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  • Stuck at work for the time being, maybe later I'll play some more Final Fantasy III...not sure yet. I'm looking at getting the new Wolverine game on the 360; although I'm trying to wait, because I know in two weeks it will drop down from £40 to £25...¬_¬ patience patience
    Lucky for some I'm stuck at work ^_^

    Hows your exam prep. going?
    Hot? Hm, sadly its pretty windy and rainy here >.<
    Hey thanks, I fancied a change ^_^
    The new ST film sounds good, its suposed to be a decent Sci-Fi/Action flick if anything, I always hated the Shater TV Show Star Trek, but the films I felt worked really well -- heres hoping this follows suit.
    I hope you enjoyed the film Vaux, I've spent most of the weekend watching Star Trek films that have been looping on Scifi/Horror ^_^
    That it is a more action packed and suspensful story when compared to DVC ^^ I hope to see it myself soon ^_^
    I wish you the best of luck with your exams ^^

    My day was pretty uneventful really, nothing major or minor - no worries about late replies, i'm just as late replying most of the time ^^
    Well, have fun ^_^
    I would reccomend a bit of study, afterall it pays off in the long run :)
    I lost a close family member at the weekend, it was a long time coming but still ... not very nice. ^^

    Exams eh? Well, I hope you've been studying lol
    yhoo r very welcome, bra! me glad yhoo n her both like dem! :D if yhoo need anythin else me will be more dan happy ta help! XD
    For a second there I thought it said "my brother is getting a perm" and I was like "why the hell would he want to do that??" :lol: All sounds good...look at you getting in there with the staff. People will start talking :lol:

    You have to take photos of you and Kyle at the expo though - it's a new rule I just created right now :D
    I'm so fat!!!11111one *sob* *sob* :lol:

    Yeah, we're good thank you - Steve just got Halo Wars yesterday and hasn't put it down yet so I'm seriously missing my Oblivion time...:(

    How are you? :D
    here yhoo go, bra! me hope yhoo like it! XD :D


    me didn kno if yhoo wanted an ava but me made yhoo one juss n case! ^_^
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