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  • What may work on your forum does not have universal appeal - this forum has its own style and own set of particular rules - one being that outright rudeness is intolerable and does not go unchecked.

    Stark truthfulness is a poor cover for blatant rudeness and insulting someone. I'm sure being disrespectful is not a requirement of your forums and it sure as hell isn't here - by all means share your apparent expertise with people here, if they are wanting it, but do so in a manner which doesn't upset others - it is highly unprofessional in any capacity to behave the way you have done. It's precisely the attitude that got Dante in so much trouble - his need to show off his "superior skills" before proceeding to tell someone how crap they are. You might think yourself truthful but you are devoid of tact, finesse and professionalism - I do not care how much you so obviously worship Dante's "skills", it shows a blunt biased opinion towards everything he does and an unwillingness to praise the elements of someone else's abilities which are worthy of note. Even if you disagree with how this person does things, do you need to be rude about it? No you don't - you can instead say how you would do things differently, how they may have errored and how to correct it - but not by treating them like you have done. You're right, we're not a GFX forum but I can assure you that your boards are not the be all and end all of all things GFX - of course you can be truthful as it's better than blindly saying "wow you're stuff is great" and not mean it, but please do so with some decorum and being mindful that not everyone will react to being called names in a positive manner.
    there's a way of doing these things - to call someone's work n00bish doesn't help - especially when you can see an argument is already in full flow. What escapes me is why those who are artists here cannot allow another artist to have praise for their efforts - however inferior they may appear to be in comparison to someone else's. Surely if someone is better or more experienced they should seek to edify a newcomer by being constructive but instead people just seem to elevate themselves, pull others down and then try to tell them what to do and how does that help?

    If anyone here has something in terms of a critique then they need to know that critique is not the same as outright criticise - it seeks to constructively aid a person in bettering themselves in whatever they are doing. Saying to someone "you're not at my level so you have no valid opinion" or words to that effect (an example, not quoting you or anyone else here) is just hurtful and inflammatory and unfortunately there are one or two here who feel the need to say these things and can't just say "well, why not try such and such?" or whatever.

    I'm not an artist - I don't claim to be - but nobody has the monopoly on what makes a "good" sig and nobody has the right to run around calling people names, slamming their abilities - however limited they may be - and then say they have a right to do so because they are speaking the truth and mod on a GFX forum.

    Sorry, but mod status on another board means nothing here and no matter the subject of your other forum, it does not mean you have the right to call someone's work n00bish or that person retarded or anyone who doesn't support your claims whatever other names you have chosen.

    Art is a personal thing - highly subjective - and as DA himself said what one person likes another person doesn't. But to belittle those who do not agree with your opinion of someone's skills or a sig they've made is wrong - there's no defence for that. this particular argument that you got involved in has been there for a long time and for a long time these two people have battled over art with neither being willing to accept to agree to disagree. There's a lot of pride involved, a lot of "look at me!" and it came to a head in that particular thread, unfortunately. I don't know how or why you got into that thread but to come in and say what you said in that particular way helped no one and if you are a mod on another forum then you should know how to conduct yourself and what is expected of members - including what happens when those parameters are not kept.
    u need to watch your mouth kid.... u will soon learn that a big mouth wont get u far
    If you've got nothing constructive to say on this site then don't bother saying anything at all. I don't approve of people running around the place shooting their mouths off and making out like they are something special by slamming other people. I don't allow ANYONE to throw their weight around in such a disgraceful and disrespectful manner. And the next time your friend comes crying to you to come and join his arguments, think twice. I hope any further contributions you make to this place are less...eventful.
    Are you only here to support Aseroth? Or to speak utter crap?

    Dante can take care of himself without your help anyway, I'm surprised you came here to somewhat defend him; Despite the very fact that the arguing was quite literally childish in the first place.

    Before I welcome you properly, you need to sort out your priorities.
    I really dont kid. I dont do GFX, I ACTUALLY draw WITH my hand, with color pencils, stencils, pens etc.

    But please, for the love of God, leave me alone and bother someone who gives a damn you bumba clot!
    Don't play games. You're clearly acting in the 'mighty chair' with me; and you're not going win anything other than make Aseroth look like a retard to me. Why are you even arguing with me? Was this your fight? Let me guess, Aseroth chickened out and let you do his bidding and you're taking the place. Sit down and knock the purpose back-and-to replying off.
    I hate Aseroth, because that attiude is one of which, I hate. I dislike you, but I don't hate you either, since i've never met you.
    For the record, you seem like Aseroth, trying to be a smartarse, the tags on that signature also, id been making sigs approximatly 1 month 3 weeks? Past then, I hadn't been up till a few months. I'm an extremely nice person if your arrogance and intellegence doesn't blow like sh*t into a fan; which it currently is. It's 2:57 in the morning,I have college tomorrow. Kthanksbai.
    Then why are you comparing your 'sheer brilliance' to my "old" since you clearly ARE the master of all sig making and PS pro aren't you. Go whine to Aseroth on MSN and your totally annoying 'up.my.own.arse' attitude. You're the definition of WHY i hate people like you, and baby minding Aseroth. I never stated once, unless you read correctly, that my sigs were good, more saying on the pen tool than opposed to my creations, than you flashing your e-balls around. You'll get smacked in the face with that attitude working. Pipe it.
    He's a knobhead defending Aseroth because he cannot clearly defend himself. Oh and bad comparison, considering that signature is 4 months outdated comparing it to newer ones and ONE signature made. Looking back on Aseroths old signatures, thats a slight understatement, don't be a hypocrite.
    Argh u did NOT have to post these big ass pics.

    Actually, Neros looks better than those. Im not saying she the best....God no, but what u dont seem to understand is that SHE IS BETTER than DA. Stop spamming my profile.
    Do I look like I check IP's?
    Funny how Aseroth brought you from GFX to support his crap when he's nothing special and cannot defend himself. Sign up date is suspicious too.
    Try letting him walk-lone instead of bottle-feeding for him. Oh, and if you think its ****, thats okay, I don't really care, because I never mentioned mine were brilliant. Quotes please?
    Obviously, u havent been here long enough to cast an opinion on anyone so keep your opinions to yourself.
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