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General DMC 5 Discussion


Active Member
Anyone else notice that the weapon dante is holding looks nothing like any of his other weapons?
Where did you get this image from? A official source or fan made?


I Saw the Devil
Where did you get this image from? A official source or fan made?
Official art. There are going to be a few of these from Capcom artist. This is from the guy that did the art of SNK and some other works. The other 2 will be announced as release approaches.

Yes, sir!It will be my pleasure to be the winner, sir!:wink:
BRING IT!!!,:woot::woot:
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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
That's Sparta. It's just the artist who drew it probably drew it by memory and didn't really pay attention to it's appearance.

Considering this is Shinkiro I doubt he would make a mistake as grave as that. He got everything else spot on. Plus his Sparda is so far off (by memory or not) it had to be intentional.

Plus in another promo art we see a blue humanoid bird that was never "officially" shown. Capcom could be hiding light "spoilers" in broad daylight with these art pieces and its not that hard to believe since they had story hints, clues, and foreshadow in the last 2 music videos from Devil Trigger and Subhuman.

Capcom is probably being super extra with the promotion of this game.


Active Member
If so I think we have seen this weapon in a trailer specifically gamescom.
Sparda is fleshy on one side not to the end and metal on the other.
In the gamescom trailer at the very end Dante has a big stone looking sword with a rough pattern in the middle (yes it could be sparda because it’s at a difficult angle).
But if these are two different swords I bet it’s gamescom sword.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Considering this is Shinkiro I doubt he would make a mistake as grave as that. He got everything else spot on. Plus his Sparda is so far off (by memory or not) it had to be intentional.

Plus in another promo art we see a blue humanoid bird that was never "officially" shown. Capcom could be hiding light "spoilers" in broad daylight with these art pieces and its not that hard to believe since they had story hints, clues, and foreshadow in the last 2 music videos from Devil Trigger and Subhuman.

Capcom is probably being super extra with the promotion of this game.
I think that's a bit of a reach. There's no doubt that's suppose to be Sparda since that's most likely the sword Dante will use near the end of the game. I think the artist really did just draw whatever came to mind with Sparda since you don't really see the whole sword in that picture anyway.
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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I think that's a bit of a reach. There's no doubt that's suppose to be Sparda since that's most likely the sword Dante will use near the end of the game. I think the artist really did just draw whatever came to mind with Sparda since you don't really see the whole sword in that picture anyway.

I find the fact that you think a professional, paid artist commissioned by a massive corportation like Capcom would make a mistake or intentionally misdesign a key weapon in the plot and Capcom would publish such an obvious error a bit of a reach. I've seen Shinkaro's work a lot due to my history with SNK games and his work on some Capcon titles. Outside some small adjustments he usually is very faithful to the works he is commissioned to make. Drastically redesigning Sparda because he forgot what it look like (although we have the internet he can Google it so that is an awful excuse) or because of the lulz (possible) is highly unlikely. Capcom released another promotional piece of art where a character not yet "officially" shown off to the public appears in it (and we know there is a blue bird in the game due to leaks) so I find it hard to not think Capcom will keep sprinkling stuff like that to keep people talking, speculating, and guessing.....you know like good promotional material.

Itsuno and Okabe did say there are a few more new weapons for Dante to show off. Is it hard to believe this could be one of them or a new form of Sparda (although nothing about it seems similar to Sparda) outside being a sword.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
I don't think it's enough of an "error" as you believe, it's just...Sparda looks like a weird rack of spareribs with a blade attached to it, especially in DMC5, it's not something you can really "get wrong" insomuch as the basic design of the sword. I'm also not seeing the bird you're talking about in the other image, unless you're talking about that thing behind V, which I think...might just be a generic monster they threw in behind them characters.

Like maybe they're hiding hints? But probably not.


Well-known Member
guess no V trailer for this year

we're gonna get some new footage at the game awards next month
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Hot-blooded God of Guns
I like that idea it’s another rebellion improved. It’s sharp on both sides similar to rebellion unlike sparda.
Plus I’ve never been a fan of rebellion.

Perhaps Rebellion gets an upgrade to something Sparda-like, as if Rebellion is the base Force Edge to a stronger weapon.


Earthbound Immortal
Perhaps Rebellion gets an upgrade to something Sparda-like, as if Rebellion is the base Force Edge to a stronger weapon.
I would not be surprised if getting Rebellion reforged into a stronger sword is a major sub-plot and maybe Dante's final form thus bringing him full circle as he wields the weapon he had at the beginning of the game.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Void mode seems like best training mode in action games up to date. It's pretty cool that it seems you can make enemies attack you, since it makes much better practice as oppose of stationary enemies. It's like mission mode in NG only where you can really train yourself.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Void mode seems like best training mode in action games up to date. It's pretty cool that it seems you can make enemies attack you, since it makes much better practice as oppose of stationary enemies. It's like mission mode in NG only where you can really train yourself.

Not only that but Matt said you can have multiple magazine loadouts which you can switch between on the fly......he needs to be more clear on that part. Can I switch between them using a designated button(s) or go through some menu? Is this feature exclusive to the Void? If not then

Nero just got a whole more fun

If it is oh well I guess most of Nero's combo vids will be done in the Void:tongue:. So far we seen the enemy slots go up to 12 (its cropped so we cant tell the final full number of slots) and we know so far DMCV has 15 (now 16 enemy types since we have seen the flying version of the bug demon). Now I'm curious will bosses be available to use in the Void...hmmmmmo_O

Also with the unlimited Breakers option we see that Nero's DB's just cycle to the next one without breaking the current one so you will have to have a full rotation to get back the previous breaker you were using. I guess this is how the Super Nero costume will probably work.
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