style!
Like any typical game, I would hope you earn the ability to expand your weapon by picking up objects (DMC 4 style with Nero - who earned more abilities by finding objects and special orbs) or finding the weapons themselves (just about any game). In a way, from an organizational point of view, you could have a single weapon that changed as you earned new abilities for it (DMC 4-ish style). I think it would be better to find individual weapons themselves. In a way, finding objects to expand Dante's abilities and weapons is nearly the same as finding individual weapons themselves. You're still having to locate and find things. The DMC series offered a good system where you could quick-switch weapons on the fly, which helped immensely with some forward planning at the start of each mission. There are two considerations to think of regarding the weapons though:

1. If NT decides to use the "expand weapon ability/morph deal" with the "alleged 18 available weapons" they better have a relatively simple and effective game play control scheme in place. Not sure about you, but I'm sure as hell not gonna even TRY to memorize 18 different combo button presses to use all the weapons in the reboot. On top of that, you gotta factor in switching to the appropriate weapon quickly and efficiently.

2. If NT uses the style/form based combat system where it's advantageous to use a particular weapon against certain enemies, NT had BETTER have a rock solid and FAST method for switching to the needed weapon quickly. From the videos, there are varieties of enemies coming at Dante all at once. So fast weapons switching better be available if this route is taken.

Personally, the Style based system of DMC 3 worked beautifully. Simple, easy, and very efficient. I hope NT uses a similar system in the reboot.
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